Status: In progress

A Once in a Lifetime Love

Surprise! Here's Everything You've Ever Wanted.

Alyssa was jittery for the rest of the night and John could tell.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked sarcastically.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" she asked, twirling her hair around her finger nervously.
"What are you so nervous about?" he asked.
She looked around the room, avoiding direct eye contact with John.
"I just talked to my dad, he just gave me some pretty crazy news about my best friend in Denver, it just caught me off guard," she lied.
"What's going on?" he asked curiously.
"I'll tell you once you get off stage tonight, you have a long set ahead of you mister. You probably should start drinking now," she said laughingly.
"Not drinking tonight," he said.
"Why? You have only gone two shows without drinking and both were because you were severely hungover," she stated.
"You make me sound like an alcoholic," he said.
"Well aren't you?" she asked sarcastically.
"Very funny, the drinks just calm my nerves, you know that," he said.
"So what? No nerves tonight?" she asked.
"Too many to think about, this is a big show babe I just want to be sober enough to experience it," he said.
"Big show? It's just New York, I mean only half of America is watching you tonight," she said.
"Wow thanks for calming those nerves."
"No problem, it's my job," she said.

John then walked up to her and kissed her ever so slightly. Those were her favorite kind of kisses, because it was his way of showing that there was still so much love and passion between them, no need for planting a huge kiss on him every time they see each other.
"I'll see you inside," he said.
"Don't get mobbed by all the girls out there," she said.
"I will definitely try my hardest," he said, "I love you."
"I love you," she said.

It was time for their set. He kissed her before he went onstage, part of their daily ritual every time . They opened with "My Heroine" her favorite song, but who was she kidding, every song was her favorite. They were fucking incredible on stage, she loved the fact that Pat turned into a god playing the drums, Garrett turned into some crazy kid who can't stand still, Jared suddenly became mute, Kennedy...well was still the same old Ken and John's voice became immaculate, nothing she's every heard of. This night, everything sounded better, every note sounded crisper and John's voice sounded raspier and just plain perfect. She was nervous for what could happen at any moment of the night, but she could imagine their whole life together and all that nervousness went away in an instant.

It was the time of the night where John always gives his life altering speeches. Speeches that go on for about 10 minutes because he's either being sentimental about life or he's just drunk and likes to rant. Tonight seemed different, especially since he was sober.
"How are ya'll tonight Big Apple, the city of dreams?" he asked the crowd.
The crowd answered with ear shattering screams.
"Good, good. Now, this time in the show is where I usually make some big speech about life, and tell you to stay off drugs or stay in school, but tonight is going to be different. Tonight my speech is all about love, and let me tell you that love sucks," he said.
The minute Alyssa heard the word 'love' she heard the word 'marriage,' but the minute she heard the word 'sucks' her heart shattered into a million pieces.
"Love sucks only because the people that write poems about love and base movies about love have never experienced true love like I have. Now true love, that's the stuff that will get you. Once you truly fall in love with someone, you're shit out of luck, because you're life will never be the same, but in a completely good way. My life only changed for the better when I met the love of my life, the food tasted better, our music started to sound better, even Garrett started to smell better. Of course, the only bad thing was how cheesy and mushy I got. Now I know you all don't want to hear our love story, and I'm not going to tell it to you because that's just between me and her. But, I just want to say the past two years with her has been the best fucking years of my life. She has inspired me to just want to fucking be me and that's what everyone should have, someone that doesn't want to change who you are. But, the thing is, I've changed her entire life, and I feel at times I take her for granted and I feel like shit every day and I know that she says it's ok but I can tell that even though she's happy, we both want something more than this. So, will you all help me get her on stage so I can ask her something," he said.
They all screamed and chanted 'Alyssa get on stage."
She finally came on stage, her eyes a little watery, hands in her back pockets.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome my lovely girlfriend Alyssa to the stage," he said.
They all screamed again.
"Now I know you all paid to come to a concert and to hear us play, but I swear when you leave tonight your mind will be blown. Let's see, how do I do this," John said, kneeling down on one knee, holding out her great grandmother's ring.
All of the girls in the crowd were screaming and crying and shouting so many incoherent things at this point.
"OH MY GOD," shouted Alyssa.
"I've loved you the day I set my eyes on you, and I know, I swear I could love you for the rest of my life. So, Alyssa Chiara Naya, will you please marry me?" he asked so simply.
There was no pause to think, "Pshh OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU! DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK?" she screamed.
Everyone was screaming and cheering, John grabbed Alyssa in his arms and for a moment they felt like they were the only two in that room full of people. He kissed her and in that moment she knew she couldn't be any happier.
He asked her to stay on stage for the next song which happened to be "Into Your Arms" which he sang to her, gazing into her eyes and holding her in his arms. It was such an intimate moment shared with hundreds of people, but she knew she couldn't imagine it any other way.