When the World Turned

Chapter 2

We knew our journey wasn’t going to be easy. But we also knew it had to be done. This dead life style just wasn’t working anymore. We wanted to be normal kids like we used to be, before some freak decided to take a chunk out of our body. We wanted to be fifteen years old again. Go out and hang with friends, not worrying about if they’re going to try to eat some innocent bystander. I would like to go skateboarding and just break a bone, not completely lose my already decaying arm. And we’re not only thinking of ourselves, I’m sure the people would appreciate having their lives back too.
The one and only good thing about being a zombie, is that other zombies won’t try to eat you. So walking down the streets now is oddly safer than it would have been before, if you’re already a zombie, of course. If not you should seriously seek some heavy duty shelter. It’s not very often that you run upon a human any more. It’s almost my one year anniversary of becoming a zombie. And in that time I’ve seen one human. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to introduce myself; he was in the process of his turning. And it was too late for me to even attempt helping him. I’m really not sure what I’m going to do if I meet a normal person. I mean I’m not going to eat him or her, but I’m sure that thought won’t even come across their mind. So unless we’re needed, Bull and myself will stay clear of the almost non-existent, non-zombie population.
“Spanky, you think we might meet, like, a celebrity?”
“I don’t know, but if we do I doubt they’re going to stop and chat.”
It’s funny, I used to think “How great would it be in a world with no parents, no rules, no school, just do what you want when you want.” Well, I don’t think that anymore. I never thought I’d miss the daily boring conversations with my mom. She’d always ask “How was school?” and I’d always have the same answer, “Boring, pointless, and a waste of my time.” Now I miss school. I miss my mom telling me she loves me. The last time I saw my mom she was chewing on someone’s torso. Not a memory you want of your mother. We don’t talk about it, because, you know, we’re teenage guys, but I’m sure Bull feels the same.
We go into this store that sells (or sold?) everything. We get some flashlights; these things can surprisingly stay on the shelf for a long time and still work, batteries too.
“Spanky, are we shoplifting?”
“No. I mean think about it, there’s no government or anything that would require us to trade money for this stuff.”
“Okay. So, if we’re not stealing can we get bikes?”
“Bull, that’s actually a smart idea; we need to get backpacks full of lights too.”
“Can we get a basketball? We have to take a break from super heroing and have some fun.”
“Of course we can.”
I seriously considered making Bull put on a helmet, maybe even gluing it to his head, just to make sure he doesn’t lose any of the little bit of brain he had left. But I didn’t want to be his mother, and hopefully we can find a way to restore that when we find the cure.
“Bull, why do you have snack cakes? You don’t eat.”
“I know, but I love the smell, it reminds me of a simpler time.”
“Whatever you say, Bull.”
While Bull was going around the store sniffing old food, which I honestly don’t get, because we can’t smell. Not anymore. I was packing our backpacks full of batteries and flashlights. Bull finally finished his memory lane session, and we were ready to go.
It was just after night fall, and we decided to take a break.
It’s not that we were tired, obviously, but I’m not sure if our somewhat flesh could handle staying on our feet whilst peddling for too long.
“Hey Spanky, do you really think we can find the cure and fix the world?’
“I sure hope so, it might be difficult, but I’m sure someday we’ll get everything back to normal.”
“When things do get back normal, the first thing I’m going to do is go to the best hamburger joint, and order the biggest, greasiest cheeseburger.”
“Sounds like the perfect plan dude.” I say as we gather our stuff and get on our bikes again.
Truthfully, a greasy burger was the last thing on my mind, the thing I mostly wanted to do was find my parents.
We’ve only traveled about five miles when I see it. It’s the park my parents used to take me to when I was younger…and human. I stop and Bull keeps going. I think he’s talking to himself.
I walk around the park and Tooth Decay follows close behind me. I touch the swings and remember my dad pushing me and my mom laughing and taking pictures. I wonder if people will still have their memories once we cure them.
I crawl inside the red tunnel. I used to hide in here when my parents wanted to go home and I wasn’t ready to leave. I’d give anything to be home right now.
I’m still in a daze when Bull returns. From where, I’m not sure. Tooth Decay barks with excitement.
“Hey, Spanky. Guess what I found?”
“What did you find this time, Bull?”
“It’s an old house. I bet it’s haunted.”
“Bull, ghosts aren’t real.”
“That’s what they used to say about zombies.”
I think about it for a second and say “Touche.” I have to admit, he had a point.
I follow Bull to the old house he found. I can’t stop thinking about the days I spent at the park. We get to the house and Bull runs up the steps to the front door. The house has vines growing up the walls.
“See, look how haunted it looks.”
“Bull, things don’t ‘look’ haunted, they just are or they aren’t.”
“No. I know my feelings dude. They’re always right. This place is haunted.”
We go inside and naturally, it’s dark and the lights don’t work. I take out two flashlights and we start looking around.
“Look Spanky, it’s an old chest.”
“I wonder what’s inside.” I take out a hammer and break the lock. Inside are a photo album, some money, and an old book. I take out the book and Bull gets the photo album.
“Spanky, a family used to live here.” He gave me a picture. There was a man and woman in Christmas sweaters and three little kids. None of them looked older than five. There was a golden retriever wearing a Christmas hat, also. I look closer and the man in the picture looks vaguely familiar.
“Bull, have you seen this guy before?” He looks at the picture and shrugs.
We hear a noise up stairs and stop what we’re doing.
“What do you think it is, Spanky?”
“I don’t know. Do you think we should go look?” He nods and we put everything back in the box. I grab a small ax from my backpack and Bull gets the hammer. We tip-toe up the stairs and follow the sound, coming from behind a large door, and get ready to open it.
“One, two, three.” I whisper and I open the door on three. I drop my ax and I’m standing there staring at him.
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We're still in the process of editing and proofing. Any CONTSRUCTIVE criticism is encouraged.