The Beginning off the End

Thunder and Lightning

“It’s gonna thunder and lightning tonight” said Cassie was she came and sat on my knee.
“But it’s so nice outside” I said pointing to the window
“It said so on the news”
“Cass you’re six, why are to watching the news?” I asked her as I brushed her hair.
“I went on the wrong channel” she shrugged
“I hate thunderstorms” I said as I tied her hair into a ponytail.
“Why?” she asked
I shook my head and said “Doesn’t matter sweetie”
Later that night after Jack had cooked us all dinner I said goodnight and walked home. I sat in the kitchen and heard the wind pick up and panicked, the wind never got this fierce in England. I looked outside and heard a huge clap of thunder. It shook the ground and made me panic. I grabbed a pillow and sat under the stairs, just as it started raining. It thundered again and I held my hands up to my ears, praying for it to be over.

Jack’s POV
“Damn Cass, the weathers bad” I said as a clap of thunder started
“Yeah, it’s gonna last about two and a half hours” she said taking a sip of her drink. We talked for a while when suddenly the lights went out. She gave a slight scream and ran into my legs, holding them tight. She calmed down then tried to switch on the light
“Powers out” said Cass, I picked the phone up and placed it to my ear then said
“Phones are out too, let’s find some torches” Cass jumped and started looking through cupboards
“I wonder how Kitty’s doing” I said as I found some candles and a torch. Cassie gasped and looked at me with wide eyes
“She hates thunderstorms! You’ve got to go get her Daddy” she said pushing me towards the door.
“Cass-“I started
“She’s scared of them” I pulled on the waterproof coat and my trainers.
“Do not open the door to anyone” I said sternly to her while pointing a finger. She placed her hand on her chest and nodded. I pulled my hood up and walked out the door, the rain was heavier then I'd originally thought. I knocked on her door and shouted out
“Kitty? It’s Jack, open the door” I banged on the door once more but I was getting drenched so I opened the door. I pulled my hood down and took off my shoes and coat.
“Kitty” I said walking around, another bang of thunder rumbled the floor and the lightening lit the room. Where do people usually go when they’re scared? I thought about Cassie and it clicked. I walked back through the kitchen and looked at the cupboard under the stairs. I opened the door slowly and saw a slightly teary Kitty with her hands around her ears and her knees up into her chest. Her eyes were tightly shut and she looked pale.
“Kitty” I said quietly as I touched her knee. She looked up and saw me there.
“H-Hey Jack” she whispered
“You’re coming home with me and Cass” I said as I held her hand
“But it’s bad out there!” She cried shuffling further into the corner.
“I promise nothing will happen to you. Trust me” I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Promise?” she asked
“I promise” I say, wiping a tear away. She nodded her head and stood up slowly, there was another crack of thunder and she stepped back into the cupboard. I pulled her back out again and put her in a waterproof coat, her shoes and a hat. I put my arm around her once I had my own stuff on and locked the door behind us.
“I hate thunderstorms” she said as it rained some more. A bolt of lightning lit the sky and she gave a small scream and held me tighter. I pulled her inside just as the rain got a bit heavier.
“Kitty” shouted Cass as she ran from the kitchen. She jumped into kitty’s arms and gave her a tight hug. I smiled as I took mine and kitty’s coat and put it somewhere to dry. We sat in the living room with a few candles on. We kept Kitty’s mind off the weather and in no time she was her normal self. Unknown to her though, Cass had fallen asleep on her shoulder a while ago and I didn’t really have the heart to tell her.
“She’s asleep isn’t she?” asked Kitty. I nodded my head with a small smirk because Cassie’s arms were locked around her neck.
“Come on” I whisper as I grab her hand and pull her up the stairs carrying Cass. I push the door open and Kitty places her carefully in her bed, pulling the covers up and tucking her in.
“Jack, can I have some help?” she whispered as she struggled to get Cass’s arms off her. After a few tugs, Cassie’s arms finally unclasp but she wakes up.
“Go back to sleep Cass” I whisper as I stroke her cheek with my thumb.
She yawns as she falls back to sleep. We walk out slowly and back downstairs.
“Here, I got you some stuff to sleep in” I say as I walk back into the room.
“Thank you Jack. For everything tonight” she says tucking her hair behind her ear.
“It’s alright, but why do they scare you so much?” I ask sitting down next to her.
“When I was younger, we went on holiday with some family friends; it was a caravan holiday in the middle of nowhere. I was about seven at the time and Mum told me and Harry, my friend, to go and play at the village park and it was such a nice day that we walked. About halfway there it started Thundering and lightning, we were in the middle of the field and completely exposed. Suddenly a bolt of lightning came down and hit the floor, right in front of me. I felt the heat come off that and it was terrifying. We ran off to a nearby barn cover ourselves from the rain, I fell and unknown at the time I broke my leg. So we were stuck in an old abandoned barn. It was thundering and lightening, a bolt of lightning hit the roof of the barn caught fire. We got out fine but I had never been so scared in my life, and whenever it thunders and lightening, it brings the memory back.”
“That's awful” I said
“It was, and do you know what my Mum said?” she asked me with tears in her eyes
“What?” I asked softly
“She said that if the lightening had hit earlier and got the barn, then she wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore” I pulled her close to me and played with her hair. We talked for a good few hours, the candles were half gone. I'm beginning to like this girl, a lot!

Kitty’s POV
I yawned and Jack asked me “Ready for bed?” he asked. I nodded my head and got up off his chest.
“Where am I sleeping?” I asked stretching
“You’re in my bed and I’ll have the couch” he said fluffing the pillows up. I shook my head and said
“No Jack, it’s okay. I’ll sleep down here and you sleep upstairs”
“Good night Kitty” he kissed me on the head, gave me a candle and pushed me up the stairs into his room
“Sleep” he said letting go of my hand.
“Jack wait!” I said. He turned around slowly and looked at me
“Don't leave me” I whispered as I held my candle. He smiled and climbed into his bed waiting for me to get in.
“I have to get changed” I said as I waved my hand dramatically. He laughed and said
“Bathrooms there” he pointed to the door connected to his bedroom.
“I can’t see” I said walking slowly. He laughed again and grabbed my hand and we were both in the bathroom
“I’ll close my eyes, and you get changed” he said as he covered his eyes with his left hand
“Wait, how many fingers am I holding?” I ask holding up two
“Erm, five”
“Wrong two” I said as I took my shirt off.

I got changed and told Jack to stand closer to the mirror
“Why?” he whined
“I'm sorting my hair out” I say looking at him out the mirror.
“What have you got to do?” he ask me
I pulled all the little pins out of my hair and watched as it bounced past my shoulders. It looked nice in the candlelight, bringing out my natural tints. Jack curls his fingers around an odd curl and says
“You look pretty with your hair down like that” I looked at him through the mirror “-not that you don't look pretty all the time” he rambled, I turned around and smiled at him, which he smiled back at me. He grabbed my hand and we carefully walked to the bed. He blew the candle out and whispered
“Night Kitty Kat”
“Night Jackie” I whispered back.