Being Someone Different

Jazz and Mitchy are best friends.
Senior year, so far, has been a blast...until they lose a bet to their best friends Jay, and Ty.
Now, after completely redoing their wardrobes and hardly learning table manners, they have to find dates to prom from the crowd that they absolutely despise.
But, sometimes things are not what they seem and people are not who you think.
They are Being Someone Different to fit the mold of what high school expects them to be.

--Author's Note: Anything you recognize from Disney Channel, we do not own. Otherwise, the character's, plot, and names belong to Crystal [Danelradcliffe1fan] and MaKayla [Spikeskyogirl]. Please, do not steal...or Jazz and Mitch are gonna show up at your school and shove skateboards up your bums ^-^