Status: In progress

A Once in a Lifetime Love

Let's Start From the Beginning.

He turned his head. He look down the aisle. He saw her.
Words cannot describe his reaction.
Her and her beautiful smile, her hair pinned back ever so slightly.
Him and his black suit and cowboy boots.
She wanted to run down that aisle towards him and never look back.
This is a story about their love.
So, we might as well start from the very beginning.

His name: John Cornelius O'Callaghan V. Hers: Alyssa Chiarra Naya.
He was a lead singer in a band, like all leading men in love stories are. She was just a fan. But, not just a fan, she was infatuated with him. She realized it was creepy, but his words, his voice, and even his face soothed her. There she was, standing in a crowd full of teenage girls, swooning over his voice. She couldn't help but scream like a crazed fan when he came out.

He grabbed his guitar, looked into the crowd
"How are y'all doing tonight?" asked John.
He wasn't surprised by the crowd, he was used to hundreds of teenage girls coming up to him and screaming his name. He may be used to it, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't surprised by it. He loved getting up on that stage every night and singing his heart out, even on the bad days, he was still in love with that rush he got every time he heard the whole crowd singing along with him. It was what he loved, and what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

Her heart was pounding a million miles an hour, there he was, singing her favorite song, and smiling at her. But, she knew he wasn't actually looking at her. He was probably staring into the abyss, thinking of another girl back home that he would rather sing this song to.

He saw her.
He'd never seen a girl in the crowd that was so beautiful.
It was premature of him to say this, but he said, "she's the one."
Everyone was silent.
He was so caught up in her that he didn't realize that he said it out loud into the microphone, in the middle of the song.

She was stunned, literally shocked.
'Did he just say that to me?' she thought.
No, it can't be for me. There are hundreds of girls in this crowd.
'I'm not even remotely pretty enough for him to notice me in a crowd full of screaming girls,' she thought.

He pointed to her.
"Me?" she mouthed.
"Duh!" He said. "Get the hell up here!"
He had never done this before, pulled a girl up on stage in the middle of a song. She rushed up to the stage, hoping she wouldn't trip. She ran up those stairs like her life depended on it. She got on stage and her heart was literally beating out of her chest now. He was just staring at her, she had no idea what was going through his head, but she wanted to. This was her dream, the dream she had every night before she went to sleep.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Alyssa" she said, shyly.
"How old are you?" he asked.
"A lady never states her age," she said jokingly.
He laughed, "No, but in all seriousness, how old are you? So I don't seem like a pedophile."
"Just turned 21," she said.
"Let's raise our glass to that," he said smiling at her.
She realized she was standing on a stage with her favorite band, and hundreds of girls staring at her with rage.
"Aren't you supposed to be playing music?" she asked.
He laughed again, he made her nervous, "Right, I was thinking that maybe I could dedicate this song to you."
"As long as it's not Misery," she jokingly said, "But, in all honesty, why would you do that?"
He took a second to think, "Because... I've never met a girl who took my breathe away at first sight, as cheesy as that sounds. I've never gotten on stage and saw a beautiful girl standing there right before my eyes and become so nervous that I forgot all the words to a song. I thought love at first sight was something that only happened in the movies, but it's happened to me and I've never had this feeling before, but it feels good," he stated.

She stared at him, stunned. No boy in her lifetime has ever said something so genuine to her before.
"You're kidding right. This is really just a dream and that someone is going to wake me up right now. Or a cruel joke? Because as humiliating as this sounds, you're the guy that I've wanted for a long time now. Every guy that I've ever dated cannot even compare to you, because you're perfect," Alyssa said.
"This is not a dream, or a cruel joke, believe me. I would never play such a cruel joke to you. I'm also very far from perfect, I'm just a guy that is standing in front of this amazing girl wanting to do so many things to her right now," he said with a coy smile.
"I've wanted to do so many things to you for so long," she said laughingly.
They both felt like it was just the two of them standing on that stage, but sadly they were still standing in front of a crowd that was waiting on their every move.
"Wow, I can't believe I just said that," she said, "I just remembered how many people are here. For a second it just felt like it was the two of us," she said
"That's a good thing right?" He said, "I wish you could stay up here with me all night and have you in my arms all night, but I've been rude enough already to all these amazing people in the crowd tonight."
The crowd screamed.
"Meet me backstage, and I'll be waiting," he whispered in her ear.
"I've wanted to hear those words for so long," she said.
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feedback would be amazing! negative or positive! anything is good!