The Beginning off the End

DVD's, Ice Cream and Late Night Strolls

The next week went quickly but it was the most fun I'd had in ages. There was never a dull moment and I got on with all the guys so well, they were without a doubt the sweetest, funniest guys I've ever met, each one had their own sense of humour but they all shared interests in the same thing. Cassie was also one of the more smarter six year olds I had the pleasure to meet, but she was funny as well, coming out with one liners, she also acted a lot like Jack when he was having fun and being himself, not serious, responsible Dad, someone who knew how to have fun, but still look after Cass, it was nice to see and I was happy that I had been welcomed into the group so quickly. I gradually noticed that Jack was smiling a lot more as well. He had a lovely smile, and it was contagious. On this day though, I felt a bit, I dunno, depressed? Sometimes you just wake up in an odd mood. It might also have something to do with the fact that Charlie text me last night or that I was plain tired. I decided that I wasn’t going out today, feeling all mopey. I'd just bring someone’s mood down and I didn’t want to do that. I dragged myself out of bed and went to the loo. I caught a glance of my hair in the mirror and gasped. What the hell did I do in my sleep? I knew going to sleep with wet hair was a bad idea. I groaned loudly and dragged a brush through it, making it frizzier than it needed to be. I gave up on it and walked down the stairs and looked through the cupboards, scanning for anything that included chocolate. There was a box of chocolate shreddies; I smiled to myself as I poured myself a bowl and sat in front of the TV. I quickly flicked through the channels and finished the end of some comedy programme. I stood up and walked over to the DVD section on the book shelf. I scanned for the films I wanted to watch today.
“The notebook?” I read out loud “Okay”
“Titanic? No I am not watching that again” I said to myself, pushing it back into its spot
“The Wedding Singer, Yes!” I punched the air happily and tucked it under my arm
“Dirty Dancing, Ghost and. . . . You’ve got mail” I carefully balanced them and walked back to the sofa. The time soon went and I just slotted in the new film when someone knocked on the door.
“Come in” I shouted hoarsely from crying at the end of the notebook.
“Hey Kitty, its Jack” he shouted
“Hey Jack” I shouted back as I went to go and see him.
“Are you alright?” he asked concerned when he see’s my blotchy face.
“I watched the notebook!” I wailed as I fell into his arms. I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled at me.
“Come on lets go sit down” he said pulling me into the living room
“So this is what you’ve been doing today” he says looking around the room. I looked up and saw the various cans of fizzy drinks including a Coke, 3 Diet Cokes, 2 Lemonades, a Dr Pepper and half a ginger beer because I didn’t like that. There was a pot of nutella with a spoon sticking out of it as well as peanut butter, there were various bags of sweets opened but I’d only had a small handful of them. Each DVD that I’d watched was thrown carelessly on the floor with the box open and tissues strewn around the table. I gave him a weak smile and nodded. He laughed and sat down on the sofa
“I'm gonna cleanup” I said going to grab a black bag
“It’s okay Kitty”
“No, I mean it’ll annoy me now that I've noticed it” I shouted from the kitchen. I walked out and put all the rubbish in the bag. I cleaned everything up then asked Jack
“Where’s Cassie then?”
“At my Mom’s for the night”
“Oh, she seems like a nice lady”
“She is, I love her very much” he says smiling.
“That's good then” I say sitting next to him.
“Do you want ice cream?” I ask looking at him
“Sure” he shrugs
“Yes” I squeal as I jump up and pull him to the kitchen.
“I remember when I came over here the first time; Amy and I made this amazing ice cream, it had everything in it!” I say as I pull a large bowl down, smiling when the memory came back. I sat there and made it while Jack watched. I finally finished and we were sat in front of the TV again with the huge ice cream
“What's in it?” asks Jack with wide eyes
“Well vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream, whipped cream, m&m’s, chocolate buttons, gummy bears and strawberry laces topped with nutella, peanut butter and sprinkles!” I say happily pressing play
“We’re gonna be up all night with all this sugar!”
“Oh well”
We sat there eating our ice cream singing along to the theme from Ghost. Halfway through it I felt my leg start twitching and I couldn’t keep still, seemed that Jack was having the same problems.
“Shall we go to the park!” I asked loudly
“Let’s totally do that!” he said happily. I kept my Pyjama top on, but changed into some jeans and pulled on some converse and headed to the door
“Let’s go!”
We ran to the park at about half past 10 at night and played around on the swings, slide, climbing frame and so on. We finally crashed at about quarter past 11; I looked to my left and saw Jack lying next to me smiling widely
“That was fun” he said looking at the stars
“It was wasn’t it? It’s been a while since I’ve done that” I laughed
“Thanks Kit” he smiles looking at me.
“No problem” I say smiling back “Let’s go”
We were walking back when a car pulled up next to us, a big black one. I looked at it quickly and pushed Jack to the floor screaming
“DRIVEBY” I covered my head and Jack’s
“Kitty, its Alex” mumbled Jack under my hands. I opened my eyes slowly and sure enough there was Alex looking at me with a confused smile and his head cocked to the left.
“Hey Alex” I said quietly, giving him a wave. He waved back and Jack helped me up.
“Where did you too come from?” asks Alex
“The park” said Jack and I said together
“Duh” said Alex to himself.