

I could feel nothing else besides the hot rush of liquid down my already burnt throat. My senses were dimmed, blank as a new canvas. The tears that caught along my lashes, and slid inwards to my mouth didn’t matter anymore. Nothing mattered anymore. It was gone.

My steering wheel hummed as I pushed faster, I was more uncontrollable now. My screams were met by honks, and the blare of music that couldn’t drown me anger down. I fumbled for the phone, and dialed a number that I only knew too well. Three rings, another call, and a then a voicemail. “I can’t live without you, can’t go on and be happy. I need you. I need to feel your skin, and your hair, and your love. I need that control that I have with you. Skylar, please please take me, take me back.” Another sip of scorching fire, and another call back to her, “I love you. Call me back.” I threw the phone down, and wiped at my tears, my sobs shook me, and clung to every fiber of my being. It didn’t matter, it didn’t. I pushed faster, as fast as I could.

The phone rang, I knew it was her. I reached over, my shaking hand was poised to answer, and I heard her say hello. I only looked down for a second before a blaring horn caught my attention. Lights took over my eyes, and screeching metal met my ears. I screamed, and felt the car flip before skidding to an end. Black swirled around me, and voices carried me to my dreams.

It was a great time before I woke up. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak my throat was so dry. It was hard to see. Machines beeped around me. I knew I was hurt. “Charles, can you hear me son? Blink once if you can.” I blinked. “You’ve been in an accident. Your parents are here, okay? We’re going to give you some water before bringing them in.” I held my mouth open, and waited for the cold drink to sooth my thirst.

The man who talked to me left, and came back with my parents. My mother cried, and my father looked ahead, a stony expression upon his worried face. I looked towards the doctor,“Are the other people okay? Where are they at?”

He shook his head, “The patient was deceased when medical came onto the scene.”

I closed my eyes, and let the tears fall, “Who was it?”

“Skylar Millar. She died on impact.”