My Naruto High School Romance With a Mannequin

Part 3

Why is Chemistry so hard?" I whined, throwing my books onto my bed. "It combines my two worst classes into one!"

"I-I could help you," Hinata said, timidly. "I'm really good at chemistry."

"Really?" I asked, hopefully. "You'd do that for me?"

Hinata shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah," she said. "You're smart, I know you'll get it."

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I yelled, glomping her. "You're the bestest friend EVER!"

"Best friend?" Hinata asked, sitting up.

"Of course," I replied. "You say that like you're surprised."

"I've never had a best friend before," she said. That really surprised me. Hinata was a sweet and loyal girl. It was hard to imagine her not being someone's confidante.

"Well," I told her, "now you do." I gave her a smile. "Now, what was Iruka Sensei talking about in class?"

"So, when are the other soccer teams coming to stay with us, anyway?" I asked Naruto as we both walked towards our joint class of Fundamentals of Calculus.

"Sometime next week," he replied, throwing his hands up behind his head. Naruto had, yet again, "forgotten" to do his homework, so he wasn't weighted down with the same crap as I was. "A practice schedual is being worked out right now, so we'll be ready when the other teams arrive."

"How do you think you guys are going to do?" I asked.

"Well," he said, "we're totally going to kick butt! I'm the best goalie in the world! No one can get through my defenses!"

I laughed and shook my head. "Uh-huh. Now, what are you going to do if you flunk this test today?" I asked. Naruto already had a D in FC and if he got anything lower than an 86%, he was going to have an F and wouldn't be able to play in the tournament.

"I'll figure something out," Naruto said. "I always do."

We entered Kakashi Sensei's classroom and took our prospective seats.

"Vo-ted most likely to end up on the back of a milk-box drink. Looks like I'm lettin' 'em down. Cause seven seventy-five isn't worth an hour of my hard workin' time when you can't afford half the shit they adver-tise," I sang very loudly and off key while jumping up and down on my bed.

"Wow," Hinata said, trying to be nice, "you're a pretty good singer."

I laughed. "Not really, but thanks," I said. "It's my third favorite past time, reading being my second, and drawing my first."

"I can tell," she replied before turning back to her AP Calc book.

"Hey, Neji," I said, taking my seat next to him in our Language class with Kurenai Sensei.

"Good morning, Miyako," Neji replied pleasantly.

"Have you started that new essay Kurenai Sensei assigned to us yesterday?" I asked curiously.

“I finished it last night,” Neji replied matter-of-factly, placing his notebook and pencil before him on the desk.

I almost fell over in shock. “You finished all ten pages of it?” I asked surprised. Surely he didn’t.

Neji leveled me with a look that said ‘are you challenging me?’ “Yes,” he replied.

“Oh,” I said, letting the subject drop. I didn’t want to feel worse about myself than I already did. I considered myself to be pretty good at writing, but even I couldn’t finish a ten page essay in one night.

Luckily for me, Kurenai Sensei arrived at that moment, and class began.