Status: In progress

A Once in a Lifetime Love

Come With Me

She took her time walking towards the bus. She really didn't want to be judged by the other girls when exiting the venue. The minute she walked outside, all of the girls were practically silent, she knew they were all in rage wishing they were her, but how could she know John would suddenly be distracted by her, it never happened before, so how could she now it would happen tonight. She knew they were silently judging her the minute she walked on to that bus. No one was there so she just sat on the couch. She could hear the girls screaming their hearts out when the boys came out of the venue. As she watched them sign and take pictures with the fans she saw how genuine and extremely polite they were with every single fan, this is why she was so in love with them. Once they were done, the boys started piling into the bus. The very first one was Jared.

"Well hello there," said Jared.
"Hi!" screamed Alyssa.
He laughed, "A little excited there, are we?"
"Very excited and a little nervous," she said.
"Don't be! Believe me when I say that this has never happened to good ole' Johnny Boy. I've never seen him so infatuated with a girl before, it's actually a little creepy," he said.
"Tell me about it, if you're creeped out, then I should be insane to have come on this bus," she said sarcastically.
He laughed, "maybe a little, but all the good ones are," he said coyly.
She smiled, "Jared, can I just tell you how much of a guitar god you are. You're literally amazing on that guitar, and a huge inspiration. Sorry, I had to fangirl for a minute."
"Why thank you, that actually means a lot to me. Music makes me happy so hopefully we get to do this for the rest of our lives, it just feels right, " he said.
"Your welcome! And you guys do look incredibly happy to be on that stage every night, especially playing Pioneer, you can tell how proud you all are of that album. And, believe me no fan of yours will ever let you guys quit on us," she said.
"I like you, I'm gonna have to tell John not to let you go or break your heart," he said "but it's totally fine if you break his, we get great music out of it," he said laughingly.
"Oh believe me, I will be the one breaking hearts," she said.

The door opened again, her heart was pounding, but it wasn't John, it was Garrett and Pat.
"Oh hey!" they both screamed.
"Hi there!" she said.
"We wanted to be apart of the interrogation," Garrett said.
Jared replied sarcastically, "Damnit Garrett! You just ruined our cover!"
"My bad," Garrett said, "So I hear you have the hots for our boy John?"
She blushed, "Maybe."
"I mean he's extremely good looking, who wouldn't?" Pat asked.
They all looked at Pat in a confused manner.
", what's your name again?" Garrett asked.
"Alyssa. Alyssa Naya," she replied.
"Well, hello Alyssa Naya my name is.." Garrett started to say, but Alyssa jumped in and finished his sentence, "Garrett Daniel Nickelsen," she said.
"And we got ourselves a stalker!" Garrett replied jokingly.
"I'm not gonna deny it," Alyssa replied.
"Alrighty then, trivia time," said Garrett, "What's Pat's favorite food?"
"Easy," she said, "Cupcakes, which he probably should never, ever eat again."
"Alright, what's Jared's middle name?" asked Pat.
"James," replied Alyssa proudly.
"Hmmm," thought Jared, "Ok, what tattoo does Garrett have on the side of his leg?"
"A zombie," she said, "Come on guys, challenge me a little bit."
"I don't know if I want to keep going, I have a feeling you're a legitimate stalker or even a zombie come here to lure John and kill him and then kill us!" said Garrett.
"Yup," she said, "you pretty much nailed that one Garrett. You caught me, I'm just a siren zombie in disguise."
"I knew it!" he said.
"Do those even exist?"she asked.
"Good question," said Garrett, "We'll make them exist."
"Sounds good to me," she said.

The door opened again, every time that door opened her heart started pounding a million miles an hour. It was him and Kennedy.
"See I told you I wouldn't keep you waiting," John said.
"Yeah, it's a good thing I had these boys to keep me company," she said.
"Really? These boys? Good company? Please," he said jokingly.
"Yeah, they let slip that you run around the bus, naked in your sleep," she said with a smile.
"Guys, you said you wouldn't let that one slip!" he said sarcastically.
Kennedy popped up behind him, "Bonjour!" He said.
"Well hello Kennedy Brock!" Alyssa said.
"This is Ken," John said, "he's a creeper."
"Yup, pretty much my life," Kennedy said, "But on a side note we should let these two love birds alone."
John and Alyssa laughed nervously.
"Oh Ken, you know exactly how to make people feel real awkward, real fast," John said "But, on that note, the fans are mostly gone, do you want to take that walk?"
"Aww, but I love all the company on this bus," she said.
"You know you want to get out of this bus, I could see it in your eyes," he said sarcastically.
"Alright, I'll go on a walk with you," she said, making it sound like it was the most dreadful thing in her life.
"Wow, don't sound too excited," John said.
She smiled, "Yes, John Cornelius O'Callaghan V, I would love to go on a walk with you."
"I love a girl who knows my whole name, it's kind of sexy," John said.
"John, you think any thing the girl does is sexy," said Jared.
"True dat," John said smiling. He looked at her, he looked completely happy, "ready?"
She smiled, "Like you'll never know."

They walked out of the bus, he held the door opened for her like a gentleman, and there were a few fans outside waiting, so he signed their posters and t-shirts for them like it was nothing.
Once he was done she asked, "Where does all of your patience come from?"
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I mean if that were me, I would be completely annoyed. Don't get me wrong, that is why I love you the most, is because how amazing you guys you are to your fans. But, damn, I would get so tired of it," she said.
"I mean, sometimes I really do, sometimes I get off that stage tired and just want to get on the damn bus, that I don't want to deal with hundreds of screaming girls, but they're the reason we're still a band. So, I literally owe my life to these screaming girls, they're the reason we're still able to make music, because they listen. But, not gonna lie, sometimes I just want to be a certified rock star and just walk straight to the damn bus and sleep," he said.
"See, this is why I love you guys," she said.
They walked for awhile until they stopped in front of the Marquis.
"So, you said you wanted to see "my" Denver, here we are," she said.
"This is the Marquis, we've played here before," he said.
"Yup," she said, "this is where I saw you guys for the first time live, and this is where my whole life changed. So, I thought this was a pretty fitting place for us to start our tour," she said.
He smiled, "So, I'm guessing this was the first time we met too and I was either too dumb or too wasted to realize how extremely gorgeous you are."
"Full of cheesiness tonight are we?" she laughed, "and yes, this was officially the first time we met. I was a nervous reck, but you were pretty chill, might have been all of those drugs you took."
"Right, I love me my drugs," he said smiling, "how did I not notice you then?"
"I was 18, you were 20, I was still maturing, still probably in my really awkward phase," she said with a smile.
"Wait," he said, "and you still haven't grown out of that yet."
"Shut up!" she said jokingly.
"It just amazes me, I've probably met you about 3 times now, and suddenly one night it hits me and I found you in a crowd full of people," he said.
"That's fate for ya," she said.

They walked around a little more, Alyssa showing John all the places she got super drunk at and puked at the front door, showing him the place where she spent most nights with her friends just laughing and runnnig around and just acting like they were kids again. The place where her first date took her and the first place he dumped her. Her parents store, where she spent most summers and weekends working. They went on one of those bike rides where someone else did all the work for you around downtown, her narrating every little detail. He was amused, he loved hearing about her life and how imperfect she actually was. He loved hearing her talk.
"I'd take you on my actual tour of Denver, but it's getting late, you probably should be heading back to the bus," she said.
"What time is it?" he asked with a yawn.
"Almost 4:00 in the morning," she replied, "see and you're tired, you really should get some rest, the sun is about to come up anyway."
"But, I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you leave! I really don't want this to be goodbye," he said.
"Well I obviously don't want it to be either, but we're eventually going to have to say it," she said.
"What if it wasn't?" he said.
"What are you talking about?" she asked, with a really confused look on her face.
"Come with me," he replied.
"Like on tour?" she asked.
"No, to the bathroom," he replied sarcastically, "of course on tour, we could get to know each other so much better."
She paused, he was kidding right?
"I don't think you understand how many times I've wanted to hear you say those words, but I have a life here, I have friends and family and work and school! And besides, you barely even know me! What if we got completely sick of each other and I would end up stranded in the middle of nowhere trying to get back home!" she yelled.
"I'm glad you think so highly of our relationship," he said sarcastically, "I want to know you, I want to be with you, don't you want the same?"
"Of course! God! I want everything you just said, I've wanted that for so long, but I can't just pack up and leave my life behind for a couple of months!" she said.
"I do it all the time," he said.
"That's why it's easier for you!" she said.
"This has literally never happened to me before! I've never wanted a girl to come on tour with me, to show her my life on the road, until now. And, suddenly the thought of losing you, possibly forever scares the living shit out of me. I just got you, I don't want to lose you," he said.
"Believe me, you won't lose me, I will be here, the same ole me, the only difference is that I will be waiting for you to come back," she said.
"It's not the same, how do you build a relationship when the two people in it are thousands of miles away from each other every day," he said.
"This is why they invented skype and texting and phones, so that when you're missing someone from a million miles away, you can see them or hear their voice at least," she said.
"I've tried this before, and it's really just not the same. I know I'm asking a lot, but this is a once in a lifetime kind of love that I feel for you, I know I will never get this feeling again, and I just don't want to lose you know," he said.
"Fate brought us together, it can do it once more," she said.
"I know, I know I will be able to see you during tour and after tour, but don't you want to be adventurous, have you ever just followed your heart before?" he asked.
She thought about it, she has never done what her heart has told her to do, everything she did had a logical reasoning behind it, but never had she done something she knew was risky but potentially make her happy and feel alive.
"No, I haven't," she said.
"Well, what is your heart telling you at this exact moment?" he asked.
"It's telling me to go," she said.
"Well then, come with me," he said holding out his hand, "we could watch the sun rise every day together, just take a chance with me. I don't know what the future holds, I just know that if I let you go now, I will forever regret it," he said.