
House of Fun

I woke up and as I did I began to rub my sleepy eyes. I looked around to find myself in a small room that I did not recognize. I removed the blanket that was covering me and as I did I noticed a small blood stain at the top of my pink dress. Nervously, I began to look around the room. Where was I? That was the only question on my mind at that moment.

Just then I heard the wooden door at the end of the room opening. I sat up as a woman entered the room. The woman was pale and she has long, brown, wavy hair. She came toward me with a tray of food.

She handed me the tray of food which was accompanied with an ice cold drink. “That’s for you!” she laughed as she noticed I hadn’t started to eat but had continued to examine the tray.

I looked up from the tray and replied with a quick thank you to the woman. The woman sat down beside me. “I don’t mean to be rude but who are you and where am I?” I asked the woman.

The woman looked back at me and said “I’m Juliet Darling and this is Malachai Harker’s house. I know this doesn’t make any sense to you right now but it will all become clear later, Malachai will explain to you later.”

Juliet’s word sounded promising so I felt a bit of comfort in the situation. I began to take a bit of the sandwich that was placed on the tray for me. After I took my first swallow I continued to talk to Juliet. “I’m sorry for questioning you but I don’t know a Malachai?” I asked.

Juliet smiled. “No, Malachai is the man that brought you here,” Juliet stopped in mid-sentence noticing I had a puzzled look on my face. “Do you not remember anything from last night?” Juliet asked concerned.

I shook my head as I began to think back to the day before. “No the last thing I remember is having a fight with my husband, but that’s all,” I explained.

Juliet smirked and quickly added “I guess this is going to take longer than we expected. Oh by the way I never asked you you’re name.”

“Oh sorry, my name is Emilia Marga” I smiled. I didn’t know what it was about Juliet but I felt like I had gained her trust already. I didn’t know much of this man "Malachai" that Juliet spoke about but his name scared me already.

“Do you live in this house?” I asked Juliet who was now standing up and reaching for something in her pocket.

“Yes, I am one of Malachai’s good friends, most of Malachai’s friends live here,” Juliet said smiling. She handed me a map of the huge house. “You’ll need it!” she replied.

Juliet walked to the door at the end of the room and looked back at me. “Come on, lets get you something else to wear!” she said signalling for me to come with her. I walked to where Juliet was and followed her out the door.