The Beginning off the End


Kitty Davis
SURPRISE! Office Party, Friday 3rd May 8:30pm

There are many types of love, but the worst is the cruellest kind, it’s called unrequited love. Most love stories are about those who fall in love, but what about the rest of us? Those of us that fall in love alone, we are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. Yes, I am that individual; I have willingly loved Charlie Turner for two miserable years. The worst years of my life, these years that I have been in love were the darkest of my life because I’ve been cursed for loving a man who will not love me back. Just the sight of him, heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can’t swallow. The usual symptoms. I walked over to Jess, my friend who also worked on Wedding Planning, like me.
“Whoa, what's wrong with you?” she asked concerned when I downed two glasses of champagne in front of her. I turned my head towards Charlie, and her eyes followed.
“Oh Kitty, why? Why do you still pine over him?” she asked me, sorting my fringe out.
“I don't pine” I lied as I played with the button on my shirt.
“It’s been two years since he cheated on you, why are you talking to him? I mean, if I found my boyfriend with the bitch from Funeral Planning in my bed, I would have been pissed and never talked to him again! I would defiantly not be friends with him or have him on speed dial!” she scowled shaking her head.
“He’s not on speed dial” I muttered as I continued to stare at him. Now I was daydreaming, we were getting married, buying our first home and Oh my God, the sex! And our kids- suddenly I got a slap across the face from an angry looking Jess
“Thank you. I needed that” I said nodding my head. She nodded her head and was about to say something, when my boss, Mary asked
“Kathrin dear” I grimaced at my name
“Kitty” I said for her
“Kitty then, I have an extra special job for you to do. I hope that you can do it because you’re one of my best” smiled the woman.
“I’ll just go and get my diary, then we can swap information” she nodded and waited for me to come back. I walked back into my office and searched for my red diary. It was a blood red colour, with a thick polka dot banner going down the side; it was tied together by a red ribbon so it shouldn’t be hard to find in my office. I rummaged through my desk and found it sat there, under Charlie’s Birthday present.
“Always working” came a voice from the doorway. There he stood in all his glory, I swear the way the light bounced off his blonde hair made it look as though he had a halo.
“Charlie! Happy birthday!” I said giving him a hug
“Thanks Kitty” he said in his husky voice.
“I got you something” I said as I handed him his present.
“Oh damn! Yours is still in the post” he clearly lied to me. When we were together, he never got me gifts, it wasn’t hard to remember given our birthday is two days apart.
“Its okay” I said, content that I was breathing the same air as him.
“Can all staff gather round please” shouted Phil, head of the company.
“Thank you Kitty” he said as he gave me a kiss on my cheek. He tapped my chin with the side of his finger and left my room. I walked back to the main room with a smile on my face; I stood in roughly the middle of the crowd.
“Please can we bring Charlie Turner and Janine Willows to the front please?” the crowd parted and they walked to the front.
“Can we please congratulate Harry and Janine as they are now engaged!” shouted Phil. My smile dropped and I felt a pinch at the back of my eyes, I wanted out, I started to walk out the room as Harry was saying a speech, then my name was mentioned.
“..And I would like to ask a close friend of mine to organise the wedding, Kitty Davis, would you please do Janine and I the honour of organising our wedding” everyone in the room was looking at me, so I placed a fake smile on my face and gave a stiff nod. The crowd erupted and I walked out the room. I walked to the train station, and sat on that for 45 minutes, then walked through my local village and up the hill to my house. I closed the old wooden gate behind me, walked up the path and unlocked my door. Once the door was closed, and I’d taken my shoes and coat off did I wail out with my broken heart.

Amy Matthews
Baltimore, Maryland
I woke up in my newly cleaned sheets and looked at the time, 10:00am.
‘Hmm, it would be roughly 3:00pm in England right now, I’ll call Kitty, and I haven’t talked to her in a few weeks and she always makes me smile’
I picked up my phone and dialled the familiar number of my old high school pen pal. It rang a good few times before my sniffley friend picked up the phone.
“Hello?” the voice called out
“Hey Kitty, its Amy”
She sniffed once more and replied “Hey Amy, how are you?” she asked before crying again
“Hey, what's wrong?” I cooed down the phone as I sat up in my bed.
“Y-y-you know Charlie?”
“Your ex?” I asked
“Yeah, well I have to plan his wedding to the bitch from Funeral Care!” she wailed
“Aww Kitty Kat” I said feeling my eyes water for my friend.
“I don't know what to do!” she wailed out
“You need to have a break, get away from everything” I said
“Yeah? Well, where am I gonna go?” I was quiet for a moment before I had a brilliant idea.
“Kitty, I need to ask you a favour”

Kitty’s POV
“Kitty, I need to ask you a favour” said Amy on the other side of the phone.
“What?” I asked wiping my eyes and nose
“Well, as you know John and I got married last month and we just got the plans for the honeymoon, can you come to Maryland and house sit for us. The food would be all covered, as would the car, anything to do with TV, you wouldn’t need to pay!” I thought for a minute.
“This would be the perfect time for you to get over Charlie” she said
“You think?” I said pathetically
“Yeah, and who knows, you might fall in love with someone else!” she laughed
“Alright Amy, I’ll do it”