Still Figuring Out ...

Chapter 2

We fidgeted in the queue waiting to finally get closer. In front of us was an unfamiliar face but being the single and giddy girls which we all had become by that point we decided to be a bit over friendly. I tapped him on the back and said in the most dodgy Scottish accent ever “hi I’m Jo are you lost or are you always this lonely bewildered looking for people?” He hummed a familiar tune that was parallel worlds and then he turned and I saw the badge round his neck then looked up. It was Alex and he was laughing at me! Jen and Emmy stopped and then all I could feel was my face getting redder by the second. I felt so stupid so straight away I turned and started to walk away.
Suddenly I felt a soft hand grab my arm and I slowly looked up hearing a slight snigger. Jen was stunned and burst out in apology. Alex just laughed again he was the one apologizing now. “I’m sorry if I scared you I was just trying to see what it is like for the visitors and I thought if I got here early before rehearsal I could finally find out, its just one of those things you know.” I blushed at the thought that he was talking to me. I just stood there looking at Alex as if I had never set eyes on a guy before seeing him. Emmy jabbed me in the back and I shook rigorously and blurted out “bite me!” Jen and Emmy hid there faces but got a shock of there own when they felt a set of arms on them as the rest of Elliot Minor had pounced on them like a pack of wild animals that needed to be fed. Jen and Emmy burst out screaming as the guys just laughed, Ed broke the awkwardness and asked Alex where he had gone and why was he holding a girl captive. On that he let go of my arm and called a meeting of his band. After about 5 minutes they turned back round again and let out a quirky yet scary looking grin. I could tell that thoughts of terror and bewildered amusement went through all of us girl’s heads. They went back to the wild side and rounded us up and shunned us backstage into there dressing rooms for more chatter or so we thought.
By the time we had got back there they had had a word with the security guards and they had walked out to a different area of the site. We all looked at each other and grabbed for each others hands and sat hesitantly perched on the edge of the sofa that was there. They came in the room and brought out a bottle; we all looked at each other with confusion. They sniggered and grabbed us and sat us down in a circle. We couldn't’t believe it we were playing a mix game of spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven with Elliot Minor. First to spin was Dan it landed on Emmy which caused a bit of silent conflict and I sat there and looked at Jen in comfort. After 7 minutes Emmy came out and gave a not bothered look; Jen ran away to the corridor and Dan went out to see her. I asked Emmy what had happened and all that she said was they talked about random things and that she had told him about Jen liking him for whom he was. Through my head I knew what was going on outside all the guys in the room fell silent. All we heard was a bash against the wall and me and Emmy looked at each other and giggled and yelled “result!” Alex looked at me when we turned back around and Emmy looked straight at Ed who had been contently looking at her we both cleared our throat and said “may we be excused to talk?” they just looked at each other in mystification and nodded.
We ran into the bathroom and talked through our plan of action. Emmy looked at her watch and yelped at the thought that it was 20 minutes away. We swung the door open to hit Ed in the face and then we realised that the guys had been listening to the full conversation we looked at each other then looked at the floor to see Jens feet almost on top of Dan’s feet. We looked up slightly and through our fringes we saw Jen holding Dan’s hand.
Alex looked at the wall trying to hold in a laugh and said in his most dodgy Scottish accent “your right ladies its 20 minutes till we are needed on stage so we had better get ready. Déjà vu huh?!” I looked at him in a way I used to look at my brother when he had just spilt spaghetti hoops down my school shirt. Alex looked back at me in the same way and leapt into my arms and whispered into my ear “I know how you feel and can I just say right back at ya!” He pulled back and kissed me lightly on the cheek and said to us all “I am sure I speak for us all when I say that we would be so gob smacked if you don’t come to see us after the show we have already spoken to the lads on patrol you will get perfect seating and a free pass through no hassle!”