Don't You Want the Way I Feel for You?

Chapter 14 Nothing, I'm Just Happy

Joey eventually let Darren and me out of the closet…an hour and a half later. Not that I’m complaining, Darren and I accomplished a lot in that hour and a half. Okay that sounds bad so whatever you’re thinking right now stop. We actually just sat together talking and he told me everything about Meghan; how they met, what she looked like, what she was like, how they got together, how they broke up and where she is now, everything.

“I’m so scared of being hurt again.” He had said. I told him I didn’t have it in me to hurt him like that. I’d break my own heart if I broke his. We decided that yes, we wanted to be a couple, and no we would not be going public about it, at least not yet. Our friends and families would know but as for the general public, we weren’t ready to let the rest of the world into our personal lives.

We talked for a while and I admitted that I’d had feelings for him for a while but I knew it wasn’t a good idea to pursue them so quickly and he told me he’s had feelings for me for a while too. There was some kissing and cuddling too and I can say that Darren is an excellent snuggler and or cuddler. My cuddley Darbear. That is so nice to say, he’s mine.

Darren and I also decided that we wouldn’t be sleeping together for a while. We both wanted to but in order for this relationship to actually work we can’t dive into things too quickly. He was so cute when he said he wanted to take me on a real date.

And take me on a date he did. If you could imagine the absolute perfect date with the absolute perfect guy, well you’d be thinking about a date half as great as mine. We had a picnic dinner on the beach (prepared by Darren himself) with candles and wine. We watched the sun set and went moonlight swimming and laid together for hours under the stars. It was so perfect, he’s so perfect.

Everyone on set was thrilled when they heard the news that we were together, although they weren’t surprised. Darren was constantly doing sweet things for me; bringing me breakfast, leaving cute little notes or flowers in my dressing room, sending sweet text messages. The boy is just so freaking adorable I can’t even stand it. I hadn’t been needed on set today to film because I wasn’t in this particular episode but Ryan had me come in around three because he needed to talk to me about something. I had nothing better to do and all my friends were at the studio anyway so I went over around noon. On my way to the studio I stopped at Starbucks to say hi to my previous coworkers and get drinks for Darren and myself.

When I walked onto the main set I saw that Darren was sitting next to Chris watching Lea and Cory rehearse a scene together. I went over to him and handed him his drink with a smile.

“Hey there,” He smiled back at me, “how did you know I was seriously craving this?”

“Because I know everything.” I said placing a small kiss on his cheek.

“You guys are so cute it makes me want to vomit.” Chris said looking at the two of us.

“Uh…ew?” Darren and I said together.

Chris laughed and looked over at me, “And what brings you to set today? I thought you had the day off.”

“I have meeting with Ryan at like threeish. He wants to talk to me about something, not sure what though.”

“Hey I have a meeting with him too.” Darren said while biting on his green Starbucks straw.

“Maybe you guys are doing some publicity stuff.” Chris shrugged.

“I guess we’ll find out later today. What’s on your agenda?” I asked Darren.


“Someone’s excited to see his buddies.” Chris said to me.

“Aw yay! The Warblers are back, what song are they doing?”

“Uptown Girls. Curt has the solo and our new warbler has a few lines.”

“Wait, the new gay character!? Is he on set today?”

We all knew that my character wasn’t going to get Blaine back right? Unfortunately he is definitely gay, but there was a really sweet moment in the episode we just filmed where Chloe steals one last kiss from her first love. It’s nothing major, just a small little peck and Blaine chuckles in surprise afterwards. Now Kurt is trying to find someone for Chloe but there’s someone else who’s out to get Blaine. Grant Gustin had been cast to play the newest warbler Sebastian in this episode and he had some awesome pickup lines in the script. I was cracking up when Darren showed me. Sadly I am not in that episode so I wasn’t expecting to meet him.

“Yeah Grant’s here. Don’t get too close…he’s lethal.” Chris joked.

“What?” I laughed

“He’s got more game than Darren…” Chris whispered.

“Oh please” Darren scoffed.

“Excuse you?” I said smirking at him.

“I’m only kidding, but yes he’s good looking and very charming and so far all of the girls just love him.”

“Well, I am going to come watch you rehearse with the Warblers and I’ll see if he’s everything he’s cracked up to be.”

Darren stuck his tongue out at me and I just laughed at him. Even though we’ve been dating for about three weeks we still act like we’re best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The bonus is I get to kiss him whenever I want.

Darren and I said goodbye to Chris and headed over to the rehearsal building to go to Warbler practice. That makes me giggle; I’m going to Warbler practice.

“I am so excited to see these guys, I miss it so much.”

“Aw, Dar. I’m sure they’ll be really excited to see you too!”

Darren and I walked upstairs and into the dance studio. The first one to notice Darren was Riker.


The guys turned around and laughed at Riker and Darren went over to the guys to begin the most epic bro hug fest I have ever seen. I went over to chat with Zach while Darren caught up with the guys.

“Hey! I didn’t expect to see you until later. Just can’t stay away huh?” Zach smiled

“It’s super boring when all your friends are at work and you’re at home.” I laughed.

“Well I could actually use your help. Our extra that’s playing the teacher in this number is going to be late today. Her flight got delayed and she’s stuck with a layover right now so we probably won’t shoot this scene until tomorrow. In the meantime, can you fill in and practice with the guys today? I’d really appreciate it.”

“Sure! Sounds like fun. What do you need me to do?”

Zach walked me through the number and showed the little bit of blocking I’d need to do. Curt was really in control of this number so I’d just be following his lead. The guys had learned the routine yesterday and were back today to rehearse and add Darren to the number.

Zach called Darren over when he was done showing me what to do for the number and he started teaching him his blocking for the number. I felt a little awkward since I didn’t know any of the guys so I kind of just stood off to the side of the group playing with my phone.

“Hey…you’re Autumn right?”

I looked up from phone; woah looked way up from my phone to see who had spoken to me. The boy who stood in front of me had brown hair, big green eyes and must’ve been at least six foot if not more. He towered over me. He smiled at me waiting for an answer.

“Yes..I am,” I said smiling back a little uncertain, “and you?”

“Oh I’m not Autumn, that’s you I remember?” he chuckled. Tall boy’s got jokes. And he’s cute and he’s new. Well everyone’s new to me to an extent but I wonder if this was the new female cast’s favorite.

“Very funny, I meant what’s your name?” I said smiling.

“I know, I’m only teasing. I’m Grant.” He said holding his hand out to me. I took it and continued to smile up at him. This kid is so freaking cute.

“Well it’s nice to meet you. I hear you’re very popular on set.”

His eyes widened a little, “Am I really? What do you know that I don’t?”

“Nothing,” I chuckled, “people just like to talk is all.”

“Oh no should I be worried?”

“No, they were saying good things I promise.”

“Okay good,” Grant smiled, “So…”

“So…?” I prompted.

“You’re Darren’s girl right?” he said tilting his head in Darren’s direction. I felt myself blush a little. I honestly love when people on set ask me this because I love the answer I get to give them.

“Yes,” I smiled, “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

“That was a weird question wasn’t it? I just meant that you’re the one Darren is dating, you’re his girlfriend.”

“Yes I am.”

“Damn I don’t stand a chance on or off set, the guys gets around!”

I laughed and then said awkwardly, “I’m sorry if this is weird or rude but, Grant, are you, um-“

“No! No no no. I know what you’re going to ask,” he laughed, “I’m not actually gay. But who doesn’t just love Darren?” he teased.

I rolled my eyes, “Don’t tell him that, you’ll just make his head even bigger.”

“Hey stop talking about me.” Darren came over and poked me in the side.

“Who says we were talking about you? It’s not all about you Darren, GOSH you are sooooo conceited.” I said poking him back. He stuck his tongue out at me again.

“Do that again and I’ll bite it off.”

“Let’s keep is PG folks.” Grant said. Darren and I laughed at Grant’s joke and we both turned back to him.

“So, Autumn I’m assuming you’ve met Grant.” Darren said.

“I did I did.”

“We were just talking about you two being together.” Grant said smiling.

“Yes we are..we’re together.” Darren wrapped his arm around my waist. Oh my god he’s jealous.

“I’m rehearsing with you guys today.” I said to them both trying to change subject.

“Really?” Grant and Darren said.

“Yeah the woman who’s playing the teacher can’t make it her flight back to LA was delayed, so I’m filling in.”

“Well that’s great,” Grant said “we’ll have so much fun today.”

Curt called Grant’s name and waved him over to where he was standing with Zach. Grant gave a little wave and walked over to Curt and Zach. I stepped away from Darren and just looked at him.

“What?” he smiled

“What was that huh?” I said smirking.

“What was what? We were talking.”

“A little possessive? Marking your territory in front of the new guy huh?” I said still smirking at him.

“Um, no I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes you do!” I laughed, “you were certainly making sure he knew what’s what.”

“And now he knows.” Darren smiled and gave me a dramatically loud smooch. I just shook my head at him.

“You’re ridiculous, but I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

Darren gave my hand a light squeeze and said, “Good.”

Darren and I walked over to the group and got ready to start rehearsal. Curt’s cover of the song was really great I couldn’t help but dance around and jam out while watching them practice. When it came time for me to join the number I could not stop laughing at them. These guys are just so….fun! I can totally understand why Darren loves them so much, it’s impossible not to.

“Okay Autumn you enter from the left and tell the boys to be quiet, guys you see her-“

“And we attack!” Curt said

“Trampled to death by an accapella group in matching blazers…what a way to go.” I said.

“It’s always been my dream.” Riker laughed

After rehearsing for a while Zach said Darren and I were free to go. The rest of the guys were not free yet.

“Bye guys! I’ll see you tomorrow to shoot.” Darren said giving the guys a wave.

“Bye everyone,” I smiled, “thanks for all the fun.”

“Come visit us soon.” A voice called out. I turned around and saw Grant smiling. I just shook my head and followed Darren out the door and down the stairs.

“Oh come visit us soon! Meh I’m so suave and cool and I’m new so that makes me interesting meh meh meh look at me I’m a warbler meh meh meh.”

“Are you done?” I asked.

“No.” Darren pouted.

“Pretty sure that whole statement you just made could apply to you when you first came on the show….” I skipped past him down the stairs smiling. I’ve been so quick with my comebacks today. I deserve a high five or something.


“You don’t live here, punkin.”

“Damn…” he said pouting again. I laughed and looked up at him from the bottom of the stairwell. He stopped and just stood there looking at me and smiling.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing…just taking advantage of being allowed to admire how beautiful you are whenever I want.”

I blushed a little, “Dar…stop it.”

He came down the last few steps and held my hands in his.

“What? It’s true. I don’t think beautiful even begins to describe you.” He said and then grabbed my face and placed a small kiss on my lips. I smiled back at him and his smile grew even more.

“You know, when you smile your whole face lights up.” I said while wrapping my arms around him.

“You know when you do anything at all you’re perfect?”

“Shut up…” I laughed.

“Wanna sleep over tonight?”

“Is Joey going to mind?”

“Does he ever?”

“Well this would be our first sleepover since we’ve been together and I mean would it be weird me on the couch-“

“You’d sleep with me dum dum.”

I stopped for a second. Sleeping in the same bed as Darren and actually remembering it this time? That sounds pretty freaking awesome.

“And besides,” he said bringing me closer to him, “Joey’s going out tonight and might just stay at a friend’s anyway. So the house will be empty.”

“Darren if I stay over we probably still shoul-“

“We don’t be doing that.” He said. “It wouldn’t be smart to do that so soon. When we eventually do I want to make it special, something you’ll always remember.”

I smiled at him. Could he be more perfect?

“You’re wonderful.”

“I get it from you.” He said nuzzling his nose into my hair.

“We have that meeting in like ten minutes.” I reminded him.

“Okay okay, then we go get your stuff and have a sleepover. I’ll make dinner.”

“Really?” I said raising my eyebrows. The man only cooks when absolutely necessary.

“We’ll make dinner together, it’ll be fun. We can pretend we have our own hubby and wifey cooking show like the Nealeys.”

I was walking alongside him but I stopped at that comment. I’m being referred to as wifey and he wants to pretend to cook like a married couple…I just I can’t even.

Darren realized I was no longer walking with him and he stopped and turned back to look at me.

“What?” he smiled

“Nothing, I’m just happy.”

He took a step toward me and kissed me deeply, but to my disappointment, briefly.

“Good. Now come on, we’re going to be late for our meeting.” He took my hand and led the way to Ryan’s office.

God, did I mention that this boy is absolutely perfect?