(if you're going to break at all)

It was morning. Sunday, with a light blue sky and bit of a chill since it was still the beginning of March. She swung her feet to the floor and reached for pipe on the nightstand that hadn’t quite been cashed when she and her boyfriend passed out the night before. She couldn’t remember anything after the first ten minutes of that movie. According to the clock, it was just after ten.

She pulled on one of his too-big shirts and walked down the hallway to the kitchen, where the picnic table from the balcony was still sitting since their real table had broken a leg. They hadn’t gotten around to buying a new one yet, especially as they did most of their eating in bed or on the couch. But today there were plates with food.

She cocked her head to the side and looked at the boy leaning against the fridge with a cocky smile on his face. “Don’t say I never cook for you.” He stuck his tongue out and she gave him a quick kiss before picking up a strawberry from a spread that included fruit, bagels, and something that might have been Canadian bacon.

There was a paper sitting next to the plates and she lifted it, despite the fact that she didn’t read them. News was faster online, wasn’t it? She opened the newspaper to the second page and began to choke on the strawberry. Couple Attacked on Subway with a picture of them. She was still choking on the strawberry as she slowly sank to the floor, hands at her throat as the edges of the world started to blur.

“We’ve got a heartbeat!” a nurse exclaimed as breakfast faded away and there was only pain.