Or Else

Chapter 2:A chance to rebel

“You want us to what!?” Mouse ranted “You know how dangerous this idea of yours is?”
“Aw come on Mouse what harm can it cause?” I awkwardly joked knowing he was right. Mouse just gave me a ‘You’re kidding me’ face. I knew my idea was wacko, but we have to save Lucy and other people from ‘Or Else’.
“Jim… Please come back to reality. Do you realize that we might lose our life if we tried to change something?” Tom added
“Yeah Jim, I mean we’re just teenagers!?” scolded Mouse “You are out of your mind Jim. I am not going with this.”
“ Guys somebody has to stop this and why shouldn’t it be us. I mean the grown-ups are sitting on there asses and not really doing anything.” I added. They were both silent. The adults in Valdez are too afraid of the law that the mayor past that they don’t protest. I think its time that the only reason the mayor past this law was to scare the crap out of everyone. I need to convince Tom and Mouse about my idea as soon as possible.
“Jim, I still think you’re out of your mind?” Mouse claimed
“How am I out of my mind? I’m actually trying to help this town. When was the last time you saw anyone actually visit this town?”
“Well, there was the mayor’s daughter…” Tom chimed in
“Other than somebody’s ruler cause they had to visit them!?” I lashed “No tourist come to this town because they are all scared of ‘Or Else’”
“Well…...Dam you have a point there.” Tom admitted finally
“I still won’t agree with you. Jim you’re always coming up with the most retarded ideas ever!?” Mouse protested “You should look at the facts…We are just teenager, All the adults have the power over us, and there is no way we won’t get caught doing this.”
I just sat there in silence, maybe my idea was wacko? I mean we do have a 98.6% chance that we would get caught, but that the rush. If you do get caught then I’ll take the blame for the whole thing so the guys don’t get in trouble. If we don’t get caught then we saved the whole town and maybe the whole world? Ugh! I hate making choices maybe I can just sleep on it. I haven’t really gotten that much sleep. I’ve been up playing x-box and thinking about what happen to Lucy?
“Jim, don’t you have anything to say against my accusation?” Mouse teased. I just shook my head
“You’ve won.” I said
“You were right, my idea was too big to handle” I admitted
“Wait? ... You never admit somebody’s right?” Tom added with a shock expression. I just shrug; to be honest I had it with them two. If they didn’t want to join me then that’s fine, but im going to the school for more evidence about this.
“Are you feeling okay Jim?” hesitated Mouse
“Yeah im fine, but you guys aren’t going to join me on saving this town, then im doing it by myself. Im going to go to the school later tonight and find more evidence that something’s up.”
“Are you nuts!?” they both said
“No, im trying to do something right. Now, if you are going to join me be my guest, but regardless of that im going to the school later tonight.”
“…Okay ill join you Jim, but if we get in trouble im so going to kick your ass.” Tom agrees. I nodded and looked at Mouse, who just shook his head.
“Im going to regret it, but I’m in.” he said “So how are we going to sneak out? My mom and dad always get home from work at twelve?”
“Yeah and my mom stays up because she think im going to walk up and leave like my dad.” Tom added
“Well….crap…sleepover then” I suggested
“Jim we aren’t five….wait….that actually a good idea.” Mouse added “I mean your mom actually trust you enough. So, that will give us a chance to sneak out”
“So? Are we going to sneak out or what?” Tom asked. Mouse slaps Tom upside the head and walks into the kitchen. Tom is such a blonde which is funny because he has brown hair. Maybe he died his hair brown so nobody would make blond jokes about him? Out of the corner of my eye I see Mouse with a weird expression on his face.
“What?” I asked
“Uh…Jim….Why are you touching my hair? ...I know your lonely, but why?” Tom asked. I look over to him and realized I was touching his hair. I quickly retracted my hand and went into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Im glad that they decided to sneak out with me. Usually, it takes begging and a little bit of money for them to agree with me. I finally am going to do something right.

So it was finally time to sneak out of the house and find out more about what is going on in this town. Mouse was the first person up, then Tom and last me. We crept downstairs with the perfect silence that you can hear a pin drop. We went to the back door just in case my mom hears us. Luckily, the school was open because of the all night poker game sponsored by the mayor himself.
“Okay, we just have to get past the cafeteria and then we are smooth sailing.” I whispered
“Wait…I didn’t know we were going on a boat.” Tom answered followed by Mouse who slaps him. “Ow”
“Shh, we can’t get caught or we are dead.” I said, they both nodded and we proceeded towards the school.
“We are in the clear guys.” I whispered
“Wow that was easy we didn’t have to hide once.” Tom added
“Yeah, and we didn’t even get caught” Mouse chimed in “These adults are clueless” I just nodded as we went toward the class room that people go in when they question ‘Or else’. I heard foot steps behind us. We all turned around at the same time to see someone coming towards.
“What are you doing?” the stranger bellowed
“Crap.” I thought
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Once again, i didn't feel like editing, (Yeah i know i'm really lazy) don't judge me.