Status: When I'm bord

Bad Boy Fall in love

Chapter 7

Aly waited patiently until we were in Music Appercation and the teacher signed the slip and we were sitting in two bean bag chairs in the far left corner away from every one else. She looked at me and i could tell she was dying to ask me how i knew Yale.

"Okay start asking the questions" i said

Then she exploaded "How do you know Blake? and what is up with the Scruby and Spoon Stealer? and you do know he is one of the bad a**es in school right? Also you seem like you are annoyed at the fact that he has a nickname for you, every other girl in this school would become jelly if he even acknowledged them!" she said in one big breath

"Woah wait Blake? I thought his name was Yale?" i asked confused

"Yep his name is Yale Blake but he doesn't let anyone cal him that besides Aiden, Tyler, and Alex." She said "If i guy calls him Yale he will get really mad, most of his friends don't even call him Yale unless they are serious about something or just pissed off at him." she explained

"Oh, okay whatever." i said
"Answer the rest of the questions missy!" she said

"Fine fine, Well I know Yale because he lives in the same apartment building as me and on the same floor actually. And i met him because one of his friends ran into me on the stairs my first day here and made me fall down the stairs landing on my suitcases with his friend on top. It was akward. And he calls me Scruby because of Scrubs obviously and my name is Elliot like the girl on Scrubs so whatever. I call him Spoon Stealer because my sister was eating some chocolate icecream and got a brain freeze and i took the ice cream from her and the spoon and started laughing at her and eating the icecream. So she took the spoon and threw it out of the apartment into the hallway. So i went out there in my ninja turtle boxers and my black nirvana tan top might i add and went to retreive the spoon. I couldn't find it and i felt stupid and then i heard a voice say are you looking for this and i looked up to see Yale holding my spoon. We agrued a little and then he just stole my spoon. Thus his nickname was born. And I am annoyed by him because he agervates me today he threw a snowball no wait excuse me and ice ball at me so i flipped him off..."
"You flipped him off!?" Aly said her eyes big with horror

"Yep, no inturupting. So after i flipped him off i was walking toward the main office when he just comes up and throws me over his shoulder. And said that he might just have to take up on that offer.Then a teacher said for him to put me down. He put me down i stomped on his foot... DON'T INTERUPPED!" I said as she took a deep breath to say something "And then on the way out of the office he was going in and smacked my butt!" i said crossing my arms and pouted.

I stared at her for a second and she was just staring at me "Wow, thats actually really funny! I saw him carrying you and i heard you scream rape i thought it was actually funny, but i didn't know it was you" she said
"Yep, he's a turd" i said

"You are childish" she stated

"And proud of it!" i said

"Oh by the way his friend that ran into on the stairs was probaby Tyler, they live together with their older brothers Aiden and Alex. Because their parents kicked them out when they turned eighteen. Aiden and Alex are trainers also and teach kick boxing and mixed martial art classes and stuff. No body wants to mess with the Blake or Morris brothers." She said

"How do you know all of this?" i asked "Do you stalk them or something. No my older brother is one of Blakes best friends. Well the only other one actually. His name is Hayden." She said

"Oh, that makes since. And i know you like that Mark kid!" i said pointing at her accusingly

"Yea, i do. But the problem is I'm Hayden's kid little sister who is way way WAY off limits" she said throwing her hands up in the air.

"It looks like Mark doesn't care though" i said

"I sure hope so." She said sighing
I laughed at her. Then the bell rang signaling that class has started.

"Okay everybody, I'm Mr.Reynalds, and we have a new student today." Said the young teacher

"Crap"i muttered

"Elliot please stand up." he said

"How about no" i mummbled

"What was that?" he asked

"Oh nothing..." i said standing up

"Well?" he asked "Tell us something about you" he said

"My Name is Elliot." I said "tada!" i added at the end for effect

I heard Aly giggled behind me.

The teacher looked at me and sighed "You can sit down now" he said

I sighed and sank back into the bean bag chair. I hate introductions they are always akward and stupid.

"Tada?" Aly asked

"Yep, i thought it added some effect." i said in a bored tone with a shrug

"You and an odd one" she said

"Says the one with mutli colored hair" i said

"No, my hair shows creativity, you just show weirdness" she said matter of factly

"Hey i'm creative, and yes i'm weird and i accept the fact and have moved on" i said

She just laughed.

The teacher was explaining some of the different kinds of music like classical and all that crap, and what elements make it what type of music it is. When the door flew open and in walked, Spoon Stealer, Butter Feet, and then another guy that looked like Aly so i was guessing it was Aly's brother.

"Thats my brother" Aly said gestering to the guy that looked like Aly

"Yea, you could never tell" I said sarcasticly

"Shut up." she said hitting me playfully.

I looked back at the teacher pretending to pay attention but i wasn't. I was trying to pay attention i really was until i saw some one stand infront of me their backs to me and then he sat down.

"What the h*ll?" I said a little to loud i might add

"Dude Blake what the h*ll are you doing, some one is sitting there" i heard Aly's brother ask

"Yea, Yale what are you doing" i said irritatingly

It suddenly got really quiet execpt for the teacher who is still oblivous at the moment. Idiot.

"Oh shut up Scruby, you are actually pretty comfy, i guess its all that fat." Yale said

"Okay i had enought" i said

I pushed him off my lap and kicked him in the leg. And then i stuck my tounge out at him.

"You turd" I said

"Oh yea real mature" he said standing up towering over me

"Yea i am mature so get over it! At least i don't go sitting on people and calling them fat and smacking their butts, AND STEALING THEIR SPOONS!" i said growing in volume

"Ha, your mature! You have Ninja turtle boxers! And you flipped me off, yelled rape when i picked you up when you flipped me off, get upset when i steal spoons, stomp on my feet, and kick me in the leg!" He retorted getting loud to by then the teacher has noticed.

"And your mature, you laughed when Butter feet over there ran into me on the stairs, you threw a ice ball at me, you picked me up and wouldn't let me down, you gave me the nickname scruby, and you are just annoying!" i yelled

"I am not annoying!" he yelled back

"Yes you are" i yelled

"No i'm not" he yelled

"Uh huh!" i yelled

"Nu huh" He yelled

"You guys are like an old married couple, and you have only known each other for like 3 days!" I heard Aly laugh.

"NO WE AREN'T!" We yelled
"Okay, you to shut up and sit down and not on other people, Mr.Blake." The teacher said.

"HA!" I said and sat down next to Aly

"This isn't the end of this" he whispered

"Wasn't planning on it" i retorted.

It was lunch time and i am happy. I get to meet Aly's friends. She said they were crazy but i'm used to that crazy friends are the best. She also says that they are kinda outcasts but i don't really care about that either becuase Zane, Rain, and I were the outcasts at our school. Its the best! We approached a circlular table in the back of the cafiteria. When we got there a boy and a girl were talking animatidly. The boy had Reddish brown hair with big brown eyes and the girl had red and black hair with blue eyes.

"Who's the chick?" the boy asked

"Guys this is Elli, Elli this is Lane, and Poppy." She said pointing to them.

I noticed they were holding hands so i'm asuming they are going out. They make a cute couple.

"Hi Elli" they said at the same time

"Creepy" i said

"I totally agree, they do that all the time." Aly said
They just smiled and went back to talking. I sat down next to Aly who was sitting across from Poppy and Lane. We were sitting there talking about random stuff when i felt my chair get picked picked up.

"Okay, Spoony what is up with you and the lifting. Its not very polite" i said crossing my arms

I turned my head and it wasn't Yale nope it was some buff guy that looked like a football player.

"Okay dude, what the heck?" i asked

He didn't say anything he just continued to carry me. I looked over to the table where Aly and everyone was sitting and they looked just as confused as me. I was put down at the end of a rectangular table in the middle of the lunch room. The table was packed full of what looked like to be the popular people.

"Can some one please tell me why one of you had the Hulk come over and pick me up?" I asked annoyed

"I can tell you." said one of the girls checking her face in a mirror.

"Well please do enlighten me" i said putting my feet up on the table where no one had their food crossing my arms.

"Well you know Blake right" she asked putting down her mirror.

"Not really, why?" I asked
"Well the reason why is i wanted to warn you that he is mine, so you need to leave him alone" she said

"I don't want him actually, so good luck with that." I said

She then snapped her fingers and the Hulk stood up.

"Woah there big boy i got this." i said and i stood up and picked up my chair

I walked over to the table and set the chair down and plopped down in the chair.

"What was that about?" Aly asked

"The chick over there had the Hulk bring me over to her only to tell me to stay away from Yale, and i told her that i didn't want him. Then i left" I said

"Haha, if you and Blake did anything it would be kill each other." Aly said stuffing some fries in her mouth.

"Yea, thats a slight possiblity at the moment" i said

"Hey let's go outside i'm bored!" Lane said jumping up grabbing Poppy who grabbed Aly who grabbed me.

"Woah its a chain reaction." I said

"Yea, this happens alot. Lane has ADD" Aly said

"Cool! That makes things more interesting. You know i was tested for that but it was back negitive" i said

"That is kinda surprising" Aly said

"That i was tested or it was negitive?" I asked

"That you were negitive" she said

"Your hilarouse!" I said

We got out side and it was freezing and all i had on was my Flannel shirt and tank top on. I hate you Lane oh so much.

"I hate you Lane" Aly said

"I was just about to say that" i said
"I'm warm" Poppy said

"Yea because you and Lane are cuddly" Aly said

"You could always cuddle with Elli" Lane said

"Don't get so hopefull, and i'm would never cuddle with Elli, no affense." Aly said

"None taken"I said

I started to jump up and down to get warm, that was a bad idea. Why? Well, because I landed on a patch of ice making my feet fly out from under neath me thus making my butt hit the ground. And it hurt and now i can't feel my butt because the ice is numbing it. But thats a good thing because i can't feel the pain. I heard an explosion of laughter that was more than just Aly,Lane, and Poppy.

"Way to go Scruby, i'm glade i was able to witness this. You have some problems staying on your feet don't you?" I heard Yale say

I lifted my hand and flipped him off for the second time again.

"Now, now Scruby what did i tell your about flipping me off?" He asked

"If you try to go through with the promise i will make sure you can never have children." I said

"Oh i'm scared" He said sarcastically

"Good" i said sarcstically back