The Beginning off the End

A Day Out

I spent the night thinking and drawing out the plans for Cassie’s party. The table was stacked with papers of sketches, creating an idea. I was woken up to the sound of knocking on my door when I noticed the mess.
“One minute!” I shout as I throw pots in the sink, and paper balls into the bin. I quickly look around the kitchen and with a satisfied nod, I ran to the door, banging my head into the door after forgetting how slippery the floor was. *NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT RUN IN SOCKS IN THE HALLWAY*. My head hit the door with a loud bang and was followed by a voice I’d grown to adore
“Kitty? Are you alright?”
“Yeah” I laugh back as I rub my head. I stand up and open the door with a big smile on my face. Jacks face looks slightly worried but smiles when he see’s I’m okay.
“Hey Jack” I say pulling him into my trademark morning hug. He hugs me back stiffly before looking at me and laughing
“What?” I ask confused. He pushes me to the mirror and I see writing all over my cheek. Fell asleep on wet ink, again.
“Aww man” I cry as I stomp towards the kitchen. I wet a paper towel and start scrubbing my face
“Have a nice sleep?” asks Jack, sitting down at my table
“Yes, actually I did” I say turning to look at him “Did you?”
“It was okay. I’ve had better” he replies shrugging. I leave it there and say “All Gone?” he looks back up at me for a minute before standing in front of me
“You got a little spot, right there” he says taking the towel off me. He gently scrubs the ink off right cheek, close to the edge of my lip, before he walks over to the bin.
“Thanks” I say as he slumps in his chair. I look at the man before me. I cock my head to the side reading him. He looked tired, really tired. His stubble causing him to look older than he was and the lines beginning to set on his forehead, “He’s been through a lot” I say to myself before coming up with an idea.
“Hey, let’s go somewhere” I say as his head perks up.
“I need some new flowers for the garden. Then we’ll go get some ice cream!” I say excitedly. He shows me a small smile that then fades.
“I don't know Kit”
“It’ll be fun” I add, trying to get him to come with me.
He looks tempted
“Plus, I don't know where the garden centre is, and there is no way I am driving on the wrong side of the road” I say rolling my head and waving a finger at him before folding my arms. He laughs but nods at the same time
“Okay then”
“Yes! Let me get changed” I run upstairs and pull on Amy’s work clothes and jumped back downstairs.
“Let’s go!” I say as I grab his hand and pull him out. In no time I’ve bought all the flowers I want and Jack has one of the biggest smiles on his face since I’ve met him. I laughed loudly as we sat and ate the ice cream he bought us. He was telling me one of his stories of when he was in high school.
“...Yeah, and that's why Mr Watson hated me” he said and I held my stomach, trying to stop the cramps.
“Stop it, you’re making my stomach cramp” I say chuckling. He laughs at me and this starts off another laughing fit. His phone vibrates next to us, saying that he had a text from Alex and Rian, asking where he was.
“Come on” I say standing up with a big smile on my face. We walk out the diner, hand in hand; he opens the door for me then runs around to his own side to start the car up.
“My cheeks hurt” he says patting them slightly as we stop at a red light.
“Mine too” I say massaging them. He laughs again and the car zooms forward when the light changes. In no time we’re parked in Jacks driveway, seeing Alex and Rian sat on the step of his house with worried expressions.
“Where’ve you been Jack?” Stressed Alex. That soon melted away when they saw the smile on Jacks face. They stood up but missed the fact that Jack jumped on them both, sending them to the floor. They all had a bit of a play fight and eventually stood up meeting me at the boot of Jacks car.
“Need any help?” asks Alex with a huge smile on his face
“Sure” I say still smiling. They each grab the pots and placed them where I told them. After they drop them, Jack pulls me into a tight hug, which surprised me as he was always so, stiff? When I went to hug him. It was a nice hug though, so being me I hugged him back.
“Thanks Kit, I had a lot of fun today” he says pulling back
“No problem Jack. Anytime” I smile back at his and he walks off with Alex and Rian. I set off to fixing the garden, so I pull up all the dead plants and replace them with the new lush and healthy ones. It was late afternoon when a shadow came and sat next to me on the porch. I look up and see Alex sat on the bench
“Hey Alex” I smile as I plant some flowers into a basket.
“Hey Kit” he says sliding down to the floor, sitting opposite me.
“What's up?” I ask brushing my hands and moving some hair out my eye. He leans forward and gives me a hug. I hug him back, thinking of reasons as to why he was hugging me. He pulls back and shows me a smile similar from earlier. I smile back as it’s contagious.
“Thanks for taking Jack out today” he says, messing with the head of the blue flower I just planted.
“It’s alright Alex” I say reaching for the watering can.
“He’s had a rough time these few years and today is the happiest I’ve seen him in a while, thanks to you” I blush and look down
“It wasn’t just me, I bet it was something else too” I mumble, trying to control my reddening cheeks.
“Whatever Kit” he smirks and then adds
“Hey, we’re off out to dinner tomorrow, wanna come?” I look up quickly and suddenly got nervous
“Yeah you” he laughs
“Who’s going?” I ask
“Erm, Me and one our friends from school, Jack, Rian, Rian’s girlfriend, Zack and his girlfriend, oh and a few other people we work with”
I thought about it and sighed
“I don't know Alex”
“Come on Kit, this is how I can repay you, and we want you to meet all our friends. We’ve told them a lot about you” he adds slyly.
“What have you said?”I gasp
“You’ll find out tomorrow, I’ll pick you up tomorrow cos Jack’s gonna be at his Moms tomorrow”
“Okay Alex” he beams and kisses my cheek before waving and leaving
“WAIT” I shout. He stops still and turns around alarmed
“Watch out for the hole in the ground!”
He puts his thumb up and avoids the hole. I finish my gardening at about 6:00pm and I stand up to admire my work. The garden looks beautiful and I nod my head approving my own work. I brush my palms clean and walk inside the house. I stripped off and thought about tomorrow and what the hell I was gonna wear.