Don't You Want the Way I Feel for You?

Chapter 12 When He Loved Me

My not a lunch date with Darren had led to the two of us taking a trip to Santa Monica Pier on our day off but now it was back to work. Thursday morning I had gone into the recording studio to record my first ever track for glee. It was a version of Sarah McLachlan’s ‘When She Loved Me’ except instead of she we said he. My character would sing the song as her audition for new directions and it would be how Blaine realized who she was.

When Ryan told me that would be my first song on the show I couldn’t have been more excited. I also said I would probably cry on set while filming because that song just gets to me. I mean if you’ve seen Toystory 2 you totally understand why. I had gotten some coaching about lip synching and the director told me it’s easiest to just sing along to the track because it makes it look more real. I had been given my script Wednesday night (Lily was awesome and brought it home to me from the set) and I had successfully memorized all of my lines.

After my time in the recording studio I went over to wardrobe to get into my costume for the scenes we would be performing and rehearsing today. Chloe’s wardrobe is kindof a mix between Rachel and Quinn but she’ll actually wear jeans sometimes. Today though, I would be dressed in an adorable tan belted oxford dress with burgundy accessories (meaning a scarf, beret, and knee high wedge boots.)

Autumn’s wardrobe:

“God I wish I could dress like this every day of my life.” I said while looking in the mirror of my dressing room. I was still sharing with Lily right now and I was perfectly fine with that, I didn’t need a trailer of my own.

“Your character is so freaking cute.” Lily cooed. She was still in her dance clothes because she wouldn’t be filming until much later today and she was due to head up to choreography in about ten minutes. I was needed on set in five to film my first real scene. They had done a short scene with me earlier in the hallway. Kurt and Blaine had been talking in front of the bulletin board outside the choir room discussing the lack of people signed up to audition. Chloe had seen Blaine and had then signed up to audition that afternoon. Blaine knew her as Chloe Samuels not Chloe Dyer but since moving away a few years ago her mother had gotten remarried. When Mr. Shue announces that she is auditioning Blaine still doesn’t know who she is, but when she sings her song she sings it to him the whole time and at first he is a little confused.

I walked on set to the choir room to see the rest of the gang sitting in their chairs talking. Our director Adam was giving Darren direction on how to react to Chloe singing to him.

“It’s going to be a really emotional scene for everyone so everyone will be tearing up holding on to each other. I want you to be worked up as well but also a little confused because this random girl is just singing to you. Chris, you will be loving the performance until you realize Chloe is singing to Blaine and then you’ll be looking between the two of them getting more and more annoyed.”

“Sounds good.” Darren said.

“I’m going to cry, I seriously love this song.” Chris said

Adam laughed, “We’re all going to cry.” He turned to me and waved me over.

“There she is our newest glee clubber! Okay so Mr.Shue will announce that you’ll be singing and you’ll do your song singing to Blaine the whole time. The group will clap at the end and Mr.Shue will congratulate you and welcome you to the group. Everyone will start getting up to leave but Blaine will tell Kurt to go ahead and he’ll stay back to talk to you, that’s when you and Darren have your scene together. Sound good?”

“Absolutely, I’m so ready.”

“Alright and we’ll have the recorded track but we have the string section and our pianist here to have you sing it live and make it look more convincing on film, are you okay with doing that?”

“Definitely, let’s do this!” I am a little nervous to be singing in front of such talented people but hey this is it no holding back.

“Okay! Places everyone!” Adam called.

“When he loved me, take one.”

The school bell sounded to signal the beginning of the scene. Matt Morrison looked up from his papers by the piano and waved me into the room. I walked in timidly and stood there waiting for him to give my introduction.

“Listen up guys! We have a newcomer here today that would like to join our happy gleeful family. This is Chloe Dyer she’s a junior and she just transferred to McKinley.”

I gave a small smile and looked around at the other glee club members. They gave nods and waves of welcome. My eyes lingered a little bit longer on Darren and he glanced over at Chris who looked back a little uneasy.

“What are you singing for us today, Chloe?”

“When She Loved Me, by Sarah McLachlan. I tweaked the words a little though, if that’s okay?” I said looking at Matt.

“Of course, whenever you’re ready.” He went over and sat next to Rachel (Lea) and I took my place in the center of the room in front of the piano. I looked over at the pianist and nodded to him that I was ready. He started playing the intro chords and I took a deep breath and started to sing first verse while looking around the room at different members of the glee club.

“When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
And when he was sad, I was there to dry his tears
And when he was happy, so was I, when he loved me.

Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all
Just he and I together, like it was meant to be
And when he was lonely, I was there to comfort him
And I knew that he loved me.”

By this time my eyes had met Blaine’s (Darren’s) and I stayed locked there for the next section of the song, I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I sang.

“So the years went by, I stayed the same
And he began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when he’d say "I will always love you."

Darren was starting to tear up and he glanced down at his hands which were folded in his lap. Chris was looking curiously between the two of us. I went back to looking at other members of the glee club and I could see that Lea and Dianna both had tears in their eyes.

“Lonely and forgotten, never thought he’d look my way,
He smiled at me and held me, just like he used to do,
Like he loved me, when hhe loved me”

For the final part of the song I looked back at Blaine (Darren) and sang the last few lines.

“When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful,
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
When he loved me….”

The pianist finished playing the final chords and Mr.Shue stood up clapping, tears rolling down his cheeks. The rest of the club cheered enthusiastically except Blaine who looked so confused and upset and Kurt who just looked annoyed. I gave a small smile and wiped away the small tears that had formed during my performance.

“That was beautiful Chloe, welcome to New Directions! I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re so happy to have you in the group.”

“Thank you all so much,” I said, “I’m really excited to be a part of this family.”

Everyone started gathering their things and heading out the door. Some of them patted me on the shoulder telling me I did a great job and that they’d see me in rehearsal tomorrow. I went over to the chair that my bag was sitting on and began putting my books in it.

“Blaine, are you coming?”

“In a second yeah, you go ahead I’ll catch up.”

“Are you sure...” Chris said with hesitation.

“Just give me a few minutes; I’ll meet you at my car.”

Chris turned on his heel and walked out of the choir room leaving Darren and I in there alone. I was just putting my bag over my shoulder when Darren spoke up.

“Um..excuse me, Chloe?”

I turned around to face him, “Yes?” I said anxiously.

“I don’t mean to sound rude or conceited or whatever you want to call it but during your audition, which was absolutely beautiful by the way you had all of us crying, I couldn’t help but notice tha-“

“I was singing to you.” I finished for him.

“Yes, and don’t get me wrong I’m flattered it’s just that I’m-“

“You don’t remember me do you?” I said interrupting again.

“Should I?” he said raising his eyebrows.

“’s…it’s me. Chloe Samuels.”

Darren’s jaw dropped a little and he stepped back to really look at me

“Chlo…is it really you?”

“Yes, Blaine it’s really me. My mom got a job in Lima so we moved back from Arizona.”

“I can’t...I can’t believe it’s really you I haven’t seen you in almost 3 years. You look so different.”

“So do you.” I smiled a little.

“Except the hair, you still have your Rapunzel hair, I always loved it.”

I blushed a little and said, “I’ve missed you Blaine, so much has happened since I’ve been away and you…you stopped calling.”

Darren and I turned to watch the scene set up before us of mini Blaine and mini Chloe.

*Flashback, two thirteen year olds sitting on the sidewalk in the end of summer sun*

“I can’t believe we start high school on Monday, how crazy is that?” thirteen year old Blaine said.

“It’s really crazy…Blaine there’s some-“ Chloe started to say

“We’ve been thinking about this day since third grade and he we are a week away from it. God that’s scary. But hey, at least I’ll have my best friend with me the whole time.” He said smiling

“Blaine there’s something I have to tell you…” Chloe said looking down


“I won’t be in school on Monday…”

“What do you mean? It’s the first day of high school you can’t miss that.”

“Well I won’t be missing my first day…I just won’t be going to the same first day…as you.”

“You’re transferring schools? Is your mom really making you go to that all girls private school? Well that’s okay I mean you live right next door we can still wait for the bus together and see each other after school and on weekends.” he said

“Blaine, my dad got transferred.” Chloe blurted out

Blaine looked nervous, “….what do you mean?”

“I mean he got a new job and it’s in Arizona. I’m moving there. I’m leaving Lima.”

Blaine jumped up, “What do you mean you’re moving?! You’re just leaving me here? Now?”

Chloe stood up too, “Blaine I don’t want to go but I don’t have a choice! The boxes are packed…we’re…we’re leaving tomorrow.”

“TOMORROW?! When did you find out you were moving!?”

“My mom told me….a week after middle school graduation.”

“And you waited all summer to tell me?! What kind of best friend are you?”

“Blaine please you have to understand, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to ruin our last summer together. I didn’t want you to be counting down the days like I’ve had to. I didn’t want to upset you. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Well I am upset! My best friend since birth is moving away a week before our first day of high school…I…I can’t do this on my own. I can’t do this without you.” He said getting choked up

“Blaine no matter where I go or how far apart we are you will always be my best friend and I will always be here for you no matter what. We can talk on the phone and write letters and IM and everything.”

“It’s not the same.”

“I know it’s not but I want you to promise me something.”

“What?” he sniffed

“I want you to promise that you will always be my best friend and that you’ll never forget about me no matter what happens.”

“I could never forget you, Chloe. You’re my best friend and I…I love you.”

“I love you too, Blaine. I’ll never forget you because you will always be with me in my heart.”

“And you’ll always be in mine.”

The two of them hugged and when they pulled back little Blaine leaned forward and place a small nervous kiss on Chloe’s lips.

*End of flashback*

Darren and I blinked back into the present day.

“What?” he said

“You stopped calling and emailing so I just…I stopped trying to contact you. I figured you had made new friends and moved on.”

Darren looked down guiltily, “It was so hard Chloe, missing you like that. I mean you were the first girl I ever liked. You were my first kiss.”

“And you were mine”

“But things are different now, I’m different now.” He said

“They don’t have to be, Blaine! We could pick up right where we left off. My mom is here to stay and so am I.” I said touching his arm.

He looked down sadly and then back up at me, “Chloe, a lot has happened in the past few years with me.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’ve been in 3 different schools because I was bullied so much for just being myself. And I could’ve used my best friend.”

“You stopped talking to me how was I supposed to know?! And bullied for what? You never got made fun of. You played sports, had lots of friends, you were popular and everyone liked you.”

“Yeah…and then I came out.”

I looked at him in shock, “Came…came out?”

“Yes. After you left I tried to forget about you and move on to other girls but nothing about them was appealing to me. I’d always been confused about that kind of thing but I never brought it up because no one would understand but I knew…I knew that I was different.”

“Different….different how?”

“I’m gay, Chloe. Full blown out of the closet gay and proud.”

“But, I don’t understand… I mean you had a crush on me”

“When I was thirteen and confused. That was a long time ago and things are different now…I’m with someone.” He said smiling fondly at the doorway Chris had exited through a few minutes ago.

“Oh…” I said

“But Chloe that doesn’t change how I feel about you as a friend. I still love you with all my heart and I’m so glad you’re back. I want to hang out and catch up and everything okay?”

“Of..of course, Blaine. I would love that.”

“Great, it’s so good to see you.” He pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged him back.

“Good to see you too.”

He let me go and gave a little wave before heading out the door.

I wrapped my arms around myself and looked longingly at the place Darren had just been.

“And, CUT”

The cameras stopped rolling and everyone came back on set. What a freaking rush that was crazy! Lea and Dianna came over and started telling me how well I had done for my very first take.

“That was so great! And oh my god the song.” Lea gushed

“Your voice is beautiful I was legit bawling my eyes out.” Dianna added

I smiled and said, “That was so much fun! Like it was such a rush I loved it.”

“I hate you because you’re wonderful.”

I turned around and saw Darren smiling at me. I smiled back and laughed.

“I apologize. And our mini mes were so good!” I said looking at the two of them sitting over getting their makeup retouched.

“They look just like us as kids it’s so weird.”

“Okay guys that was good, we’re going to run through it a few more times just to play with angles so everybody places please for the beginning of the scene!”

“When he loved me take two!”

We ran through the scene about five more times and can I just say I’ve never had so many cameras in my face. We were almost finished our last take when we finally started having some bloopers. I had finished my song and the glee club members were making their way out of the choir room. I started packing my bag just like I had done during the last four takes.

“Blaine, are you coming?”

“In a second yeah, you go ahead I’ll catch up.”

“Are you sure...” Chris said with hesitation.

“Just give me a few minutes. I’ll meet you at my car.”

Chris went to turn around in his huffy diva like way but he turned a little too quickly. The messenger bag he had over his shoulder swung around and hit Darren right in the stomach knocking the wind out of him.

“Oomph!” Darren doubled over and held his stomach.

“Oh crap!” Chris said, he went over to see if Darren was okay but tripped over his own two feet and fell to the floor bringing Darren down with him. I stood there for a minute contemplating whether it was okay to laugh or not. I was biting my lip silently shaking when Darren looked up at me from the floor and completely lost it.


The whole cast and crew started cracking up and the two guys just sat on the floor tears of laughter streaming down their faces.

“Oh my god,” Chris laughed, “What even? I can’t believe that just happened.”

“Only you Chris.” Darren chuckled

“I’m not coordinated! We’ve been over this!”

If this is what my job entails, I could definitely get used to it around here.