Thursday's Child


She's alone for the first time in a while and she just stares at the pills that rest in her first aid box. Taylor's gone to do something but she didn't take too much notice of what he had told her. The one thing she did take notice of when he was speaking was when he told her he was going to cancel everything for the wedding because he didn't think she would be ready to get married only two months after his death. She stopped him, though, but wouldn't give a reason.

The pills she's staring at are a collection of things she's gotten from the doctors' over time that hadn't been completely used when she'd be prescribed them. There was no point in throwing them away when it was more convenient to keep them in case they were needed in the future. And right now she was contemplating about taking them all, regardless of what the box reads.

She just wants the pain to stop. She goes to pick one box up but then stops, her fingers only centimetres away from them. She wants them so badly but she can't. She can't because of Daniel. She just couldn't do that, couldn't give up like this because he wouldn't want that. Any other time she wouldn't listen to someone else's want, but right now she feels it inside of her. She knew Daniel for far too long and she knows that he wouldn't want her to die, not like this.

Putting the box back is one of the hardest things she does, but when she manages to do it she runs from the bathroom quickly and back into her room. She moves the chair in front of the door and sits on the bed. It stays like that until Taylor comes home because she knows that nothing will happen to her while he's around.