When the World Turned

Chapter 7

“Holy mother of man, Spanky. Get in here!” I look up from the papers, and go in the room expecting to see Bull’s arm jerked out of its socket.
“What?” I say, kind of annoyed.
“Look! I tripped over Toothdecay, and then I felt pain, so rolled up my pants leg, and blood dude. Blood is coming from my knee. It’s not green. My knees aren’t green. It’s still kind of gross and slimy but that’s from the blood right?”
“Let me see.” I say, grabbing his leg for a closer look. “I can’t believe this. How’d this happen? We injected your finger, and it didn’t even turn the right color, why? How is your knee cured?”
“I don’t know, but this is awesome. This is good right? I mean, it means the cure works? It just needs some time to work.”
“I don’t think… I don’t know. I’m not sure it was the injection.”
“What do you mean? Why else would my knee be normal?”
“I don’t know. Get on the table.”
I get some napkins and start cleaning Bull’s knee. When I wipe the blood away, a little bit of the flesh comes off and Bull screams in pain.
“Dude, that hurts. I love that it hurts. I can feel.”
Once we get him clean we try to figure out if he spilled some of the chemicals on himself while mixing them, but the knees of his pants aren’t wet, just holey. I put part of the skin that came off on the napkin under a micro-scope. The skin’s got the right color and it’s got working blood veins, everything the injection didn’t have.
“This isn’t because of the shot, but whatever caused this is what our antidote is missing. We have to figure it out.”
“I don’t know, I didn’t spill anything and I don’t remember touching anything either.”
“Did you ever have any feeling in your knees? Did you get a cold breeze on your leg or anything?”
“No. I…let me think. Um, no. Spanky, have you looked at your knees?”
“Bull, I’m wearing shorts. Wait, I have an idea. I’m going to give you the shot in your knee and see if it makes the human looking skin feel like it should feel and stay where it should stay.”
The shot makes his knee a healthy human knee. We have to find out what happened to Bull’s knee. We sit for hours thinking, and touching Bull’s knee.
I get up and look at the computer and the file. What could have done this to Bull’s knee? Is the only thing I could think about, but bull thinks it’s time for another song.
“We set out to be heroes. We kinda robbed a store.
We found Spanky’s uncle,
then we robbed a store some more.
Stopped for gas and ran into a dead jerk who pushed me down.
If I had face muscles, I would’ve made a frown.
Toothdecay licked the dirt away.
Then we went to a park to play.”
“Bull! Toothdecay licked your knee, was it the same knee?”
“Err, yeah I think so, why?”
“Because that’s what we’re missing.”
For once I was happy to hear one of Bull’s songs. We get Toothdecay and put him on the table. We have to see what’s in his spit.
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We're still in the process of editing and proofing. Any CONTSRUCTIVE criticism is encouraged.