Status: Took down the other story and started with this one.. This is a better one.

Being With the One I Love

The Thought's Keep Coming Back..

No matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about you. The way we used to hold hands, laugh, kiss, make the silliest jokes. I can't believe it's all gone. Over. Done with. In a matter of seconds too. I hate walking down the street and see you with that THING [b/] holding her hand. Smiling with her. Brushing her hair out of her face.. It all gone.


"I can't believe him and the creature are still [i/] dating.." Lizz said to me as were sitting on my front porch.
James and his new girlfriend were walking down my street acting the way him and I did.

"I really don't care anymore. If he wants to be with that nasty thing, than let him. He had me, but he ruined his chance." I knew that was a lie.. I actually did still care.

"You're so lying to yourself.. You know what he did to you was wrong. No guy, should ever have the balls to do that and than go and date another chick, just like nothing happened."

Lizz was right..

Her phone had made a sound. Her mom wanted her home and I had to get ready to go to my therapist.


"The whole story behind James and I is so stupid." I stated to my therapist. This one, out of the 40 million I have been to, actually listens and helps me.

"Well... Kate, why don't you start from the beginning of the relationship and tell me everything that happened. I want you to give me as much detail as you possibly can. Don't leave out anything. No matter how small or not important you may think it might be. I must know everything."

I looked down at my hands. I knew this was going to be the longest session I've had yet..

"This may take a while... I don't have the money to pay for that long of a session..."

"Than this will not be a "session." This will be just two women talking. None of this will cost anything. Just act like I'm one of your friends and just talk. But, whatever is said in this room, stays in this room. The same rules apply." Jackie said with a smile on her face. I knew I could trust her. But I still didn't feel right. I feel like she doesn't actually want to know about everything with James..

I started to think.. I went back to the first time James and I first met. Memories started flowing back faster than I could think. Emotions where starting to overwhelm me.. Than, I started to talk.

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This is a whole different story. Hope you like this one better (: