Status: When I'm bord

Bad Boy Fall in love

Ch 5 & 6

chapter 5

"ELLI WAKE UP, YOU LAZY A**" I heard Roxy yell at me

I groaned and rolled over i grabbed my phone of the night stand next to my bed and looked at what time it was. It said 6:30 a.m. That women shall die! I rolled out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready for school. I then proceeded into Roxy's room to decided on what i was going to wear. I grabbed a pair of grey skinny jeans, a purple and black plaid flannel shirt and a black tank top. I walked into the bathroom and got dressed and the did my hair and make up. Once i was done with that i walked back into Roxy's room and grabbed a pair of all black high top convers's and my black hoddie. I put on my hoddie and zipped it up then grabbed my coat and put it on over my hoddie. I then grabbed my phone, i-pod, key's, and backpack and headed out the door.

"BYE ROXY!" i yelled behind my shoulder

"BYE ELLIOT!" she yelled back

I walked down the stairs and into the parking garage where my Corvette was parked next to a black motorcycle. I walked over to my baby and unlocked the door i got in the car and inhaled its new car smell. I was about to back up when i saw a guy climbing on the motorcycle next to me. Is he serious he is going to ride a motorcycle in New York during winter. Is he crazy?

I waited patiently for him to back up and drive off when he did i followed suit and started my way to Avon high! Whoo! I finally got to Avon high after about 20 minutes. Stupid city traffic just about made me pee my pants! I parked in some random parking space away from most of the ice. And it turned out it was over by (guessing here) the 'rebel group' because they were all standing in the parking lot smoking.

I sighed and got out of my car locking it. I turned around only to get hit in the face with a snowball (more like ice ball). I turned my head toward the laughter and saw the spoon stealer smirking at me. I flipped him off and started to walk toward the main building. I was half way there when i felt someone grab me and throw me over their shoulder.

What the h*ll?" I screeched

"You really shoudn't have flipped me off" i heard the familure deep voice say

"And why is that you spooon stealer?" I asked

"Because i'm going to have to just take up that offer" he said i could tell he was smirking just by his tone.

"If you don't put me down i will kick you in the face, you no good...." I started to say

"Now now no need to be harsh" he cut me off

"Just put me down" i said

"How about no" he said

"RAPE!" I screamed

"Shut up" he said

"RAPE!" I screamed again

"Yale put the young lady down and come with me to the office" I heard someone say

"Whatever you say Mr. B" he said

And then i was dropped, on the ground. I sighed and stood up and turned around to see Yale smirking at me. I stomped on his foot and walked off toward the office.

"Ow" he said and mumbled a few cuss words


I walked into the office and saw a old woman with brown hair pulled up into a bun working at the desk. I walked up and told her my name and crap and she gave me my schedual and stuff. I then walked out of the office only to see Yale walking in i tried to ignore him but he slapped my butt. MY BUTT! I let out a agervated sigh and walked off to find my locker and first class. I told Roxy he was a jerk!
234...235....236.... 237..... I counted off looking for my locker and I got to 240 and guess what! I couldn't get to my locker because... well there was a couple making out against my locker, i mean really why infront of my locker! I cleared my throat really loud and they stopped. The girl turned around and glared at me.

"May i help you?" she asked patting her hair down.

"Yep, your kinda infront of my locker" i said trying to be polite

"Well you can wait" she said turning back around

"No, i can't go find some other locker to make out in front of it won't kill you to move over like 10 feet." i said impatientily tapping my all black converse on the ground

"Yes it would kill me" she said

"Well then please move!" i yelled

She stared at me and then said "You don't know who you are messing with fresh meat"

"No i don't, and i don't care... MOVE" i said "Please" i added sweetly at the end

"Come on Randy its not that big of a deal, just move over so she can get to her locker" The guy said

"Ugh!" she said and grabbed the guys hand forcefully and dragged him away

Sweet victory!

"Well, looks like your royaly screwed! Good job!" i heard a girls voice say

I turned around to see a girl with blonde hair with colors in it randomly. It was pretty cool. She was shorter than me.
"Yea, not the first time. Wait why am i screwed? Because of that girl i told to move?" i asked taking off my jacket and hoddie and putting them and my books in my locker.

"Yea, Randy is the Queen B of the school and will make your life a living hell. I'm Aly, by the way." She said

"I'm Elliot, but call me Elli" i said "And i'm pretty sure i can take her..." i said

"Yea, but she might go all cat woman on your a**" she said

"Yea, oh well i don't care" i said shrugging

She laughed "I like you" she said "Whats your first class?" she asked

"Music Appercation" i said
"Sweet me to" She said

"Cool" i said

We started walking down the hall toward the Choir room when i saw Yale and his friends goofing around.

"Hey Aly what up?" One of the guys said throwing his arm around her petit shoulders.

I saw her blush and i already knew she liked him. "Nothing Mark, whats up with you?" she asked shyly

"Oh nothing" he said

"Look its Scruby" I turned my head to see spoon stealer leaning against the lockers.

"Why are you calling me Scruby?" i asked

"Because your name is Elliot and Elliot is a character is Scrubs. Duh" He said

"Whatever Spoon Stealer" I said
Now, I didn't know you were so found of your spoons" he said puttting his amr around my shoulder like that Mark kid did with Aly. I shrugged off his shoulder.

"Don't touch me, and I happen to love my eating utensils." I said

"Come one Aly lets go" I said

"Alright" she said

"Bye Aly" I heard Mark say

"Bye Scruby!" I heard Spoon Stealer say

"Whatever Spoon Stealer" I called behind me

"Scruby?Spoon Stealer?" I heard Aly asked

"I'll tell you later" I said