Sequel: You Fight Me.

You Know Me Better Than I Know Myself.

Se eu quisesse sair, eu podia ter deixado até agora.

as Kiddo is laying beside me, sleeping, I think about the last 6 months. we've been fighting so much it has been intolerably. we're so different, but nonetheless I love her. she's beautiful and fiery, but still shy and clever.

It might have been mostly my fault that we fight, I can get so jealous, but I think it's understandable. she's beautiful and from another country. if she found a man she liked back home, she would leave me, no doubt. and if she left me I wouldn't know what do at all, I love her.

she shifts in sleep and turn away from me sighing. I smile and kisses her forehead, then get out of bed. I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer from the fridge. as I sip from it I think about what my friends think about Kiddo. they like her, but they don't think we work together because of the fights.

we have been fighting in front of them, just about small things.. But it's enough to make any friends turning their head and think wrong. and my friends are on exception, so is her friends. I've heard how they talk about me, especially what that guy friend in Denmark has been writing on skype.

it makes me furious, it makes me think he's trying to take her away from me. I sometimes lay awake and think about it, my jealousy has no end in this case. But after tonight I think it has been put to rest a bit, 'Coz she told me that if she wanted leave, she would have left me by now.

maybe it's time now, I should pop the question to her. I love her and she loves me, she cannot say no! Unless... Unless she thinks it's a big step, and she cannot leave Denmark completely. But, she can go on vacation, just like she does now. Only I'll go with her this time and I can keep an eye on her. Yes! That's the best Idea I've ever had!

I put the beer down and get up then runs to the bedroom, Kiddo is laying the way I left her. I smile and get in the bed then cuddles into her, she smiles moving more into my chest.

"mmhmm, hello beautiful..." she tells me, I can hear the sleep in her voice. I smiles and rub her back.

"hello sexiness" she giggles quietly. I smiles then gulp looking at the ceiling.

"I gotta ask you a question..." she looks up at me. I gulp again then looks at her.

"... Will you marry me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
last chapter, I hope you liked it :)