Don't Confuse It, You'll Always Just Be His Prey

Blurred Out Montage

I woke up with my body screaming at me to stop. Today was not going to be a good day, but then again it was never a good day.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I could tell the bruises were especially noticeable today, not that anyone would notice or care. They contrasted against my sickening pale complication that shown even brighter because of my black hair that came to my jawline. I almost looked like a vampire some days, but the look of death that spread over my face gave away that I was in fact not one.

I pulled my clothes on trying to avoid the burning sensation it brought all over my body, and drug myself to school careful not to wake my step father.

Today the dom vampires were coming back from a two week course for their torture classes, so there was a better possibility of me dying. Yeah, there were vampires now a days. There were the doms that were scary mother fuckers. I avoided them as much as possible. They hated humans with a burning passion and even the slightest thing would set them off. Then there was the fertiles. Those were any vampires that could produce children. they were both male and female.

You would never see a fertile alone. They always either had other fertiles or doms around them. Doms spared their lives for them. It didn't matter if they knew them or not. They just had a blind instinct to protect them at any cost. So, they were very protective, and very possessive. Humans had learned that the hard way.

Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have someone care about you like that. To protect you for any reason what so ever, and not to question it until after you were safe.

The school bell brought me out of my thoughts and into the present world as I tried to avoid people running into me in the hall ways. Most people didn't seem to notice my existence, but it was better that way. I would rather fade into the background then have to worry about people noticing and then hating me.

I don't associate with other people very much, if you couldn't figure that out.

I went to my usual spot in the very back of the room in the corner when I managed to get to first period unscathed. This class was pretty easy. It was just math. Nothing I could handle.

People started to filter in slowly and sitting in their seats, practically ignoring my presence. Ronnie then walked in, and every single human froze dead in their spots.

Ronnie Radke was the scariest thing to ever walk this planet, well this school at least. He was the meanest, evilest, scariest mother fucking dom I have ever been able to grace the presence of, and honestly, in those moments, it was very difficult to breathe. He didn't talk much, and when he did it was a hoarse whisper that was usually threatening some human to remember its place. I've never actually seen him torture anyone like some doms do in the middle of the halls, but I have seen him drag people away. Never saw them again.

He almost glided as he walked with a certain aura around him that sent shivers down my spine. He walked casually to his seat right next to me. I didn't dare look up, not at him. I kept my head in front and tried to let my beating hard not speed to the point were it seemed to beat right out of my rib cage. I could see him smirk from the corner of my eye. He was staring at me again. He did that sometimes. I never knew why. I was just a worthless human to him.

"Okay class, settle down. I know that later tomorrow the mating ceremony takes place, so we have to get all the work done for today and tomorrow. No diddle daddling. I'm passing out the tests now, and I'm handing back some papers." Our perky teacher said.

The vampires had a mating ceremony to determine which dom was mated with which fertile. Everyone was required to attend. They only had them every few years because they are just, so boring that most humans end up skipping and most vampires just doze off until their name is called.

The test wasn't hard at all. the hardest problem was a multi step word problem that took a few minutes other than that it was simple. I handed in my test and waited for everyone else to finish while the teacher was still giving papers back.

"Very nice job, Max." She said to me handing back a perfect grade. I had a lot of free time, so I studied a lot.

The bell rang and I slowly stood up waiting for everyone else to leave. That and my body literally wouldn't move because of the many fractured ribs in my body.

The day was really a blur after that. Not so much a blur, but a colorful montage of the same things that happened every day. It was the same as yesterday and it would be the same tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

I went to my classes as usual. I sat in the back unnoticed by anyone but the teacher as usual. I got beat up in the hall way to the point where I couldn't see during lunch as usual.

Though sometimes it was worse than others, but the weird things was about two weeks ago they weren't nearly as bad as they were before. The beatings would just stop after a while, and after a few minutes, when I could breathe, I would look up and I would be alone.

After the beating, i would struggle to my next class, and then the next, and the next, and then finally the bell would ring. I would wait in my last period for a while, until the crowds died down for a while.

I podded down the hall ways turning the necessary corners. I saw Ronnie pushing some guy I didn't recognize up against the lockers, saying something I couldn't hear. I knew it was it that hushed tone he usually uses though. He looked up at me with his eyes burning red with anger, and I quickly averted my eyes and walked as fast as I could past. I didn't like being in close quarters with him. Just the look in his eyes could give my nightmares for weeks.

I walked home alone, again. Not that I ever had anyone with me usually. I'm not meaning to sound pathetic. It just comes out that way.

I could try to tell you something that is good in my life, but it would take me a really long time to try and figure one out. I guess, if I had to pick, I had a really awesome cousin that I hang out with every day after school at the park on my way home. That was where I was headed right now.

"Max! What the fuck happened to your face?" Linda screamed as I walked up to the swings where we meet.

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"Well, who was it this time? You asshole of a step dad or the fuckers at your school?" She asked.


"Shit." She said under her breath. "If I went to your school, I would beat up every single one of those fuckers for you, and I would make you come live with me."

"B-but, you l-live at-t that-t boarding s-s-school." I managed out. I couldn't talk very well. It was some weird thing that I didn't understand. It sometimes took me four trys to get a simple word out.

"Damn, you're right, again. I wouldn't have to live at that blasted place, if I didn't have this 'blessing', as my mother likes to call it."

"I-it isn't t-that bad-d."

"You try seeing visions in your head every single day without notice and tell me if it isn't that bad." She scoffed. Linda was what was known as a prophet in some countries. She had vampire blood somewhere in her line, so it messed with the human blood. Most people like her got some sort of ability like premonitions for example.

"I-i would-d rather have t-that t-than this-s st-st-stuttering."

"I'm sorry I could understand you." She mocked.


"Maxie, it isn't offending when you stumble over the words."

"What-t ever. I-i n-need to get-t home soon-n. C-can you driv-ve m-me?" I asked.

"Sure. Let's go." She said taking me to her crappy car, but hey, it was a ride.

She drove me home and I climbed the impressive five stories to my apartment. The elevator hasn't worked in seven years. The seven years that I started to get beat up and actually wanted the elevator.

I hid in my room for as long as I could. My step father got home eat around five, and he hated me. So, I stayed out of sight mostly. He wouldn't hit me, if he never saw me.Though most of the time, I wasn't that lucky.

"Max Green, get your fucking ass in here right now!" He screamed just getting home. I must have fucked up some how. I quickly walked into the tiny living room where he was.

"Y-yes, s-sir?" I asked.

"What the fuck did you do, you little shit?" He asked back handing me. My head whipped to the side, but I quickly recovered.

"W-what do y-you m-mean, sir?" I asked.

"You don't fucking know? This house is a dump! Your mother will be home in twenty minutes! Get this shit hole cleaned up by then!" He demanded before stomping into his room that he shared with my bitch of a mother.

She didn't work, but she always left the house at the same time and came back at the same time. My step father thought she had a job. She didn't. She knew that her beloved husband hit her only son. She didn't care. She would just smile and say that I would heal up quick. I hated her. The only thing she ever did for me was give birth to me, and even that was questionable in her participation.

I cleaned up the house and my life continued in my beautiful fucked up montage.