All That I've Got

I've been gone for a long time.

I need some major fedback on this story. I honestly feel like I should rewrite this story. I mean it kinda sucks in my mind, it's just crappy. So I know I haven't posted in like forevers and that probably won't change unless I rewrite this story;sadly it's taken me over two months to reliaze this. I've also had some health issues, and that's set me back even farther. I understand if you don't give a shit anymore or if you do thank you. But giving me some insight and maybe telling me what I should do would be wonderful. Now if anyone wants to cowrite with me just go ahead and ask. I probably won't say no. Or if you have any ideas that you would like to see in the rewrite(that is probably going to happen.) shout at me and let me know. I want nothing more than happy readers. So if you could just give some kind of help or advice. Thank you so much and thanks for being faithful and staying subscribed. I love you all.

Pretty In Punk,

P.S. I have some new stories up and they can be found on my profile. Just letting you know if you enjoy my writting I have some active stories.