Status: In progress

A Once in a Lifetime Love

Eyes Wide Open

Alyssa thought about his question for quite awhile.
She knew her life would definitely change completely, but she wasn't sure if it was going to be for the better or for the worse. She was in love with this man, even if it had always been a simple fangirl love, but she had been in love with him forever.
And, now here he was standing in front of her asking her to go with him on tour, this is the moment where all of her dreams come true. She was frozen in her stance, she knew that she wanted to scream yes the moment he asked her, so why wasn't she?

He was just staring at her, waiting for her to answer.
He was pretty sure he was sweating through his leather jacket, he wanted her to say yes, he didn't know why she was taking so long to answer.
He knew if she said no that there would never be a relationship between them.
Sometimes he hated the lifestyle he had because he rarely ever got to see his family, or his friends back home. So, he knew that if she said no, it could quite possibly be impossible to make what they had work, whatever this was.
But, he wanted her, he wanted to get to know her, he wanted to be that guy who knew exactly what she was thinking at every moment.
He just wanted to be that guy for her. Because this had never happened to him before, he had never felt this way about a girl in his life, but here he was practically on his knees begging this girl to come with him.

She finally opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
"Yes," she said.
"Wait, what was that?" he asked.
"....Yes," she responded.
He had a huge smile on his face, "You'll come with me?" he asked.
"Yes, just don't make me regret this one," she said.
"I promise you, I won't make you regret this decision at all," he said.
"Wait, did you ask any of the guys?" she asked.
"Well, not exactly," he said.
"What does that mean, not exactly?" she asked.
" I haven't asked them," he said.
"Have you ever had a girl on the bus before?" she asked.
"Well, no" he said.
"So, did you even think about how any of this is going to work out?" she asked.
"Are we playing 20 questions here?" he asked.
"Yes we are, if I am agreeing to go with you, we have to work all of this out," she said.
"I mean you can sleep on the roof," he said sarcastically.
"Funny," she said, she wasn't amused.
"Way to ruin the spontaneity," he said sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, you wanted to get to know me and this is who I am, this organized control freak who doesn't ever do spontaneous things, ever and..." Just as she started her rant, he grabbed her and kissed her. It wasn't just a kiss, it was the most passionate kiss she had ever experienced. If you zoomed into her eyes, behind the darkness of her lids you would see fireworks that matched the popping in her ears and vivid flowing of her blood. Right now she was pretty sure she had no lungs,
The most perfect kiss of her life.
She never wanted it to end.
"Shut up," he whispered to her.
"Ok," she said gazing into his eyes. Her knees were completely weak, she felt like if he wasn't holding her she would be on the ground, dead at this very moment. With that kiss, she could die as a very happy woman.
He kissed her again, this one lasting longer than the last.
He wanted this to last forever. This is what he had been wanting to do all night, just kiss her and have her in his arms. Yup, he could do this forever.
"Just come with me, you won't regret it, we can do this all night," he said.
"I would love that," she said.

They started to walk back to the bus, the sun was up by the time they got back. John opened the door and screamed in the bus, "WAKE THE FUCK UP!"
Someone yelled back, "SHUT THE FUCK UP JOHN!"
Alyssa laughed, and thought to herself, she could definitely get used to this.
Most of the boys were getting up, coming from the end of the bus, groaning for the most part. Jared was the first one to zombie walk to the front of the bus, his eyes barely open.
"What the fuck do you want John?" he asked, in a extremely groggy voice.
"Well...I was thinking, since you know, you have a girlfriend and all you would understand where I'm coming from, but is there any possibility that Alyssa could come on tour with us?" John asked.
Jared was still half asleep when he answered, "Sure, fine, whatever, I'm going to bed now."
John looked at Alyssa, "One down, 50 million to go," he said.
Most of them walked out, looking like death and smelling like death.
John waited till they all were out of their bunks.
"So, I know that by asking for this, I'm asking for a lot. But, you know that this has never happened to me before and I don't ask for a lot. So, all I'm asking, is that Alyssa come on tour with us," he explained to them.
They all sort of looked at him like he was crazy.
"Wait, you want a girl to come with us on tour?" asked Garrett.
"It has been done before," John said, looking at Garrett condescendingly, "I mean, do you not remember your ex-girlfriend Rachel?" asked John.
Garrett looked pissed, "Dude, don't even whisper that name around me."
"I'm down with it, I mean I like her already and I think she's pretty chill and she can help sell our merch with Vito if she gets bored," Pat said.
"Woah," said John "Pat, thank you for being chill about this, but I don't want to make her do slave labor for us."
"No," she said, "It's totally fine, I would love to earn my living by selling merch, why not?"
Garrett sighed, "As long as you never say the 'R' word around me again then we have a deal. I mean we already bet she was coming with us, we don't want you to loose this girl man, she's one of a kind."
"I like her, might even steal her away from ya," said Kennedy sarcastically.
"Yeah like that would ever happen," said John.
"So, we're all in agreement? She can come with us?" asked John.
"Yes," they all said, "can we go back to sleep now?"
"I'm not your father, do whatever the hell you want," John said.

They walked back to their bunks, groaning and tiredly climbed back into bed.
John looked at her.
"You sure? I don't want to make you do anything you'll regret later," he said.
"I'm positive, now that I've thought about it, I really don't want to loose what we have," she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
not done :)
what do you think?