From Nothing to Something


"Bitch go get my fuckin' groceries you stupid motherfucker." My mom yelled and threw a shoe at me as I walked out the door.
I lived in the Retum projects (fictional) in Atlanta,Ga. Retum was the poorest part of GA. My mother is too fat and lazy to get a damn job. So we're livin' off welfare and foodstamps. I live with my mom, my older brother Cam [[he's 19]], and my nasty mother's boyfriend Greg. Now a little about me. My name is Courtneii Dyugard. But since im a bastard child and 1 that she didnt want my mom calls me C for short. Im not sure exactly why, maybe so she won't have to be reminded that I actually exist. But anyway I'm 16 light skinned.. 5'7 thick with shoulder length her. Pretty much a "redbone" but, that's not how people saw me. They saw me as poor little C. who dressed like it was the 80's when it was 2008. And never had her hair done. I always kept my hair in a ponytail. If i even attempted to touch my hair or beautify myself my mother would give me the works. She always tried givin' me the works even if i didnt do anything. She hated me and I still dont understand why. I always have to rely on my brother to take care of me. If I didnt have him i dont know what I'd do.
My mom adored Cam because he planned to someday be a famous football player. And she thinks she's getting something out of it. But he promised me he wouldnt give her anything. Its not like she deserves it. My brother and I both hated Greg. Greg is a damn pervert/pediphile. He always tries to touch me when Cam isnt around. Your probably wonderin what happened to my real dad. Well he was this big time drug dealer and one day while he was out sellin some guy tried to rob him but my dad tried to be brave and that guy robbed him of 3 things that night: his drugs and money and his life. So when he died my mother found Gregs stupid ass and moved him in with us. God I cant stand him.
"Alright ma im goin." I said as I grabbed my coat.
"Hurry ya black ass up im ready to eat. & tell Henry ill call him later." Idk how that was gonna happen cuz we didnt have a phone.
"Ok." I walked out the door and was on my way down the street when Jay stopped me. Jay was one of my bestfriends. He lived on the rich side of town but he would come to Retum to do community service. And surprisingly we went to the same school.
"Hey C." He walked over and gave me a hug.
"Hi." I saidas I returned it.
"Goin to the grocery store again?"
"You know it." His eyes grew wide when he looked at my face. He noticed that I had a wap on my cheek from my mom hitting me for using to much water.
"Damn C when are you gonna get outta there?" He whispered, shaking his head.
"Probably never." I gave him the it is what it is face.
"Damn thats messed up. what happened to your cheek?"
"My mom hit me again for using too much water."
"You should come live with me." I laughed. "Now u know that aint happenin."
"Well I was just sayin."
"Jay!!" His mom called out from a distance.
"Oh shit I gotta go see you tomorrow at school."
"Aight." I watched Jay run back to the center. He wasnt the first person to tell me that I should get outta there. Alotta people did. Even people i didnt know. There was nothing i could do because I had nowhere else to go. I had no other family willing to take up the responsibility of taking care of me. So I was stuck.
I finally got to the store I picked up her things and went to the checkout line.
"Hey Henry." Henry was the tall, dark and handsome store man my mom had a crush on but we all knew she would never get a taste of him.
"Hey C."
"My mom said she's gonna call you."
"Oh yall found the phone."
"No whoever stole it, aint never bringin it back." We both laughed. "Yea thats true well take care C."
"You too." I left the store and when I was on my way home some guy started followin me. "Hey gurl. whats yo name?" I just kept walkin. "Gurl i know u hear me talkin to u." I started to walk super fast not lookin back. "Hey! Hey!" Then i started to run and i think the guy did too because he caught up with me. "Gimme yo damn groceries!" At this point I was terrified of what this man might do to me. "Here take em." I dropped the bag and ran home crying.
I walked in the door to hear Cam, Greg, and Daveda (my mom) arguing.
"I cant take this shit nomore!" Cam yelled walking past me. I ran after him. He went in his room and started packin.
"Cam, whats goin on?" I said with the tears coming back to my eyes.
"C im sorry but i cant take this nomore. If i stay here another day ima kill Greg stupid ass."
"Wait, what happened?" He grabbed his bag and gave me a hug.
"I love you C. And when I make it big ima come back for you."
"But wait where are you goin?" He just looked at me and walked out. Heartbroken, I went in the kitchen to face Daveda.
"Cam dont leave please." She cried out. I walked in the kitchen slowly. She had her head on the table. "Mom.."
"What!?" She said softly without lifting her head.
"What happened, why is Cam leavin?" She looked up at me and saw that i was empty handed.
"Where ma food C?" She gave asked with a confused expression.
"Umm some guy--" I started to try to explain.
"What?" She got up and started walkin towards me. "What did u say?"
More tears started streaming down my face. "Some..some guy robbed me."
She got so angry. "So you feedin mothafuckas on the streets huh? You let somebody take my food. Huh?" She started hittin my arm with every word she said and pushed me on the ground. "No ma im sorry. He tried to get me." "Fuck that C you let some "guy" take my food when I told you I was hungry!"
"Ma Im so sorry." "Sorry my ass! Sorry aint gon put food in my stomach. Now get cha ass up." I hesistated but stood up and she punched me in my face. "U stupid biitch!" I grabbed my face and started cryin even more. Then she punched me in my stomach. And i fell to the ground again. Thats when she started kickin me. "Ma i said i was sorry please stop. please!" She ignored me and kept beating me. "Shut the hell up!" She punched me in my mouth and bust my lip.
Then Greg came downstairs like he was gon do somethin. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Daveda stop!" She stopped kickin me. "Damn woman u don' gon crazy get up C." "Shut up before you get it to." "Bittch i'd knock the black off you. You betta shut yo damn mouth." I got up and he walked me to my room. "Ya damn mother is crazy." I didnt say anything. There was silence. "C, since I did u a favor its time u return it." He said unzipping his pants and whippin his manhood out. "What!?" "I suggest you get started before your mother gets up here. And if that happens then theres gonna be a repeat of what just happened. But instead of her beatin ya ass its gon' be me." I just sat there until he grabbed my head and I had no choice but to do as I was told. While I was doin that he kept touchin me in places a girl shouldnt be touched by her moms boyfriend. After I finished he got up. "Nice lets do this again sometime." He laughed and walked out the door. I just cryed myself to sleep.

"C getcho ass up and get to school." I woke up and went to wash up. Then I was off to school. The whole time I was thinkin about how what happened yesterday keeps happenin. That wasnt the first time that this has happened. When I got to school all my friends said hi to me but i walked right past them. Even Jay come up to me and said hi but i said nothing. I just went to my first period class which was English. I came in and sat down with my head on the desk lookin at the chalkboard. The teacher started readin some book then she started askin questions.
"Good answer Emily. Now what was Charlies role as the prince Courtneii?" I was in a trance. I didnt say anything. "Ms. Dyugard?" Jay tapped me. "C whats wrong?" After he tapped me I immediately started crying. Then the teacher came over to me and asked what was wrong. I just kept crying. Then she ran over to the phone and called the nurse and security. When they came they escorted me to the nurses office. I kept my head down so she wouldnt see the marks on my face. She walked back in the office.
"Courtneii we just tried to contact ur mother but your neighbor said she wouldnt answer the door." She knelt down.
"Whats the problem Court?" I still didnt say anything. "If this is a big cry for attention then I-" I stood up. "Does this look like i want a fuq'n ttention!?" She looked at my face and saw the bruises. "Oh my god? What happened!?"
I was tired of living the life I had. I had nomore protection since Cam was gone. It was time for a change so I told the truth. "Daveda beat me because I got robbed. Then after that I was molested by her fuckin' boyfriend. I'm not goin back to that house." I started cryin and she ran over to give me a hug.
"Dont touch me!" I yelled.
"Courtneii i'll be right back."
"K." I knew what she was goin to do. She went to call Child protective services and the police. Later that day Daveda and Greg were arrested for rape and molestion and child abuse. I was sent to live in a shelter until they found me a permenant foster home. This was the happiest I've ever been but it was nothin compared to when I met my new family.
This was just the beginning.