Status: not putting my gun down.



"Oh my god" I said out loud. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911 immediately. What the hell was he thinking?

911 Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

I was speechless. The students were panicked. The crying and the shrieking filled the room with terror. The principal came in. The smell of blood was haunting the room and staining everything. The chalk board was covered in the warm scarlet liquid that made everyone quiver.

Me: Please send an ambulance to Oaks High. NOW. Are you DEAF? This student of mine...

911 Operator: Sir calm down. What is going on? I am sending an ambulance right away. Sir. Please relax. What is the issue here?

Me: Reese... he he.
he shot himself.

NAME: Reese Mathews
DATE & TIME OCCURRED: 10/31/97 22:30
LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: Oaks High 1031 Manson St.
TO: RANK NAME ASSIGNMENT: Detective Anne Sawyer Chief

At approximately 22:30 on October 31st 1997 at Oaks High School in the City of Blair, Reese Mathews committed suicide. Facing east, he held a Arcus 94 to his temple.
Winston Cooper, former teacher of Reese Mathews, reported the incident to the authorities. Cooper informed the officials of his the deceased peculiar behavior.
Mathews' biological mother, Lucille Mathews, passed away due to heart failure on October 31, 1996, a year before the suicide. His father, Hank Mathews, has been a severe alcoholic since 1990. Domestic abuse towards Reese was performed before and after the death of Lucille Mathews.
Cooper described what the deceased had brought with him. He had three photographs of three Oaks High students and four razors. He revealed personal information of the pupils' with supporting evidence. He accused the students of tormenting his life and the reason of his suicide.
Reese was convicted of 3rd degree murder of a woman named Harriet Hotchkiss on September 20th, 1997, a month before the suicide. The deceased has no record of psychiatric illnesses or law. It is affirmed that charges for abuse and murder are going to be set on December 31st, 1997 in the Manson Court.
♠ ♠ ♠
really really stoked.