You're My Favorite Song


Stephanie had been at my house since Wednesday night, it was now ten thirty in the morning on Friday. Steph wasn't a morning person by any means. Normally I wouldn't try and wake her up but I needed her to leave so I could get ready for tonight.

My room wasn't huge but it wasn't small either. When I had sleepovers we blew up an air mattress and that's where Stephanie slept. It wasn't a problem when we were asleep but if we were trying to get shit done it was in the way. Seeing as I had enough furniture in my room already, this bed didn't need to be a part of it.

"Steph get up." I nudged the bed lightly with my foot. After a few more peaceful tries i kicked the bed and screamed, that did the trick.

"What the fuck Hazel?"

"Steph you need to leave today, I have stuff to do," I was pacing the small space in my room. I hated telling her to leave, it was like pulling teeth. She's my best friend and everything but she could be a real bitch at times.

"At ten thirty? I'll just go with you."

"You can't. I'm taking Ryan to the house of blues tonight and I need to get ready," I said quickly.

Stephanie eyed me and then sent daggers toward the bathroom door. Steph hated Ryan ever since they've known each other. Everyone was convinced it was a jealousy thing. Why would a seventeen year old be jealous of a seven year old? No clue. I never asked though.

"Oh. Alright I'll leave soon then," she immediately grabbed her phone. I knew what she was doing. Steph hated to be at home, so normally she was jumping from house to house. She was, without a doubt, texting Kevin. It use to bother me, I guess I just got used to it.

After spending the entire morning and afternoon eating and getting both myself and Ryan ready, we were finally on the road. The LA House of Blues was on Sunset, not to far from home. Since it was a friday night LA traffic was horrific. It took twenty five minutes to get out of our neighborhood! Once we finally made it to the main road, we rolled down the window and began blasting music.

You know those scenes in movies when you see the two teenagers singing rather spastically while driving down Sunset Boulevard in a car? Well, this was like that except, it was a seventeen year old and a seven year old and I'm not sure you considered it driving considering there was thirty million cars in the way.

We finally arrived at the venue, but seeing as it was the House of Blues, parking was horrific. Let's just say when they built this venue they didn't have the brains to think of parking, idiots. We ended up parking at a lot that was semi across the street. It was still fairly early when we arrived, early being sixish, doors didn't open until seven thirty. Since there wasn't many people in line and this wasn't a show we were going to die if we weren't in the front we went into the restaurant to eat.

Once we were finished eating doors were opened so we headed inside. We stayed toward the back of the floor, I didn't feel like getting shoved tonight. The lights dimmed and the pushing and shoving began. I swear to you the best feeling in the world is when the lights go out and everyone's adrenaline begins to race. The first two bands were decent. Nothing horrible nor spectacular, we were having fun and that's all that mattered. Concerts were an escape no matter what.

The two bands finished and the house lights came back on. Most people took this time to go to the bathroom, buy more merchandise, or go get something to eat but I wasn't like most people. I loved watching the crew clear out a set and bring in the next one. It fascinated me. I guess that comes with having a dad as a tour manager, its in my blood.

"Having fun?" I asked, Ryan nodded enthusiastically.

"They were really good. Do you think the next band will be like them?" This is why I loved my sister. She appreciated music that most kids her age would cry from.

"For the most part. I only listened to a couple songs off the CD 'cause Steph came over," I rambled on. Ryan made a face at the mention of Stephanie and I just chuckled.

The lights began to dim, once again, and the girls and guys began pushing their way to the front once again. Just like the last bands, Ryan and I stayed to toward the back. The spotlights were off but you could see the outline of the band members walking on the stage. I always wondered what it would feel like to walk out on front of a crowd. Suddenly, there was the sounds of a drum beat beginning and then the lights shone. It took a while to make out faces, but that didn't matter, only the music did.

The first couple songs they played I remembered from the CD. They sounded almost identical meaning they weren't auto tuned or anything, not like that's expected from a band like this. For some reason my eyes kept going to the lead guitarist, who's name I just so happened to miss. There was something about it that screamed, 'we've met before.' I couldn't place my finger on it. I continued to bob my head along with the beat of the drums.

About five songs in Ryan pulled on my shirt to get my attention. It was loud but she attempted to talk anyways. "Isn't that the-"

"What?" I cut her off. I was trying to watch the band on stage and listen to her at the same time. I focused my attention on her and bent down to her level so she could yell directly into my ear.

'Isn't that the guy from hot topic?" She questioned.

Bingo! Oh my god, it was him! That's why he looked familiar. Good job little sis. Of coarse I didn't say these things to her. "Maybe." I then focussed my attention back on the guitarist who just so to happened to sell me his own bands CD earlier in the week.

The song ended and the lead singer informed everyone that they were going to play a slower song. That got the cheers off many female fans, who were checking out these four boys on stage. Was I one of them? Well, its possible. My baby sister definitely was. I could tell she took a liking to the drummer, she pouted when they said slow. Someone needs to teach her band guys are bad boyfriends, where's mom when you need her.

They slowed things down and the guitarist took a seat next to singer. My dad always said during these kind of moments most band members would find a specific face to focus on to center their emotions. I never believed him, but boy was he spot on. Since this was a local band I figured the lead singer was giving his attention to his girlfriend. It looked like he was going to attack her, in the most romantic way possible. The guitarists slash mysterious hot topic employee, was looking somewhere in my general area but I couldn't pin point a face.

They finished their set with a few more songs and then told everyone to stick around to hang out with all the bands that had performed. I texted my mom and told her we would be a while because we were hanging out, she didn't mind. Most venues didn't allow the bands to have everyone stay inside unless they were going to pay so everyone went out into the parking lot.

Parking lot parties, as I liked to call them, were a lot of fun. It was a place where fans could hang out with each other in an understanding environment and also meet the bands. They typically were a lot of fun, unless you were shy and suffer from some kind of social anxiety that makes you want to cry every time people talk to you.

Ryan and I were sitting under the House of Blue sign watching everyone have fun, when the bands came out and all the girls went to get their attention. Ryan and I stayed put. I noticed the lead singer walk over to a girl and kiss her, that must of been his girlfriend. Ryan went over and talked to another younger girl while I stood next to her. Ryan was so outgoing and I was so not. Queen of awkward situations. Ryan continued to talk to this girl and I began looking around. I was a very visual person, I loved taking in the scenery, even though I've been here a thousand plus times. I was stuck in a trance until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to find the mysterious guitarist. I'm sure my face had shock written all over it, that or it was madly red. Fuck.

"Hey, you're the girl from Hot Topic. The one who bought our CD, right?" He asked. He was speaking in a different tone than that day. Well of coarse he was, he wasn't at work.

This is the situation where most girls would take on a flirty tone and joke with whomever they were talking to. Flirting wasn't in my vocabulary. "Yeah," I managed to say after a few moments of silence.

He chuckled. Asshole. "What'd you think?"

"Its was good. I liked it."

"Well that's good seeing as you payed for a ticket and the CD. What was your favorite song?"

At this point Ryan's conversation had dwindled down and I could feel her eyes on me. I knew without even looking that she was smiling. My seven year old sister had more of a boy sense than me. That's wonderful. "Um the slower one, sorry I uh didn't catch the name of it," I stuttered. This is why I am a single seventeen year old senior.

"We didn't say the name of it," He smirked. "Speaking of names, what is yours?" I saw his eyes glisten as he asked me this.

Breathe. I can do this. Its pathetic I can't talk to one male. "Hazel." Ryan nudged me. "What's yours?"

"Jake. And who's that?" He asked referring to Ryan.

She thankfully saved me from speaking again. "I'm Ryan. You guys did really good tonight."

"Well thank you Ryan," he said, then focused his attention back on me. "Well I have to get going. See you around." Smirking he walked away

With that we headed back to the car and drove home. Ryan sang along to the songs that were being played while my mind wondered on. I didn't know how I survived that social encounter. There is no way I was heading to that hot topic anytime soon.
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Sorry sorry sorry. I've had parts of this written and its been crazy. I kept getting sick or had other things to do. I'm sorry guys. Anyways I hope you like it. :)