Thursday's Child


June has just begun when she got a call. She's at work when her phone rings and she ducks behind a shelf to answer it. "Hello?" she answers absent-mindedly.

"Piper, let's talk. I'm outside your work," Daniel says sharply before hanging up, not allowing her any time to say anything. She looks at her phone before she hangs up and puts it back in her pocket. She moves from where she is and tells her manager that she has an emergency and she'll be back in twenty minutes tops. He allows her to leave and she rushes from her work, finding Daniel to be waiting in his car outside. She climbs into the passenger seat and he starts driving, catching her off-guard.

"Daniel?" she questions but he just keeps driving. She glances around the car and looks into the back seat, taking in mess that is scattered across the bench seat. A bottle glints as light reflects off of it and she glances back at Daniel, taking in his appearance. After a while she just looks forward, not quite sure how she feels about being in the same car as him.

They just turn a corner when he decides to speak. "You're such a bitch, you know that?" he says venomously, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Well you're not better," she retorts bitterly.

"See, you can't just leave it! You have to stick the knife in even further," he yells which makes her scoff.

A sinking feeling appears in her gut but she pushes it to one side. "What knife, huh? The only one with the knife in this situation is you!"

"Of course, just fucking blame me. That's all you're good at, Piper," he seethes. She watches as he lets go of the wheel with one hand and uses his arm to wipe across his eyes, almost like he was clearing his sight. The action makes her realise something and she turns around in her seat, reaching forward and moving the items that cover the back seat. And there they are, the empty bottles of vodka and beer cans. She drops them before withdrawing her hand.

Looking back at him, she shakes her head. "You promised," she says quietly.

He looks at her for a few seconds before looking back at the road. "I promised what?"

"You fucking promised you wouldn't drink and drive again!" she yells. That seems to catch him off-guard because he drops both hands from the wheel momentarily before he replaces them quickly. "You promised after last time that you would never drink anything alcoholic if you were going to be driving anywhere."

He snorts and rolls his eyes. "Well we've both broken promises to each other, haven't we?" he mutters sardonically.

"See, this is why I'm marrying Taylor," she tells him bitchily, hoping to gain a reaction from him. However, her words do more than she thought they would. His foot presses down on the pedal more and more, making the speed increase from twenty miles per hour, slowly climbing up past fifty.

When he doesn't reply to her words, she looks back over at him and sees that she's gripping the wheel tightly and looks pissed off. She then catches sight of the speed. "Daniel–" she starts but doesn't finish because she glances back out the windscreen and sees that up ahead is a wall and it doesn't seem like Daniel's looking to slow down a bit.

"Why do you like fucking with my mind, Piper?" he asks quietly, his foot presses down even more and his speed increases.

"I don't–" are the only words she gets to reply with before the car drives straight into the wall, crushing the bonnet and throwing both of them forwards. Neither have their seatbelt on and Daniel gets flung forwards so fast that his head connects with the steering wheel with a sickening noise. Piper flies forward but tries to react quickly and puts her arms out to try and stop herself from hitting the pulldown too hard, only for her right wrist to take the brunt force of her weight and snap from it. Her head still hits the hard surface with a hard thud and her forehead cuts open.

Outside people are just registering the accident. Someone screams out for them to call the cops before people pull out their phones, dialling 999 and bombarding the police with several calls of the same accident. The people close to the wreckage see that the bonnet is crushed and the ones that are on the phone to the police relay to them that they think the people in the front of the car are trapped because of it.

The truth is that neither of the two is conscious.