Being Someone Different


“Aw Fuck.” Mitchy said under her breath as Monster Moreno came over. She looked at the current situation and told us to go to her office. Stacy had a smug grin plastered on her face…I wanted to bitch slap it off. As we passed people in the hall I sighed, just wanting to get this day over with so Mitchy and I can beat the guys at the skate boarding contest tonight. We had to beat them, considering me made a bet.

“I know we will kick your asses.” Mitchy stated calmly as we sat in Ty’s basement. The television was set on MTV, where reruns of Pranked! were playing.

“We are wayyyyy better skateboards than you, Jazz, and Bam Margera put together.” Jay said while throwing a magazine onto the table. He sat up from his position, which was lying upside down on the couch, and clapped his hands together. We all looked at him as if he had gone mental.

“Let’s make a bet! If Ty and I win then….You all have to be girls.” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Girls?” I questioned confusion evident on my face.

“Yes, girls! You have to redo your wardrobe…No more pants, band t-shirts, or black. Only skirts, short shorts, blouses, girly t-shirts, and lots of pink.”

“You are crazy! I am not agreeing to that!” Mitchy said from her spot on the other side of the room. She had a guitar in her hands and a notebook on the ground.

“’Cause you know we are gonna win!” Ty said a wicked smile on his face. Mitchy got up, walked over, and stuck her hand out to Ty.

“I accept our challenge…just no you have to do the same. Only skirts, short shorts, blouses, girly t-shirts, and lots of pink.


Then they shook on it.

We spent the next thirty minutes sitting in the office, just to be given a detention when our side of the story wasn’t even heard.

“Here is your detention slips for tonight. Have an amazing day.” Moreno said then turned around back to her office. I groaned and looked at the yellow piece of paper.

“Principle Moreno, you didn’t even hear what we had to say!” Mitchy yelled at the closed door to her office. Stacy stood there, laughing slightly. I rolled my eyes, pulled Mitchy away from QB (Queen Bitch) before she ended making her face merge with the wall.

“Let’s go to class.” I said as I headed back to the drama room. Since this is a special class, it lasted two hours instead of one. As soon as I reached the doors, I turned around to the fuming girl behind me.

“Mitch, calm down. Just go to class, don’t be a smartass, and float through the rest of the day. If you do that I’ll buy you three tubs of Ben and Jerry’s.” Her frown slowly began twitching up into a smile and I held out my hand. We did our signature handshake and I told her goodbye. She slowly walked down the hall and I reentered the class. Everyone was standing in different groups, and they all turned around to look at me.

“That was a very long time to spend in the washroom, Jasmine.”

“I did go to the washroom…just got in trouble on the way back.” I said, holding up my detention slip so she can see it in my hands. She shook her head in disappointment, and I sighed, walking to where Gavin and Tara were standing towards the back of the room.

“So…What’s happenin'?”
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I'm not really all that happy with this chapter lol
but MaKayla was rushin me...
but feedback? :)