Status: its a work in progress

Life's Creepy That Way

The Journal I Wrote Before Previous Chapters: Life's Creepy That Way

so i've been remembering my childhood a lot lately... the fact that i would stay up at all hours of the night and talk to people who weren't there. now that we live here, and are remodeling, some weird stuff is happening.

i was just informed this morning, by my mum, that my favorite place to sit in the living room is the EXACT spot where my grandfather died.

now while my grandfather is the only one to die in this house, or so we've been told, a woman was murdered next door for drug money. don't believe me? look up

Louise Fridley Murder.

on google, then tell me im wrong. [just DONT stalk me]

anyway, as a child, i was the only one who was in love with this old house. and i would stay up talking to people who weren't there. a man and a woman.

now louise died in 1989, 6 years before my birth, and pap died when i was about 2. i just realized this today while thinking about stuff...

anyway.. i have a fair amount of "gifts" but why tell you, i don't want to be a sideshow freak. im content with being a freak in general.

so after a lot of contemplation on what happened last night, i came to the assumption that something... creepy is going on.

ive decided to start a paranormal investigation group when i graduate, because i've been dealing with this kinda thing my whole life. maybe i'll write a story on my "paranormal" encounters.

dont get me wrong, i have a fascination with death and dead things. but when i lived in the trailer, a 30 min drive away, there was a woman and her two kids shot by her husband and then he committed suicide in the shed behind paps house.

not only did i have experiences growing up in that area, but i regularly visited my aunts house [where the two kids died] the one neighbors house [where the wife was shot running from him] and my paps house [where the man committed suicide] and had some strange... incidences in those houses.

i only asked my aunt when i had dreams about the kids and the woman. i knew the entire story before she told me [and we had dial-up, so that means i didn't go on-line much, and i was 8]

im starting to think that my purpose is to help people... but maybe its not just the living...

take this with what ever thoughts you will, i know the truth. so much has happened to me, that i cant even deny it anymore.

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Figured I should add this somewhere. forgot to add it as the first chapter.