From Nothing to Something

Upcoming Hoes!

A Call Girl or escort is a sexx worker who is not visible to the general public. Nor does she belong to an institution like a brothel, although she may belong to an escort agency. The client must make an appointment, usually by calling a telephone. -Call girl wikipedia.

"Now im gonna call my girl Candy. She's a part time stripper & a part time call girl. She knows everything about this profession." Liza grabbed the phone and called her friend Candy.
"I thought you just said your gonna tell me everything."
"Yeah but its better to hear it from a pro. Hello Candy--" She walked in the back & when she came out she wasnt in the phone anymore.
"She'll be here in 10."
"Ok. I gotta use the bathroom."
"K." I got up to use the bathroom. When I came out there was a knock on the door. Liza went over & swung the door opened with excitement.
"Aye biitch! I havent seen u in so long!" They hugged then she walked in. I was shocked to see that Candy was a middle aged woman. She had to be in her late 30s early 40s. But she looked great. I guess her attitude helps her stay young.
"So where is she?" Liza pointed to me. Then Candy walked over to me.
"Hey babe."
"So u wanna be a call girl huh?"
"Ok well im here to make it happen. My names Candace." I shook her hand. "Im Courtneii." She looked me up & down.
"Ur new name is Berry."
"Berry!? Candy what r u thinkin?"
"Idk i think its a great name."
"No. How bout Destiny?"
"I like it."
"Ok whatever i still think berry is better. Now for now on ur Destiny not Courtneii. No matter who it is never give your real name."
" u know what a call girl is right?"
"Ok good. Umm lets see here..umm oh yea. Im gonna give u a cell phone. The only people allowed to have this number are ur clients. No one else. The clients call to make an appointment with u then u see them at that exact time date and location. Never see the clients outside of an appointment. And never i mean never bring a client to ur house or tell them where u live."
"Now no matter who the client is u have to take 'em. Um...damn it feels like im forgeting somethin."
"Johnny--" Liza said buddin in.
"Oh yea! Johnny. I forgot all about my baby. Now tomorrow im gonna introduce u to the big boss man Johnny. He will start giving out ur number to some clients through his system. & also he will tell u 1 thing and 1 thing only." She walked up to my face. I gave her all my attention.
"Once ur in theres no way out! Now im tellin u make sure u use extra protection. Gettin pregnant is the worst thing ever. Ive been pregnant 7 times. & Johnny almost kilt me all seven times." Her crazy ass started laughin.
"Hey remember Bend over Jenny?"
"Hell yea."
"Who was she?"
"She was a real whore that my baby Johnny hired that did one of the nevers. So he had that biitch murdered execution style *pow*." Candy started laughin again. "Well i think thats it. Hey u know what? We should hit the club." She started dancing.
"U two can. Im gonna take in what i just heard."
"Suit urself. Lets go hot Liza."
"K. See ya later Destiny."
"Haha bye." Candy & Liza walked out the door.
"Oh qod! This shiit is not worth it." I took a shower & went to bed.

The next morning I went to quit at McDonalds. When I came back I walked in the house & heard crazy moaning. So i followed the sound & it led me to Liza's room.
"Damn should i or should i not." I did. I opened the door and i saw Liza lying on her bed with Candy's hand up in her.
"What the hell are yaw doin?"
"Well she was kinda stressed so i--"
"So u fist her?"
"Wow. Im leaving now." I walked out the room with amazement.
"She's a lesbian too?" I heard Candy still sayin stuff.
"K babe we'll finish this later."
"Ooh sorry." Candy walked out the room.I grabbed a can of pop out the frig & started drinkin it.
"So u wanna be next?" Candy asked with a very serious tone. When she said that i spit pop out everywhere.
"Umm no ill pass."
"Nothin." I grabbed a paper towel and cleaned the mess i just made.
"Aww your a virgin arent u?"
"No. I lost my virginity when I was 16."
"Really? To who?"
"My foster brother."
"Ooh kinky."
I laughed "Well my foster mother didnt think so."
"Whoa she found out?"
"What'd she say?"
"Get out u nasty little hoe."
She busted out laughing. "Damn. Thats cold."
"I guess. But ive moved on to bigger and better things now."
"Well speakin of bigger things are u ready to meet Johnny?"
"Yea i guess so." Liza came out the back pulling up her sweat pants.
"U know Courtneii we r adults here lets not just bust into each others rooms like that ok?"
"Whatever if im curious then im gonna look."
"We'll just see about that."
"Ladies. Ladies. Stop the arguing."
"We're not arguing."
"Listen im gonna take her to see Johnny."
"Ok. Im stayin here. I cant stand him."
"Well lets go." We grabbed our coats and she took me to see Johnny. We pulled up to this big black building. Then got out and walked in. When we walked in there were girls with stripper like clothes on walking down the halls. I stared with shock until Candy hit my arm.
"Stop staring. Look professional." I shook my head ok. Then we walked into a room which looked like the reciption area. Candy walked up to the desk when the lady asked her could she help her.
"Yes im here to see Johnny."
"One second." The lady pushed a button to page Johnny. "Mr. Intalla theres 2 women here to see u." 3 minutes later Johnny replied.
"Check em then send them in." She lady came from behind the desk & checked us. Then she called to men over. "Duece! Diago! Escort these 2 ladies to Johnny's office."
"Yes ma'am. Right this way ladies." The 2 men walked us to his office.
"U ready?"
"Lets go." They opened the door & we walked in. Johnny was sitting in a chair at his desk reading the paper. He looked up at us. Then went back to the paper.
"Johnny baby how--"
"Candy what the hell are u doin here? Didnt i tell u not to come back?"
"Yes im sorry baby, but i came here to bring u new work."
"Really?" He looked me up and down.
"Yes this is her."
"Whats ur name?" I was bouta say Courtneii but then i remembered what Candy said.
"Mmm. I like it."
"Yes Candy good work. U can leave now. Destiny u stay."
"Leave now!" He pointed towards the door then Candy walked towards it. Then when she left he grabbed my hand and led me to a dark room. He turned on the light and sat down.
"Let me see what ur workin with."
"What are u deaf? Strip and let me see what u got."
" Um ok." I pulled up my shirt and showed him my boobs. He nodded like he was impressed.
"Ok next." I really didnt have a problem showing my features to people i knew but to strangers. That was a different story.
"Listen i really dont have time for this baby. Do u want the job or not?"
I didnt have to think. "I do."
"Ok then show me what u got. I cant give my clients crappy girls so i need to know that ur good."
"Fine." I pulled my pants down and stood there giving him that ''r u satisfied?'' look.
"Mmm shaved..I like. Turn around." I turned all the way around.
"Yes! Ur perfect." I smiled.
"Yes babe." He got up and kissed my forehead. "Ur gonna make me rich." We both laughed.
"So when can i start?"
"Tonight." I hugged him.
"Thank u."
"No problem. Uhh u can pull up ur pants now."
"Oh shiit! Hahaha sorry."
"No biggie." He laughed & we walked out the room and back in his office. I began to walk towards the door.
"Once ur in theres--"
"No way out. Yea i know. See ya later." He nodded his head and i walked out. As soon as i did Candy was standing right there.
"Damn Courtneii u were in there for hours."
"I was not. It was more like a half hour."
"Well it felt like hours. But anyway what did he say? What did he say?"
"Exactly what u said he would say."
"I know my baby. Hehehe."
"So when do u start?"
"As soon as u give me my phone."
"Oh yea we can go by my place and get it."
"Ok." We got in her black explorer then drove to her house. She ran in and got my phone then drove me home. "Here ya go. Take good care of this." She said handing me the phone and charger.
"Got it."
"Good luck babe." She gave me a hug.
"Thanks." I got out the car and went in the house. When i walked in the house it was dark and silent.
"Liza? R u here?" I didnt get an answer so i guess she wasnt. I set my keys on there table & checked the answer machine. "U have no new messages."
"Damn. We need some friends." I walked away and went to use the bathroom then the phone rang. I ran to answer it.
"Dammit just when i was about to use the bath-- Hello?"
"Hello u are receiving a collect call from the New York State Penatentory will u accept the charges?"
"Please hold u are being connected." After 5 minutes of waiting telephone music i got tired & was about to hang up until somebody said hello.
"Yo who is this?"
"Umm yea Ryan, Liza isnt here."
"I didnt call to speak to her."
"Isnt that cha girl?"
"No she's my wife now but nevermind that. How u been?"
"Oh u know dhat little biitch Ashley still be tryna see me."
"I really dont care her."
"Oh i want u to come up here and see me."
"I cant."
"Do u know how far i live from Ny?"
"Baby Cali aint far from here."
"And how do u expect me to get there? Fly?"
"U dont got no car?"
"Damn. Ok. If i get u a car is u gon come see me?"
"Aight well listen ima call in like 2 days wit da details. Dont tell Liza u talked to me."
"Yup." *click.* Liza walked in the house.
"Who u talkin to?"
"I just heard u talkin to somebody."
"Uhh that was--" *ring ring*
"Shh. My phones ringing. Itz my first client."
"Hi is this Destiny?"
"Who? Oh yes im sorry this is her."
"Oh good. This is Tim Waffer. My wife's away on a business trip & Im looking for a little excitement tonight. Do u think u can come on through?"
"I need a time & location."
"How bout umm..say 11:30pm. I live on Beverly Hills Ave. My address is 563."
"Ok ill be there."
"Thank u." I hung up the phone and realized that i didnt have a car.
"I just got my first appointment & i dont have a car to get there."
"Damn Courtneii that was smart. U better take a cab and stay professional."
"Cab. Good idea. Well i gotta get ready. Shiit its 10:50pm." I got up and ran to the bathroom. I showered & got dressed & ready for my appointment. I came out lookin good.
"U look nice."
"Thanks Liza."
"I already called ur cab."
"Oh i love u thanks so much." *beep beep. "There it is. R u sure i look fine?"
"Good. Be back later."
"Ok. Remember stay professional." I walked out the door and into my cab. "563 Beverly please."
"Ok Miss." The whole ride to Mr. Waffers house i thought about Ryan. After he went to jail and we left the state of course him and Liza continued to talk. She reminded him of how much she loved him. & i guess he loved her too. Then some how they officially got together. Thats why she said she would never give herself to another man. So now they're engaged. I really dont care though. I never really had any feelings for him anyway. But why did he want to see me? I coulda sworn he was over me.
"Oh huh?"
"We're here."
"Ok thanks." He tapped on the meter. It read $24.76. I reached in my purse and took out the money. I gave him $25.
"Thanks." I waited to get out the car. "What?"
"My change. Mister im on a budget." He sucked his teeth then gave me my 24 cents back. "Thank u." I got out the car and walked up to the house. Rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. About 5 minutes later a man came to the door.
"Hello Destiny." Once again I was about to say who? I gotta get this name stuck in my head.
"Hello Mr. Waffer."
"Oh please, call me Tim."
"Come in." I walked in and this house was beautiful. Much much better than Lena's. "Please have a seat." He led me to alittle room and i sat down. It had all kinds of love stuff in it. Such as flowers, a fireplace, champaine, chocolate covered strawberries. Even one of those white dead bear rugs.
"Wow. What a nice little place."
"Thanks. My wife & I dont spend a lot of time in here." The smile he had on his face went away.
"Well thats what im here for." I got up and walked over to him. His smile came back. I sat on his lap.
"Heh heh..i really hate to cheat on my wife but she's never here and i..i..--" He started to sob. "Im sorry." He took his glasses off and wiped them then put them back on his face.
"No. Its ok. But im here to make u feel better down there. And i would like to do that now." "Well ok.." I gave his lips a quick peck. Then i pulled down his pants and tighty whities and pulled up my dress and rode him. He started to scream out all this weird stuff.
"Barbara! I love u so much. Oh Barbara! Why? Why? Baby come back! Yes! Yes! Oh boy!"
I guess his wifes name was Barbara. He didnt even give me a chance to yell out anything. I can see why she left. After about 15 minutes of pleasuring him i stopped. He left to get cleaned up and i hung out in the kitchen drinkin some wine, waitin for my cab. He walked back in the kitchen.
"Well Destiny that was interesting. "
"Yes it was."
"Well heres your check." He handed me a check. When i grabbed it i read how much it was for. It said $6,000. My heart started to beat really fast. Ive never had this much money in my life.
"Wow. Thanks."
"Is that enough?" He asked looking like he was ready to write a bigger check.
"Yeah its great."
"Ok. Thanks again Destiny. U brought out a side of me that i havent seen in a long time." I smiled.
"Anytime Tim."
"I know im goin to call back for u." He walked me to the door.
"Sounds good. And if u ever need someone to talk too, im here."
"Thank u."
"No problem." I gave him a hug and walked out the door & into my cab.