From Nothing to Something

Starting Over..Again!

Its been 2 years since Liza and I left Georgia. We both dropped out of school which was super hard because you need a parent's consent. & I didnt have any parents so Liza became my legal guardian. We currently live in San Fransico, in alittle apartment big enough for the both of us. Making just enough money for our needs. && nothing more.
We work at Mcdonalds from 12pm to 7pm. After work we just come home and do nothin.
The day we left we learned alot about each other. Liza learned that I was a foster child & that I was beaten, raped and molested as a kid. I found out that Liza wasnt Ryan's sister. She was his hoe. And she had feelings for him which is the reason why she hated me. He spent so much time trying to get with me he forgot that she was there.
She told me about the plan her & Ashley had to get me away from him. And I couldnt believe it. I was mad as hell at her. But she begged me to forgive her. So I did. She told me if she could go back in time and not do anything thats what she'd do. I knew exactly what she meant by that. She meant if she could go back in time to make sure Ryan was out of the situation then thats what she would of did.
I knew what kinda hoe she was. "Anything for my pimp" was their motto. But she told me that she had given up that lifestyle. And that Ryan was the only one she would give herself for. That was bullshiit. Im not givin up my pussy for nobody but me. One day after work we came home and chilled as usual.
"Oh God what a day." I said as I plopped down on our tini couch and ripped my mickies d's viser off.
"I swear to goodness that place is so fuckin nasty." Liza screamed as she scrubbed her hands clean in the kitchen sink.
"I know."
"Did you see that little girl who kept digging in her nose then touching everything?"
"Ew. No."
"It was horrible. Oh..i hate working there. Dont you?"
"Yeah. But its our only way of making money out here for now."
"Not true."
"Oh really?"
She grabbed a paper towel and walked into the livingroom. "Yes. Listen Courtneii we are in California. There are so many opportunities. We could be singers. And I am tellin you..that im not goin--" She screeched singin so off key.
"Ok! I get it you can stop singin."
"We could be actresses. You cant handle the truth!"
I laughed. "I dont wanna be an actress."
"Im just throwing ideas out."
"Keep throwin." She stood up and put her thinkin face on.
"I got it." She said throwing her index finger up.
"Got what?"
"We can be players."
"Players?" I asked with major confusion.
"Yeah you know what I used to be."
"A hoe!?" I yelled.
"I wasnt a hoe. I was a moola making playa baby."
"Liza you were a hoe. Better yet you were sleeping with guys for money so technically thats a prostitute."
"Whatever call it what you want. But what do you say?"
"I say hell naw."
"Why? Dont you want the finer things in life?"
"Theres other ways to get them."
"With this profession you'll get them in less then a couples hours. It depends on how much you charge."
"Im comin out of retirement. Im sick of having nothin."
"What about your vow to Ryan?"
"Fuck that. He aint getting out for 10 years."
"Oh yeah."
"Im gonna call mickey d's & tell em we quit."
"What!?" I jumped up. "I didnt agree to anything."
"Oh well. Dont worry you'll be fine. I'll guide you through everything."
"Liza no!" She snatched the phone and ran in the bathroom & locked the door. I ran after her. I heard her talkin on the phone.
"Hello this is Liza Mitchell. Can I speak to the manager?"
"Liza stop playin."
"Hello Jack. Hi how are you? Oh thats good. Oh no sorry cant fill in for you because I QUIT!" She came out the bathroom with a smirk on her face. She handed me the phone and kept walkin. "Here ill let you do it yourself." She grabbed her coat and walked towards the door.
"Where you goin?"
"To apply for some credit cards. Im gonna need some."
"Yup. I'll get you some just in case."
"I wont need em."
"Whatever." Liza walked out the door.

I continued to work at Mcdonalds for about another month. It got so hard. Liza kept comin home with all these nice things. && I was sick of it. So one day I came home and bust opened the door & slammed it shut.
"Liza!" She came out the back with a hand full of money.
"What? Why are you slamming doors & shit."
"I want in!"
"In what?"
"I wanna be a call girl too!"
"Hmm. Really?"
"Yes. Call whoever you need to. Im sick of struggling."
"Im glad you finally gave in. Follow me & ill tell you all you need to know." I got up and followed her to her room. What was i getting myself into?