Still Figuring Out ...

Chapter 5

Jen woke up 2 months after that fate filled day and was in a not so good mood. Dan had left yet another offline message for her on her laptop which was always open in case she needed to quickly get on to update her twitter or to get the latest gigs before they sell out because her faithful baby blackberry had been filled up with texts from Dan and her older brother Jared.
Jen had been in and out of the doctors because she was worried because her period hadn’t come yet and she had missed two. The doctor had asked if she was pregnant but she was sure she wasn’t because she used a condom.
After another 4 months Emmy sat with Jen in the midwife check up holding her hand as the scan went on. Jen had come off the medication after 3 months when she found out she was in fact pregnant. She had been clean for 3 months but there was still the possibility there could be implications with the birth but this was the final telling point.
The nurse turned with a sad look on her face and said “would you like the good or bad news first?” Reluctantly Emmy answered for Jen and said “bad!” the nurse giggled and said “well I’m sorry but its going to be twins!” Emmy broke into tears and laughed her head off and hugged Jen who was still in shock not so much at having a baby but having twins. After recovering she turned and asked “what was the good news?” the nurse sighed and said “it’s going to be boys”
Emmy then went back home and found another mysterious package on her door step. This time it was a teddy bear with ‘I love you! You make me beary happy!’ The arms where moveable to make it so they can hug her. Emmy still had no idea who this mysterious man was but added the bear to her collection on her bed of toys which she has had from when she was born. They were all special and all had a story behind them. All of her close friends knew her as a bit eccentric but extremely arty and full of life but her guilty pleasure was teddy bears so for her birthday her close friends put money together get her a big teddy so she now has 8 on the floor around the room to protect her. Emmy had been getting these presents for the last 2 months every week on the week but was too scared to tell her friends. Also she found no harm in it because she thought it was very sweet it started off with some plastic roses which are now in her kitchen and some vanilla incense in an elaborate container in her living room.