
Over the Hills and Far Away

Emilia woke up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She turned over to see Charlie lying awake beside her. He touched the side of her face and smiled. “What time is it?” Emilia asked him.

“It’s 10:30,” he replied as leaned over and kissed her lips. Emilia relaxed as she gave Charlie a big squeeze. “I love you, you know that?” Charlie whispered.

Emilia giggled and kissed Charlie. “Of course I know that, I love you too!” she replied. Charlie smiled back.

“Don’t you have to get back soon?” Charlie asked as his smile turned into a frown. Emilia looked down and then back up as her eyes met Charlie’s.

“I don’t want to go,” Emilia cried. Charlie wiped the tears from Emilia’s eyes. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her head. “I want to stay with you, forever!” Emilia cried.

“I know, don’t worry I’m going to find a way for us to be together,” Charlie reassured her.

Charlie dropped Emilia off at the corner before Emilia’s house. “I can’t keep lying to him,” Emilia sobbed.

“He doesn’t deserve you!” Charlie said handing Emilia a ring. “I want you to keep this,” Charlie said. Emilia accepted the ring as she began to cry. “I have a plan. Tonight at twelve go to the beach and wait for me there. Take what you want and we’re getting out of here!” Charlie smiled.

Emilia smiled back and kissed Charlie. “Over the hills and far away,” Emilia laughed nervously as the tears continued down her face. Charlie nodded and Emilia got out of the car. She shut the car door and watched Charlie’s car drive off down the road. She wiped her tears and walked up to her house.
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