He Shoots, She Scores

Roomates and Water Fights

“Ugh nothing looks good. I feel gross, do I look gross. What if I say something stupid? I’m going to ruin this. I’m so nervous maybe I should just reschedule I don’t want to make a fool of myself. Oh my-“

“LACEY” Carrie screamed making Lacey jump but also stop her panicking. “You will be fine, just as long as you remember to breathe, oh and you name is Lacey that’s an important one.”

“Ha ha, very funny. I just want this to go right, its Tyler Ennis for goodness sakes. Opportunities like this don’t come too often. Plus I really like him I just want him to feel the same.” Lacey sat down onto her bed which was now covered in various items of clothing.

“Are you kidding me that boy is wrapped around your finger. He smiles when you walk into the room I swear he becomes dumbfounded around you. I know you don’t see it because you’re too worried about how you’re coming off to him. You just need to be yourself around him and he will fall for you, well more than he already has.”
Lacey sighed and thought about the way Tyler would look at her and Carrie was right she didn’t see it because she was too worried about herself. She had to be herself and just enjoy herself life was too short to try and be perfect when it’s not possible anyways.

“I guess you right, as always. Well since you decided to go all good cop on me it’s my turn to play bad cop.” Lacey smirked at Carrie and the fear was evident in Carrie’s face. “Oh don’t worry all I’m going to say is you need to pull the stubborn stick out of your butt and really let Nate in. Yeah I know you enjoyed that whole kiss with him but I know you, deep down you are still holding back and you just need to give up this hard exterior of yours its getting old. You are going to push him away and not even know you’re doing it. He really cares about you and he’s probably one of the first guys you have liked that I didn’t want to murder every time you mentioned them. How about this, we make a pack to let go of all our past experiences and really make ourselves happy. Deal?”

“Deal” Carrie agreed and gave Lacey a hug. “I know what you mean Nate’s a great guy and I don’t want to mess this up.”

“I don’t want you to either considering the fact that you’re kind of stuck with him.” They both laughed and went back to Lacey’s clothing situation.
“So where is he taking you anyways?”

“I have no clue he wouldn’t tell me but he did say I could wear jeans and I wouldn’t stand out. That’s my kind of date.”

“Here put this on.” Carrie tossed her a pair of dark skinny jeans and a plaid button up shirt.

“Nice! Comfy and cute. This is why we are friends.”

“The best. Okay so I will let you get dressed and ready. Have fun and remember don’t think about it.” Carrie hugged Lacey and walked out of Lacey's room and out the front door.
Lacey threw on the clothes Carrie had suggested and knew it was a good choice. Since it was a special occasion she decided to curl her always straight hair. With every curl it looked even more perfect and putting on her makeup just made her even happier. This was such an exciting moment and everything was falling into place perfectly. She took it as a sign and decided that everything would be fine she was going to have a great night.

Lacey was just finishing up when she heard a knock at the door she took one last look in the mirror sprayed a little perfume and went to answer the door. Lacey’s' heart was beating so fast and she was afraid that he would hear it. She opened the door and a smile spread across her face. There stood Tyler in all his glory smiling away in a light blue button shirt with the sleeves rolled up by his elbows and his dark washed jeans that fit him and didn’t hang below his butt. It was the way every guy should dress. In his hands he held a bouquet of pink, white, and red flowers.

“Hey there” a smile played at his lips and he pulled Lacey into a small but firm hug. “I got these for you I hope it’s not too much.”

“No they are beautiful and absolutely perfect. Thank you.” His scent lingered between them and Lacey enjoyed it so much. There is nothing better than a well-dressed, good smelling, gift giving gentleman. “Come on in, I will just put these in water and then we can head out to where ever it is we are going.”

Lacey walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboard to get a vase. Looking up she spotted one on the top shelf of course. She stretched out her arms as far as the y would go but it just wasn’t enough. Just then she felt a hand on her waist and another one reach up, just a little higher than hers, and grab the vase.

“I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself before we even had any fun.” Tyler smiled down at her. Lacey’s heart skipped a beat every time he flashed his teeth and she didn’t want that to ever change.

“Thanks” She smiled back at him and took the vase from him filled it with water and set it on the table. “Ready?”

“As ready as I will ever be”

Lacey grabbed her jacket and they walked out of the door onto the front porch. When Lacey looked up she saw the car of her dreams, well truck. “You have got to be kidding me, that’s yours I have one wanted one for like my whole life.” Lacey eyed up the black four door Escalade.

“Really, I would have never pegged you as a truck girl.”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me that would really surprise you.” A smirk came across her face as she hopped into the passenger side as Tyler held open the door.

“So this place we are going to is in buffalo but I promise it is totally worth it. Plus I’m like a local legend there.”

“Okay mister big shot. So are you going to give me any hints as to what we are doing?”

“Not at all just know that you will be feed and you will have fun.”

“Best combination ever. You already won me over!”
The rest of the ride there the two talked about their families and their home life. With Tyler, Lacey felt so comfortable like she had known him her whole life and not just a few days. He was sweet and sincere and Lacey just couldn’t get enough of that smile. Even though the ride had taken a little while it felt as if it had flown by. They pulled up in front of a little gated community. Tyler reached out and swiped a card which opened up the gates. He drove down the road for a little while before turning into a driveway. Lacey was confused as to what they were doing at some one’s home.

“Might I ask where we are?” Lacey looked up at the big white house in confusion. It was a gorgeous house like something you would pass and think someone rich must live there.

“This is my house, I have something special planned.” He smiled and reached out for Lacey’s hand. She took it willingly but her mouth was still wide open.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I have just never seen anything so…. big.” Lacey looked at the house in amazement and couldn’t wait to go inside. Tyler pulled on her hand reinforcing her thoughts and they walked towards the house. They walked inside together and Lacey’s mouth dropped.
“This is gorgeous and huge how can you live her alone it’s too much.”

“Yeah that’s what I told my parents and they just said it’s not going to be so small once I fill it with a family. I honestly think they were pushing me but it’s my parents. Anyways that’s why I got a roommate.”
Lacey looked at him in confusion. Who could possibly be his roommate, was it a Sabres player. Lacey was extremely interested but when a small golden retriever ran out from a back room Lacey couldn’t help but be more excited to see the little blond fur ball.

“Oh my, look at how cute you are.” Lacey looked into the dogs chocolate brown eyes and instantly fell in love. “What’s his name?”
“It’s Max. I just got him a few weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier.”

“He’s adorable you might want to watch him because I might just have to steal him.”

“Oh that will not happen if I have anything to do with it.”

“You won’t even know it happens.” Lacey smirked at Tyler and he just smiled back.

“Ok so this might sound a little cheap but I thought we could eat here. I started to cook right before I got you I have a roast in the oven and I’m thinking some potatoes and corn would go nice with it. Is that ok with you?”

“That actually sounds wonderful. And I like the fact that you cooked is extremely attractive.”

“Well I try.”

“And you succeed.”

Tyler walked into the kitchen and checked the roast. It was almost done so they set the table and poured drinks. While Tyler finish everything up Lacey sat in the living room and played with Max. A few minutes later the food was all done and Tyler brought it over to the table and called Lacey over to the table.

“Wow everything looks great. So where did you learn how to cook?”

“Well my mom always cooked around me and I always found it extremely interesting and wanted to learn. So she taught me and ever since I was about 14 I have been cooking.”

“I really wish I had gone to school for culinary arts it has always been exciting to me.”

“Well maybe I will teach you some things.”

“Sounds good to me”

Lacey and Tyler ate and talked for a while and when they were finished brought their dishes to the sink. While Tyler washed the dishes Lacey dried them and stacked them next to the sink. Tyler was washing one of the last dishes he reached for the hose to rinse off the soap. Lacey was just setting down the last dish when she felt a sprinkle of water hit the side of her face. She turned to see Tyler looking completely innocent but she knew it was all an act.

“You’re really going to go there. You will never win this war.”
Lacey picked up a sponge and dipped it in the water and as quickly as she could, threw it at Tyler but he ducked and it flew across the kitchen and Tyler lifted the hose to spray her in the face. She splashed water from the sink up at him but his weapons were more advanced than hers so she ran around to the other side of the island in the middle of the kitchen.

“Come on out I swear I’m done.” Tyler called from the other side of the island.

“Oh no I know as soon as I stand up you will spray me. I am far from stupid.” Just as she had finished with the sentence Max ran over to her side and she got a great idea. She picked up max and held him up in front of her. “Don’t shoot I have a hostage.” Lacey said as she stood up with max covering her face.

“Ok I’m done I swear I won’t shoot just let him go.”

“Step away from the hose.” As she moved forward Tyler moved back away from the sink. When Lacey got next to the sink she handed over Max to Tyler and quickly grabbed the hose. She sprayed towards Tyler and soaked him just as bad as he had gotten her. Tyler put down Max and made his way towards Lacey lifting her up off her feet.
“Ahh put me down. I swear this is your only defense.”

“Well it’s a good one and it works” Tyler spun Lacey around and then made his way to the living room. The whole time Lacey was laughing and couldn’t stop herself. Tyler set her down on the couch and plopped down next to her.

When Lacey was finally able to stop laughing she looked at Tyler who was just smiling at her, which he seemed to do a lot. Lacey fought against her urge to shiver but it eventually won and went through her whole body.

“Here let me get you a towel to dry off.” Tyler got up and went into a different room to find Lacey a towel. When he came back he handed her a towel and then grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa. Lacey dried herself off and set the towel on the arm off the couch. Tyler sat back down next to her and wrapped the blanket around her.
“I didn’t mean to make you cold.”

“Oh it’s not a big deal I had fun.” She handed him the towel and he dried himself off. “Do you want some of this blanket.”

“Oh no you can have it plus it’s a little too small.”

“Well then I guess I will just have to get closer. I can’t have you cold while I’m sitting here all toasty.” Lacey scooted closer to Tyler and put some of the blanket on him.

“I feel like this was all just a plot to get close to me.” A small smile played at the corners of his mouth.

“I guess you could say that.”
Tyler wrapped his arm around her and they stayed like that for a while and watched TV. After a while they both fell asleep on the couch. That was until they were woken up by the sound of Max barking. They both were startled by the noise and jumped up.
“Oh man! What time is it?” Tyler asks as Lacey pulls her phone out of her pocket
“4:30 why?”
Tyler’s eyes widen “Crap I need to be at the arena in 20 minutes” he looked at her instantly regretting that water fight “And you’re still wet I’m so sorry”
“Its fine, go get ready I’ll call Carrie and see if she can pick me up to go get dry clothes”
Tyler ran his hand through his hair shaking his head in disappointment “This is not the way I had this planned. I had something really romantic to end this date and then take you to the game, dry”
“Tyler, calm down its fine this date was perfect the way it was! Now go get ready for your game!”
Tyler smiled at her “Perfect huh?”
“Go get ready!”
He nodded and turned to race up the stairs to what Lacey could only assume was his room. She laughed silently at him before dialing Carrie’s number.
“Hey Lacey”
“Hi, can you do me a favor and take me home to get dry clothes”
“Dry clothes?”
“Don’t ask”
“Too late”
“I’ll explain on the car ride if you will take me home”
“I don’t have my car wait. What Nate?... Are you kidding me I’m not driving that thing!.... I’m glad you trust me but what if I get into an accident?... You don’t know that I won’t… okay fine! Lacey, Nate said I can take his car, but have Tyler bring you to the arena cause I’m already there and I don’t want to drive his car more than I have to”
“Tell Nate I said thank you and I will see you in a few”
Lacey hung up her phone just as Tyler was coming down the stairs now in a dry light green button down and his duffle bag, and something else in his hand.
“I figured you would like a dry shirt to wear home at least” he said handing her the shirt “Bathroom is right behind you on the left” Lacey smiled at him and turned towards the bathroom. Locking the door behind her she quickly changed smiling at scent lingering on the shirt and her smile growing upon realizing that he gave her a Sabres shirt with a 63 on it.
“I take it Carrie is going to take you home?” he asked when she emerged from the bathroom
“Yeah Nate said she could use his car, but she wants you to bring me to the arena cause she is scared to drive it more than she has to”
Tyler nodded grabbing his and Lacey’s jackets from the coat rack and heading out to his truck. They arrived at the arena a few minutes later and Carrie was waiting outside
“Thank you” Tyler said giving her a half hug
“No problem, but if I wreck his car I’m blaming you”
“You are not going to wreck his car Carrie”
“You hockey players are not psychic you don’t know that!”
“Ignore her she gets nervous driving anybody’s car with the exception of her own. Go before you are late I’ll see you later?” Lacey asked and Tyler nodded
“You will definitely see me later”
Lacey got into the car and Carrie drove away.
“So how was your date?” they asked each other at the same time…