The Beginning off the End

All Time Low Meet Charlie

The night soon came around and I raided the wardrobe for something to wear. I pulled out a red dress that hit mid thigh and went over one shoulder. I pulled it on and raved through my shoes, seeing nothing to match with it. I pulled out Amy’s shoes and decided on a pair of bright red heels. I slipped them on and was surprised at how easy they were to walk in. I plopped in front of the mirror and did my makeup. I went over my face with a natural foundation, and then followed by my mascara and lipstick that made me look quite pretty. I put on some golden bangles and necklace with some red earrings. I'd curled my hair earlier, so I gave it a quick comb through with my fingers and looked at the clock. ‘Alex should be here in a minute’ I thought to myself. I sighed and picked up my coat and clutch then walked down the stairs. Someone banged on the door so I ran to open it, careful to stop myself from slipping.
“Hey Alex” I said as he walked in, pulling his hood down.
“Hey Kit, you ready?” I nod my head and see that it’s raining.
“Go and grab your umbrella, it’s raining” he says. I pull it from its place near the door and we leave the house.
A girl with blonde hair is sat in the front and she smiles to me. I smile back and Alex pulls me towards the car. I sit in the back and the girl introduces herself.
“Hey, I'm Eve” she says turning round
“I'm Kitty” I say smiling back.
“Your Kitty?” she asks happily looking back to Alex
“The kitty” he says smiling at me.
“Yep, that's me” I say laughing nervously. She shakes my hand then adds
“Great to finally meet you”
“You too” I say back, shaking her hand. We get to the restaurant, making friendly conversation with each other. She was a nice girl, and reminded me a lot of myself, but unlike me she wasn’t shaking with nerves.
“Everyone will love you” she says linking her arm with mine as we shared my umbrella. She had on a nice yellow with what looked like one of Alex’s suit jackets carelessly thrown on. The three of us rushed to the restaurant doors and was greeted by Jack and another man I didn’t know. He had black hair and a lip ring and was smiling at me.
“Kitty!” shouted Jack as he ran to me and pulled me into a hug.
“Hey Jack” I shouted back laughing.
“Come on, you can meet everyone now” he says pulling on my hand.
“Kit, this is Matt, he’s our tour manager and one of our best friends”
“Nice to meet you kitty” he says smiling at me, shaking my free hand.
I smile back and say hello before he walks off to go and tell everyone we’re here.
“May I take your coat?” asks Jack in his ‘British’ accent. I laugh and shrug it off. He gasps when he sees what I'm wearing then adding
“You look beautiful” he says twirling me around. I blush and look down and thank him. He laughs and pulls my head up with his finger before kissing my cheek. He links his hand with mine and pulls me deeper into the restaurant. We reach the table and there are at least ten people at the table. Jack sits me imbetween him and Eve, which I was secretly grateful for. A girl with pinky blonde hair and a nose ring sat opposite me, and then Zack followed.
“Kit, this is Kate” said Zack pointing to his girlfriend. The girls face broke into a grin and she stuck out her hand
“Kitty! Nice to meet you” she beams
“Nice to meet you too Kate” I say. Another girl sits next to Kate and Rian sits next to her. The girl had the most beautiful hair I'd ever seen. It was a golden brown and the light made natural highlights of blonde pop out. She looked up at me with big green eyes and a button nose sprinkled with freckles. Her pink lips parted and she smiled at me before saying
“You’re Kitty, aren’t you?”
“Yeah I am” I said
“Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Ronnie, I’ve heard so much about you! ” she said excitedly.
“Really? What have you heard?” I ask nervously.
“That you’re such a nice person” says Eve
“And that you’re so funny” chuckles Kate
“Plus you’ve made Jack smile again” added Ronnie
“Your Cute too” added Kate
I blush and look down
“I doubt I'm all those things”
The three of them laugh and they draw the rest of the tables’ attention to us.
“Oh god” I whisper to myself as I nervously wave to everyone.
“This is Kitty” says Rian loudly. The table all smile at me and wave back.
Honestly, I was glad I game to the night out. I was having loads of fun and all the people were so nice and kind. I was constantly laughing and always had a smile on my face, well so did everyone else. The boys had swapped seats so all the girls could sit and talk.
“I wish I had your hair” wined Eve playing with my curls “Mine stays straight”
“It looks nice straight, it suits you, and it’s so shiny” I say nodding my head.
“Have you dyed it before” asks Kate sipping her drink.
“I used to have the tips dyed, but I could never be bothered to go to the hairdressers” her eyes brighten and she sits up straighter in her chair
“I can do it!”
“But I don't know what colour” I say looking back at her.
“Well I'm staying here for the next three weeks so if you give me your number, we can organise a date!” she says excitedly
“Okay” I say as we swap phones. We all got each other’s numbers and were happily in a conversation.
“So what do you do?” asks Ronnie
“I'm a wedding planner” I say sipping my drink. The girls gasp smiling
“Do you go to weddings all the time then” asks Eve
“Yeah, I have too”
“Oh my god, I would love that job” squeals Eve smiling widely. The other two agree with her, and then Kate asks
“So why are you in Maryland Then?”
I cough and brush the hair out my eyes “Um, well I'm house sitting for my friend and getting a break from my life”
“Why?” asks Eve shuffling closer to me
“Well I’ve been in love with this guy for two years. I just found out that he’s getting married and that he wants me to plan his wedding” I said downing my drink
“Poor you” the girls gushed as they all pulled me into a hug. I felt a bit better after it and Ronnie asked
“Hey Kit, come with me to get a drink?”
“Sure” I say.
We’re stood by the bar when I see a familiar head of golden hair.
“It can’t be” I say to myself
“Hmm” asks Ronnie looking at me
“That's Charlie, the guy I was telling you about”
“No” she gasps looking at me with wide eyes. “He’s seen you” she says quickly.
“Fuck” I say looking at her.
“Quickly run to the loo, he can’t go in there” I nod and walk fast to the loo. I push the door open and look at myself in the mirror. I reapply my lipstick and ruffle my hair a bit. I decide to leave the safe haven of the bathroom to run to my table.
“Kitty Davis” says a voice. I turn around and there’s Charlie, stood there in all his glory.
“Hey Charlie” I say making eyes contact with Kate.
“So this is where you’ve been” he says holding onto my arm and giving it a light squeeze.
“Hmm” I say agreeing with him
“I miss you Kit” he says stroking my face.
“Kitty!” Shouts Jack as he slides his arm around my waist, protectively. Charlie let go and looked slightly shocked.
“Charlie, this is Jack. Jack this is Charlie” I say introducing them. I swear I heard Jack growl next to me, so I placed my hand on his chest.
“Nice to meet you” says Jack plainly. I hear a cough next to me and laugh
“Ha, how rude of me! This is Alex, Rian and Zack”
“Pleasure” says Charlie in a snob like voice. I grew annoyed at how he was acting towards them and stepped out of jack’s arms.
“Why are you here Charlie?” I ask him
“I’m on business” he says icily looking at Alex
“Ready Charlie?” asks a busty red head
“Business?” I ask him sarcastically. “Does your fiancé know?”
“Piss of Charlie, I'm fed up of you messing with my feelings. Don't call of text me again okay?” I say as I walk off, the guys following me. I plopped down next to Eviee and she claps
“Nicely done Kit” The rest of them agree and Jack walks up behind me and whispers
“Want me to take you home?”
“Well guys it was lovely to meet you” I say standing up
“Hey, you have our numbers, text us whenever” said Ronnie. They all took it in turns to hug me, and then I was pulled into another hug by Alex.
“Thanks for coming tonight Kit”
“No problem Alex” I smile as he lets go of me. I see him staring at Eve and I see what's going on.
“She likes you too you know” I say quietly so that only I and he can hear it.
“Who?” he asks stupidly
“Eve silly. You’ve been looking at her like that all night. She’s been looking at you all night too”
He blushes and looks down smiling. I nudge him towards her and Jack comes back with my coat.
“Thanks Jackie” I say as he slips my coat on. Once everyone see’s that Jack and I are leaving, they all come and say good bye to me. Finally we’re out of the restaurant, and it’s stopped raining
“I had a lot of fun tonight” I yawned as we set off.
“Me too. Except when that douche bag Charlie came, what the hell did you see in him?”
“I have no idea, it pissed me off the way he was talking to you guys” he said something else but I guess I fell asleep.