The Beginning off the End

All Time Low

The next day strolled around and at 9:00 sharp; a pattern of fast tapping noises came from my door. I smiled and grabbed my coat, opening my door and seeing a bright eyed Cassie smiling at me and a sleepy looking Jack.
“Good morning” I say to the pair of them
“Morning Kitty” says Cass who attacks me with a hug. I hug her back and look back at Jack. I open my arms out and he steps into them, he seems a bit shocked for a minute but then hugs back. I smile and pull away.
“Alright, let’s go!” I say smiling. I lock the door behind me and Cass grabs my hand, pulling me to the car in the drive next to me.
“We’ll just drop Cass off at school, and then we’ll go around the town” says Jack as he opens his door for me.
We arrive at the school and Jack and Cassie jump out.
“You can come too, if you want” said Jack. I smiled and jumped out the car.
“What a nice looking school” I say looking around the playground
“It's not that great” shrugged Jack
“It's better than the one I went too sweetie” I said patting his arm smiling.
“CASSIE” shouts a little Asian girl running up too us. Her black hair bounced up and down in her pigtails.
“Sherry!” shouted Cassie as she embraced her friend. The two laugh and I smile at the sight.
“Hello, I'm Sherry” smiles the young girl looking up at me and holding out a hand.
“I’m Kitty, lovely to meet you Sherry” I say as I shake her hand. She nods her head at me as if in approval. The bell rings and the children make their way to the big green doors. The two wave and walk off together.
“Sherry’s nice” I say as I strap myself in.
“She is. She always makes Cass smile” he says smiling himself.
“Okay, where first?” he asks me.
“Wherever you want”
“Have you had breakfast yet?”
I shake my head no and he smiles
“I have the perfect spot”
We were inside an old diner. The walls were a light candyfloss pink faded by the sun and pale yellow’s.
“Hey Jack” said a women with grey hair
“Hey Mollie” he said smiling
“How are ya?” she asked smiling back at him, speaking with a broad southern accent
“I'm fine, so’s Cassie”
“And who might this young lady be?” she asks looking at me with a warm smile
“This is Kitty, she’s visiting for the next month” he says pushing me forward by placing a hand on my lower back
“Hello” I say shyly
“Welcome to my diner!” she says chuckling
“Thank You” I say looking back at Jack. He shrugs but smiles back at me
“Follow me” she says as she trots to the back of the diner.
We sit at the table and she takes our orders.
“You seem friendly with Mollie” I say, taking a sip of my morning tea. He nods his head and says
“The guys and I would come here a lot when we were younger. They have the best food here”
“You haven’t tasted my food! It’s the bee’s knee’s” I add smiling, punching the air
“I’ll have to take you up on that offer” he adds smiling

About 3 hours later and we had finished the tour around town. I'd had a lot of fun and Jack was smiling so I'm guessing so did he. We pulled up at his house and he pulled me inside his house
“Sorry about the mess” he grimaces
“Its fine” I laugh as I sit in the kitchen
“We were a bit late this morning”
“I can tell” I say looking around.
“So how come you’re looking after Amy’s house again?” he asks bending down to pick up stuff.
“We’re pen pals from school. We kept in touch and stayed close friends, so she asked me to look after her house while she and John go on their honeymoon. I need the break from work so I was the first person she asked”
“Why did you need a break?” he asks as he loads the dishwasher.
I clear my throat “I found out that the person I’m in love with is getting married and has asked me to organise their wedding” I feel my eyes water a bit but refuse to let the tears fall.
“Aw man, that's awful” says a voice from the doorway. I wipe my eyes and wave it off, then turning around I see three more guys.
“Don't you knock anymore Alex” asked Jack straightening up.
“I did knock” argued Alex. The guy behind him looked at me and shook his head no and mouthed “No he didn’t”
I laughed out loud and the guy smiled back, glad that he had made me laugh. I looked back at him to see the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen.
“Kitty, this is Rian” said Jack pulling me out my seat and pointing to Rian
“Hey” he said still smiling. Dazzled by his smile, I quickly shook my head, shaking me out of my dazzlement and gave him a hug
“Hello, I'm kitty” I say over his shoulder. I let go and see a well toned guy standing awkwardly next to Alex.
“I'm Zack” he says holding out a hand
“Kitty” I shake his hand back and smile
“Where had you two been then?” asks Alex sitting me back down and placing an arm around my shoulder.
“Mollies” smirked Jack. The three men gasped then Alex said “You went to Mollie’s. Without us?”
“Took Kitty. And guess what”
“What?” coursed the three guys
“She’s cooking dinner tonight” the three boys punched the air and cheered, happy for their free meal.
“You’re coming round to mine though, if I'm cooking, I want to cook in my own kitchen” I say crossing my arms.
“Yeah” yelled Alex as he kissed my cheek. The three of them chatted excitedly and Jack winked at me, signalling that I did right.

Later that day, I was running through my cupboards looking for what I was going to cook them
“What the actual hell am I gonna do?” I asked myself out loud. I sat down at the table an thought ‘I’ll do the best thing I know how to do, I’ve done it for years’
I stood there and peeled, chopped and diced the vegetables; set the oven at the right temperature for the meat to go in and poured cake mixture into two tins. I sat and waited for it to cook and in no time the cake was out. It cooled, then sliced, filled with jam and fresh whipped cream, followed by a sprinkling of icing sugar then placed on a cake stand. I put it in the fridge, so it could stay cold. I set the table, cleaned the house a bit when the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and slipped due to the slippy surface. I fell over and hit my arm going down
“Sorry” I said stupidly to the piece of furniture. I shook my head and frowned rubbing my arm ‘Why the hell did I just apologise to the furniture’. I stood up and opened the door to see five smiling faces looking back at me
“Hello!” I said as I pulled them all inside the house.
“It smells so good” sniffs Alex walking towards the kitchen.
“Hey, you can wait like the rest” I say pulling on his arm. He stares at me, so I stare him right back. Eventually I won and he sat in the front room with the rest of the guys. I went to check on my food and saw that it had another 10 minutes left till ready. I smiled and walked back into the room and saw then watching something on the TV. We were sat talking when I looked back at the clock and saw that it was time.
“Be right back” I say jumping up, not noticing Jack following me. I turn the oven off and open the door, pulling out the nicely browned beef from the oven. I smiled to myself and look up to see Jack stood there with his mouth watering.
“Kitty, need any help?”
“No, you’ll eat it. Tell everyone dinners done”
He did as he was told and they all scrambled to the table. Each plate had carrots, Roast potatoes, broccoli and some green beans, slices of beef and a Yorkshire pudding. The gravy was placed on the table and in the blink of an eye lid, all the plates were empty.
“That was awesome Kitty” said Zack patting his belly
“I agree” said Alex smiling at me.
“Room for dessert?” I ask looking at them.
They looked at one another and nodded back to me. I laughed and brought out the cake. Their eyes widened and looked back to me. I cut them all a wedge, but left Cassie’s on a plate so she could take it home. They all finished the cake and nodded at each other with approval. They stayed over for a while before they had to go to their own homes
“Thanks for the lovely meal Kit” said Rian kissing my cheek.
“See you soon, and Thanks “said Zack giving me a hug
“Thank Kit. I hope to be having that again” said Alex kissing my cheek and they all walked out the door, towards their own car. Jack helped me to wash and dry dishes.
“I gotta say, that is in competition with Mollies diner” he smirks
“Said I was good” I laugh as I give him a plate to dry.
“Sorry to hear about the reason you’re here” he said looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders and told him the story
“I started work there when I was 18 years old, and it was great. We were friends at first but then we went out with each other, then he cheated on me and that's when I found out I was in love with him. Two years later and I'm still not over him. I know I should be but I never got a break from him, and he played with my feelings all the time without knowing, that was the last straw”
“That's awful, I’ll help you get over him” he says standing up straight and puffing his chest out. I laughed and pulled my hands out the sink to dry them.
“Thanks Jack” I say bumping my hip with his.