The Beginning off the End

Eve's Date

Jack’s POV
She was asleep and she looked so peaceful. She looked beautiful tonight and the thought of that dick she was with pissed me off. I pulled into my Mom’s front yard and she came out with Cassie, who was still awake.
“You should be asleep” I say as I pick her up into my arms.
“I wasn’t sleepy though” she said into my shoulder. “Is that Kitty in the Car?” she asks looking at me.
“Yeah, but she’s asleep. So be quiet” I say putting her back on her feet.
“Hey Mom” I say kissing her cheek.
“So this is the Kitty I have to meet?” she says walking to the car. She peers through the window and smiles then looks back to me
“She’s very pretty Jackie”
“I know Mom” She chuckles to herself then kisses my forehead
“See you soon Jack, I love you”
“Love you too Mom” and I walk back to the car. Cassie had her seat belt on and was sat in the back.
“Cass” I whisper
“Yeah Daddy” she whispers back
“Kit’s gonna sleep at ours tonight. Is that okay?” I ask
“Yeah. Want me to go open the door for you?”
We arrive back home and I give Cass the keys to open the door. I get out my side and walk round to Kitty’s side. I open the door and hook her arms around my neck and put my arms under her knees, holding her bridal style. I closed the door of the car with my foot, and walked inside, careful not to wake her. I walked up the stairs and Cass opened the door.
“Take her shoes off” I say quietly. Cass did as she was told and I took her coat off her and hug it in the corner of the room. I tucked her in and whispered
“Night Kitty Kat” before kissing her head and leaving the room. I walked with Cassie back to her room and got her changed for bed.
“I like Kitty” she says as her head hits the pillow
“Me too” I say
“She’s really nice. I'm gonna miss her when she goes Daddy” she mumbles then she’s asleep. I kiss her head and walk downstairs to lock the door and turn the lights off. I make my bed on the couch but remember that I need something to sleep on. I mentally curse myself as I walk up the stairs again and into my room. I get what I need but drop something that makes a bang, which wakes Kitty up. She sits up panicked before asking with sleepy eyes and a sleepy voice
“What’re you doing Jack?”
“Getting my stuff so I can sleep on the couch” I say quietly
“Don't be stupid. You can stay here” and she pulls the bed sheet back so I can lie next to her
“Sure?” I ask her
“Hmm” she says. I smile and lie next to her
“Ima warn you now, I like to hug people” she mumbled
“I like hugging people too”
Soon enough she was fast asleep and her arms wrapped around my arm and held it to her chest. I sat there for a moment before sighing and pulling my arm away and wrapping it around her, pulling her closer. Her pale skin looked so flawless and her hair flowed down her back like a river. It was soft to the touch and before I knew it, I was also asleep with Kitty in my arms.

Kitty’s POV
I woke up to the sound of steady breathing and something lying on my chest. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Jack with his head resting on my chest and my arms around him. I took the time to study him. The way his dark hair was sticking up in all directions, his pale skin with slight stubble on his chin, his thin pink lips looked soft as they parted slightly for him to breath. I smiled to myself as I brushed his eyebrow hairs down. I didn’t mind being this close to him; it was nice to wake up to someone holding me. I sighed and looked around the room when Cassie came bouncing into the room
“Hey Dad, Hey Kitty!” she said loudly jumping onto the bed, startling both me and Jack. He jumped nearly three foot in the air, looking slightly shaken.
“Cassie, I have told you to not do that anymore” Jack lectured as his hand sat on his chest, trying to calm his heart down.
“Sorry daddy” she said kissing his cheek before sitting in my lap.
“It’s okay sweetie, but don't do it again” he warned her. She nodded then looked up at me
“Morning Kitty” she said attempting my accent
“Good morning Cassie” I say smiling back down at her.
“What are we gonna do today?” she asks
“Well your dad and I have to have a talk about something special”
She gasped and her hands whipped up to her mouth, eyes wide
“Tell me!” she squealed.
“No way baby” said Jack smiling
“Daddy” she cried scooting over to his lap. She sat on his chest and grabbed hold of his shirt
He shook his head and laughed at her.
“Okay” she said giving him puppy eyes
“Go on, get downstairs and I’ll make you breakfast” She jumped off the bed and made her way downstairs
“I had a lot of fun last night” I said before stretching
“Me too” he said giving me a gorgeous smile. I smiled back and we got out the bed. He was making breakfast when the phone rang
“Kitty could you get that?” he asked
“Sure” I say hopping of my chair and towards the phone
“Hey Kitty its Alex” he says cheerfully
“Hey Al what's up?” I ask signalling to Jack it was Alex. He nods before turning round again
“I just wanted to thank you for last night, I tried ringing your house but you didn’t answer so I guessed you were with Jack”
“What did I do?” I asked confused
“Told me to go and talk to Eve, so I did and I have a date tomorrow!” he sings
“Oh Well done Alex! I told you so” I say smiling down the phone
“So what did you and Jack do yesterday, you know, anything special?” he says with a smirk in his voice
“N-no why would you think that?” I asked
“I'm not stupid either Kitty. I saw the way you were looking at him” I looked at Jack who was laughing with Cassie, a smile found its way to my face and I heard Alex on the other side
“That's what I thought”
“But I didn’t say anything!”
“I knew” he said trying to be a know it all.
“Shut up. You can’t tell him. Promise!” I said. I heard him sigh before finally agreeing. Jack shouts me over and I say to Alex
“Gotta go Al, breakfast is calling”
“Bye!” he shouts and I laugh before putting the phone down.
“What did Alex what?” asked Jack giving me a plate
“He’s got a date with Eve tomorrow, turns out I told him to go for it”
“He’s liked her forever” says Jack dramatically
I laugh and chew on my toast.

Jack and I talked about who would be invited. I sat there and wrote down each address and name for the people who he said could come. We laughed and talked for the whole morning when Jack asked me
“What did you see in Charlie?” he question caught me off guard and I felt my eyes widen
“You don't have to answer!” he said quickly
“Its fine Jack” I sigh as I answer his question
“My boss introduced me to Charlie. He was everything I could ask for. He looked like an angel; he talked like an angel and would make me feel amazing! It wasn’t unheard of that Charlie liked to flirt with other women, so it was no surprise when I found my boyfriend cheating on me” I say finishing the last address
“How long were you two together?” asks Jack
“Erm, about a year” I say nodding my head
“Well he’s a dick for cheating on a gorgeous girl like you. He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on” he says making me blush. He laughs before brushing the hair out of my face
“Thanks Jack” I say. I stayed there the rest of the night when I noticed I had a text from Eve
*Hey, can you help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow?*
*Sure, are you gonna come round to mine?* I text back as I opened my front door
*You are my saviour! What time shall I come round?*
*Whenever you want*

So the next day, a flustered looking Eve was at my door step.
“Hey Kitty” she says relaxing a little
“Hey Eve” I smile giving her a hug “Come in”
She smiles back and walks into the house.
“Your house is nice” she says looking around
“Oh it’s not mine, it’s my friends. I'm house sitting for them” She nods her head understandingly and walks to the kitchen
“So how did he ask you?” I ask excited
“Well after he left he pulled me aside and we danced to a few slow songs, and surprisingly he’s a great dancer “
“Aww Alex” I say clapping my hands
“And then when he dropped me off home said that he’d liked me a while and that he’d love to take me out on a date” she said jumping up and down with excitement
“Where are you going?”
“He said that we’ll be going out for dinner, then a walk around the park”
“Come on!” I say as I pull her upstairs and to my wardrobe
“You are my new best friend” she says hugging me. After pulling out dresses to go onto the yes, no and maybe pile, we finally picked an outfit for Eve.
“How should I have my hair?” she asks
“Want me to try curling it?”
“You can try, but I don't think it will”
“It would look better in lose waves instead of curls”
“You think?” she asks looking at me through the mirror
“Well this woman had like hair the same as you, it wouldn’t curl at all, and when we had the hairdresser over he said that she had perfect hair for waves, and her hair looked beautiful at her wedding” I said separating parts of her hair
“Alright let’s try it! I really wanna impress Alex” she says as she paints her nails
“I'm sure he likes you without you putting all this effort in otherwise he wouldn’t have asked you out
“Yeah, but it helps” she laughed.
I could see why Alex liked her, she had the same sense of humour as him but she acted more mature, she was very pretty as well.
“All done” I say as I move back to admire my work. I smiled and pulled her up and twirled her around
“You look amazing” I gushed; she walked over to the mirror and did a 360 to get a full look.
“Thanks so much” she said coming to give me a hug.
“When’s he coming to get you?” I ask
“In about ten minutes, I should be getting back home”
“Alright” I say as I walk her out. We step outside and I see Alex’s car parked at Jacks
“Hey Eve, is that Alex’s car?” I ask her
“Yeah, what's he doing there?” she asks out loud
“Probably the same reason you’re here” I say smirking
“Shall I ring Jack and tell him that your here and that he doesn’t need to get you?” I ask her
“That's an idea” she says nodding
I ring jacks number and a laughing Jack answers the phone
“Hello Kitty” he laughs
“What you laughing at?” I say smiling
“Alex is stressing out right now”
“So’s Eve, she’s at my house”
“Really, what's she doing there?”
“The same reason Alex is at yours” I say
“Is she stressing as much as Alex is?”
“She was, she’s all ready now”
He laughs down the phone and says “You would have thought they were getting married”
I laugh as well and say “Is Alex gonna get her from my house?”
“I’ll ask”
I then hear him shout what I’d just asked and a faint “Yeah okay but I’ll take her home”
“You heard that?” he asked
“Yeah, I did”
“Well, see you in a bit”
“Jack says that Alex will pick you up from here and that he’ll take you home” I say ushering her inside.
About five minutes there was tapping on my door. I push Eve towards the door to open it to see Jack.
“Come on kitty, Alex needs to do this properly” says Jack walking inside and pulling me outside.
“Close the door Eve” he shouts. She looks confused then does as she’s told. Then out walks Alex with a bouquet of flowers
“Aw Alex, that's lovely” I say
He looks down and blushes before mumbling a thanks.
“Good luck bro” says Jack as he pulls me towards his house. I turn around and see Alex giving her the flowers, she smiles widely and kisses his cheek before taking his hand in hers. I smile to myself and walk up the familiar drive to the house and family I’d grown to love.