Status: currently in the works of writing it long hand, might try to put a few more chapers on here along with what I already have. Also, changing a few of the things in the beginning of the book, possible complete rewrite of the first few chapters I have up here.

Lost to the World

Chapter 4

"We had a deal, and now you are backing down because of feelings? Pathetic," Mikael whispered. Ryan rolled over in his bed, the room fell silent. "It wasn't my fault, I didn't know I would actually gain feelings for him. I never have before." A feminine voice spoke softly. Ryan was quietly listening. "What makes this one any different from the others?" Mikael's was growing agitated. There was a pause in the room again as Ryan sat up in the bed. "Zoya, you're here early." Ryan spoke in a groggy voice. "Oh, yes, I thought you'd be up sooner than what you were. So I decided to converse with Mikael here for awhile. Did we wake you?" Everyone in the room knew that they had, but instead he smiled and said, "No, you didn't, I just can't sleep anymore." Looking at the clock he realized he only slept for five hours. He sighed and rolled out of bed. Too bad he was up now, all there was outside the frosty window, was more snow, as far as the eye could see.
"So today they are having American cuisine for breakfast. We don't normally have anything like it."Zoya said with excitement. Ryan smiled, "Sounds good, I've missed American food a lot. Just let me go get dressed and brush my teeth." Zoya and Mikael both nodded and smiled.
As they were walking through the carts, they had to pass into another one. They opened the door and Mikael ushered Ryan to go ahead. Ryan smiled and nodded as he passed Mikael, Ryan felt a sharp pain run through his leg, as he looked back, he saw Mikael smiling and waving as he fell off the train and landed hard in the snow. As he slowly sat up, he saw his things get thrown out of the train 100 yards away.
He noticed the crimson stained snow under him. He was losing blood, and fast. "Okay Ryan, we have to figure out how to stop the bleeding," He shot a glance to his right to see Zoya walking over to him. She pulled the bag over to her and began searching. She pulled out a sweater and began tearing it apart for a tourniquet, "Lift up your pant leg," she cooed in a soft voice, Ryan quickly obliged. She turned over his leg to see the damage, "Nothing too serious, the bleeding is not fatal, but it will cause more pain than what it truly should." As she began to wrap it up, Ryan began to speak, "How, did you know what to do?" His voice was weak, and she hushed him, "You need to save your energy, my brother was a doctor, he taught me how to take care of myself. The KGB will do things to you. He's no longer my brother, here, you learn to trust no one. Especially me."
Ryan began to slowly stand up, pain shooting up his leg and to his head, he became dizzy and disoriented. Zoya quickly grabbed him to keep him upright, "You mustn't stress your leg, it has been through a lot. Please try to relax here while I try to start a fire." Worry came over her face. She slowly trudge off into the forest, and left Ryan there to think.

Day 7 May 28, 2001
Today has taken a turn for the worst, Zoya and I are lost somewhere in Siberia. Mikael seems to have betrayed us, and I'm not positive, but I also have a feeling Zoya is betraying me slowly, I don't know what to make of it, now the only person I have to depend on out in the cold is the one girl that has forsaken me.
Ryan Toshi