
The Emersons'

Saturday morning I was at Tiny Tina's, cleaning a table and trying to make a good first impression, although I didn't exactly need this job anymore. But hey, something to keep me occupied and pays is good, right?
All I have to do is serve yogurt and clean the tables, which was super easy since it was metal, and yogurt's easy to clean. I also made two new friends from Tiny Tina's, Nico and Jason. I was earning only $8 an hour, but by the end of today, I'd be getting $56. You do the math.
What I was really looking foward to was Mrs.Emerson and her daycare family on Monday. I'd have to keep my temper down, which isn't easy. I also have low patience. Holy Jesus Christ, why couldn't I have said no when Brooke said yes?
I got home at 4PM and found Brooke knocked out on the couch with a bottle of orange juice in her hand, and jawbreakers in the other. The TV was on mute and The Kardashians were playing.
"Don't wake her up," Micah nearly made me jump out the window with how much be scared me. He was wearing a white t-shirt and boxers, leaning on the fridge behind the kitchen isle. "I just got her to sleep. She's been hyper all day. Lucky you weren't here."
"Does Brooke have a..."
"Medical condition?" Micah finished for me. "I've been asked before. Yeah, she has ADHD. Sleep is practically her enemy, and caffeine is her number one best friend. Her parents come once a month to check on her, make sure she's good."
"Oh, well... Okay." I said. I started walking to my room when Micah stopped me.
"Hey, I wanted to ask you something," he told me. Brooke had gotten into my head with the whole 'Micah and JC' thing. What if he was asking me out? Could I be in a relationship with a roommate? What'll happen when-my bad, if- we break up? Will I turn out like Ashley? Dear heavens, no. I braced myself for the date offering when I got something completely different: "When's your birthday?" my birthday?
"April 3rd," I answered flatly. "You?"
"Oh, I don't have a birthday," he said. What?"
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
"I don't have a birthday."
"But you're alive. So you obviously given birth to one day. Birth. Day. The day you came into this horrible economy."
"Yes, but I don't have a birthday," he said. He must've read he confusion on my face, because he then continued. "It's complicated... Bye." he disappeared into his room.
Micah not having a birthday kept me curios for a while. But, that went away when Brooke took me to the Emersons'.
"Morning, hello!" Mrs. Emerson said when Brooke and I rang the doorbell. "I have to leave at about... Now. So I'll see y'all later, 'Kay? Bye!" she left the house. The teen walked by inside the house.
"Good luck!" said Brooke, and she left in her Chevy.
I went inside the house and looked around. The living room had a white L-couch with a purple stain and the end, and a red one on the other.
"Ahh!" a small voice yelled. Two little boys ran after each other, but stopped when they saw.
"Who're you?" the one on the right asked.
"I'm JC!" I said with a non-convincing smile. "I'm your new... Babysitter"
"Hi!" said the left twin.
"You guys must be Jace and Mason, right?" I asked.
"I'm Jace," the right one said, puffing out his chest. They had blonde hair Neatly cropped to one side, and bright blue eyes. They were also pretty pale, like Mrs. Emerson.
"And I'm Mason!" said the other. God, they really were identical. A sudden wail ran through the house.
"That's Zander," said Jace. "'Cause I know his cry, and that's not Juliana's cry."
"No, that's Juliana!" yelled Mason. "'Cause I'm smarter than you."
"No!" Jace pushed Mason, an they started swinging. The cry continued.
"Stop it!" I said, and pried one from the other, forgetting who was who. I carried the screaming twin up the spiral staircase and searched each room for the nursery. Bathroom, master, other bathroom, some girl's bedroom, the twins' room. Finally, at the end of the hallway (AWAY from the master) was the nursery.
One side of the room had a giraffe ruler on the wall, green paint and a green crib. There was also a lamp and a baby monitor. On the other side was exactly the same but in pink. There was a toy box and two rugs, and a TV. The window had decorations on the sill.
"Lemme go!" yelled the twin.
"Haha!" the other teased in the hall. The baby kept screaming. It was, in fact, Juliana.
"She's hungry! Go get a bottle!" said the twin in my arm. He wiggled out and ran downstairs.
"She needs a diaper change!" said the other and ran after him. "l'll get it!"
I carried Juliana and quietly shushed her, rocking her back and forth. She continued crying.
"Ugh, someone shut up that stupid baby!" said Bridget, the teen. She walked into the room with a phone in her hand, and was wearing short shorts that might as well have been underwear. Zander then started crying. "Oh my God!" Vance, the eight year old, ran in and took Bridget's phone, then ran away. "Vance!"
I carried Zander and Juliana to the kitchen and put them in high chairs, giving them two plates of mush I found on the counter. I found a twin in the fridge and sat him down. Today, he was wearing a Flash costume.
"Which one are you?" I asked. He giggled.
"Um... Mason!"
"No, I'm Mason! You're Jace, you liar!" the other twin said, coming out of a cabinet. I sat him down next to his brother.
"Gimme my Barbie doll! I'm not done with her surgery!" yelled Gisela, the six-year old. She ran after Vance in the living room, before they disappeared outside. I turned my attention back to the twins, and found that they had gone.
It took me half an hour to find them. One was in the tub, and the other was hiding under the couch. It then took me fifteen minutes to find out who was who after much giggling from them. I gave them both 'My Name Is:' cards and wrote their names on it, then put it on their foreheads. Juliana started choking on her mush, so I had to take care of that while Zander threw his cup of juice at Gisela, still chasing after Vance. I then had to give Gisela a band aid on her forehead and catch Vance myself, who had hid Bridget's phone. Then, after finding Bridget kicking Vance in the stomach in the basement, I had to lock Bridget outside. Vance finally settled down and watched TV, while Gisela found Bridget trying to commit suicide by attempting to drown herself in the pool. I locked Bridget in her room, figured that was a bad idea, found her phone in a bottle of conditioner in the bathroom, where she happily talked away on it in her room. Gisela had burnt her Barbie's doll head off, and it took a while to calm down her crying. Finally, Jace and Mason literally passed out on their Lightning McQueen matching beds, and that was the end of my day.
Brooke cracked up when I told her about the Emersons'.
"Sounds like fun," she said between laughs.
"Easy for you to say," I spat. That night while going to bed, I could hear Brooke laughing away in her room, all night long.
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Hoped you liked it (I know, everyone says that, but I really do hope you liked it!)