The Beginning off the End

Baltimore, Maryland

So I was off. A week later I was in the US and Amy was where ever in some exotic country with her new husband. I couldn’t sleep on the plane because I just couldn’t get comfy, so I was exhausted. My phone vibrated in my bag as I sat in the taxi. I opened the text to see it was from Charlie.
‘Hey, just found out that you gonna be away for a while :( how can I contact you?’
I thought to myself
‘You are the whole reason that I'm going away! Think Kitty, what can I say that will make him leave me alone?’
I was stuck so I asked the taxi driver
“Well” he said as he scratched the stubble on his chin “I think that you should tell him that you need a break from everything and that you need some time alone”
“Thanks” I said smiling and typing what he just said. He gave me a forced smile and looked back to the road. I sent the text and turned my phone off, not wanting any more texts asking where I was. I sighed heavily and looked out the window; it was early morning and my favourite time of the day. He turned down a street that looked slightly familiar, I smiled as I remembered visits here as a teenager. He stopped the car and took my suitcase out, slightly throwing it, asked for his money then left. I picked my suitcase up and walked towards the front door. Unlike past visits, the garden was a mess, and a large pot hole was in the middle of the path meaning I tripped over. I heard a giggle and saw a little girl next door playing on a swing set. As soon as she saw me she stopped laughing and looked a little scared, I gave a small chuckle, smiled and waved at her. She smiled and gave a shy wave back. I picked my suitcase up and went to the front door.
“Okay, where did she say she put the key?” I mumbled to myself as I rummaged around in my pocket for the notes we swapped over the phone.
“Ah ha!” I said and pulled out the already crumpled piece of paper.
“Under the plant pot” I said to myself out loud. I looked around and saw no plant pot, all I saw was pots full of dead plants, after rummaging round, and I saw the plant pot. I smiled to myself and picked it up. I unlocked the heavy door and walked inside, dumping my cases by the front door and went to explore the house. After getting something to drink, there was a knock on the door. I opened it a small crack and saw the little girl from before, except she was holding a man’s hand. I opened the door wider and stepped outside
“Hey, I'm Cassie” said the little girl with a broad American accent.
“Hello Cassie, I'm Kitty” I said smiling
“And this is my Daddy” she said smiling up at the man.
“Hey, I'm Jack” he said holding out his hand
“Kitty” I replied shaking his hand
“So, where’s Amy?” he asked letting go of my hand
“Well she and John are off on their honeymoon, so they asked me to house sit for them” I explained.
“I like your dress Kitty” said Cassie as she touched the hem of it
“Thanks, I like your shirt” I said as she blushed, it said “My Dad’s A Rock Star”
Then, somewhere deep inside of me, a bubble was making its way up, a bubble of pure terror and tiredness, that couldn’t wait, it reached the top and the yawn bubbled out. I did my best and tried to hide it by pretending to cough, but Jack caught it.
He laughed and looked down at Cassie and said
“Cass, I think it’s time we went home, Kitty’s been up all night and she needs some sleep” he said with a smirk on his face
“But, I just made a new friend, I can’t leave now” she whined, grabbing hold of my leg and pulling the biggest pair of puppy eyes I had ever seen. I was gonna crack but Jack warned her
“Cassie, let go and let Kitty sleep” Her eyes got wider and got damper as well.
“I can come round later” I blurted out, looking at Jack with worried eyes, in case she started crying.
“Really? That's awesome” smiled the little girl, who let go of my leg.
Jack smiled and pointed to the house next door “Come over when you want” they waved goodbye and walked down the drive. I closed and locked the door, then dragged my stuff upstairs and falling straight onto the bed, not bothering to change. I smiled to myself and fell asleep.

I woke up to a bright room; I turned my head to the side and saw that it was one o’clock in the afternoon. I sighed and stretched. I stood up slowly and walked towards the bathroom, turned the shower on and washed my body. I stepped out and dried myself deciding on jeans, a white blouse and some white pumps. I walked downstairs and finished the drink I started from earlier and grabbed an apple to eat. I finished it and pulled my coat on, fluffed my hair up a bit then walked out the door towards Cassie and Jacks house. I walked down the drive and tripped on the pothole again, but I managed to catch my footing. I made a mental note to fix that. I walked up the unfamiliar drive and nervously played with my hair, I quickly stopped it when I pushed the doorbell. The door opened quickly and I was pulled inside by a hyperactive Cassie.
“DAD, KITTY’S HERE!”She shouted through the house. A distant “Make her comfortable” shouted back.
“Hey Kitty! I thought you weren’t gonna come! I had to make Alex play dolls with me” she exclaimed pulling a face. I was pulled into what I think was the living room and sat down on the floor next to a man I had never met.
“So you’re the infamous kitty that I’ve heard so much about” he said while holding a pink cup and saucer.
“That's me yeah” I said as Cassie pulled my coat off me. She ran out the room and hung it up and was back in a flash.
“I'm Alex” he said holding out his hand
“Nice to meet you Alex” I said smiling
“Are you British?” he asked excitedly
I nodded my head and accepted the imaginary drink from Cassie
“Thank You Cass” I said, smiling at her. She grinned back and introduced me to Barbie who was sat next to me.
“What brings you to Maryland then?” he asks
“Do you know Amy that lives there?”
“The blonde one?”
“Yeah, well she and I were pen pals when we were at school. We got closer and carried on writing to each other when the project finished. We stayed really close throughout our teens until now when she got married last week and is off on her honeymoon so she asked me too house sit for her so here I am” I replied, shrugging
“Do you want a biscuit Kitty?” asked Cassie
“No thank you Cass, I'm a bit full” I said, rubbing my stomach for emphasis.
Footsteps made their way down the stairs, and then Jack came into view.
”Hey Kitty, did you get your beauty sleep” he asked me smirking and walking further into the room
“Yeah, I did” laughing back.
“Good” he said sitting down next to Alex and a stuffed doll. We all sat and talked for the rest of the afternoon and I found that they were so easy to get along with.
“So what do you do?” asked Jack as we sat in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil.
“I'm a wedding Planner”
“Really? I’ve never met a wedding planner before” gasped Alex
“Why are you so shocked?” I asked, slightly nervous of the answer
“You’re so calm. Aren’t wedding planners like, stressed out about like everything?” asked Jack, who was pouring me a cup of tea.
I laughed loudly and said “I do get stressed, but the more you get stressed the more things go wrong, so I try not to, plus you upset people and that's not what the jobs about, you want to make this day special for someone so you have to work as a team, not an individual. It does take a lot to get me stressed out though” I replied shrugging
“What do you guys do?”
“We, my dear Kitty, are in a band” explained Alex proudly
“Wow, that's great! What you guys called?” I asked cooling my tea
“All time low” said Jack looking at me
“Hey, I’ve heard of you!” I said happily
“Name one of our songs” asked Alex, squinting at me
“Weightless” I said
“Sing it”
“What? No! I am not singing!” I said shaking my head quickly and stubbornly
“If you were really my friend, you would sing it” he said, making his bottom lip quiver
“B-but, w-w” I sighed and looked at Jack, who just smirked and pointed at Alex’s face.
“Manage me, I'm a mess, turn a page, I'm a book half unread, I wanna be laughed at, laughed with, just because, I wanna feel weightless and that should be enough-“
“YEAH!” shouted Alex, as he and Jack clapped like seals.
I blushed and thanked them. I stayed the rest of the night until I had to go, deciding it be better to unpack my things
“Well guys, I think I better get going now” I say standing up
“Thank you for coming Kitty” said Cassie who hugged me. She was such a sweet kid, and she was so easy to get along with, unlike past experiences.
“Yeah, thanks for coming” said Jack standing up and leading me to my coat. I put it on then noticed he put his on
“What you doing Jack?” I asked laughing
“I'm dropping you off m’lady” he said bowing down and holding my hand while attempting my accent
“Why thank you kind sir” I said with a slight chuckle
“Alex, I'm just taking Kitty home. Back in a minute”
“Alright, Bye Kitty!” Alex shouted
“Bye Alex” I shouted back as Jack pulled me out the door.
“How you liking it here then?” he asked looking at me
I shrugged and said “It looks alright; I haven’t been here for ages so I can’t remember it”
“Do you want a tour tomorrow? I’ll drop Cass off at school and we can go round town...if you want” he said excitedly but blushing slightly in case I said no.
“Sure Jack. That would be lovely” I said smiling as we reached my door
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow at like 9:00?” he asked me
“Perfect” I say smiling. He kissed my cheek and waved me goodnight.