Don't You Want the Way I Feel for You?

Chapter 6 part 2 What On Earth?

It was well past midnight and so far I’d had two cups of what Darren had made for me earlier which he informed was called a Blonde Bimbo and multiple shots of Tequila. To put it bluntly, I was totally shit faced.

“You are such a good dancer” Darren said into my ear. We had been on and off the dance floor all night and we’d been out there for a good hour now. Lily had shown up about 20 minutes after Darren and I did and she looked like she was having the time of her life with Chris playing quarters.

“So are youuuu” I said back. Darren had his arms around my waist and was moving his hips in synch with mine. I turned around so I was facing him and put my arms around his neck.

“You know you’re like really pretty?” Darren said loudly.

“No no no.” I said violently shaking my head.

“No, no you are. You are like the prettiest girl on the planet. I should call the news and tell them that I, Darren Everett Criss, am dancing with the prettiest girl in the whole world, no, the whole universe!”

I started giggling uncontrollably.

“What’s so funnyyy?” Darren slurred

“Your middle name is Everett.” I giggled

“Hey! Hey! Everett is cool don’t insult him.”

I laughed even harder and lost my balance a little. I grabbed on to Darren for more support. I steadied myself and smiled at him.

“I’m having so much fun with you!” he said

“Me too! But I am so hungry!”

“Oh damn me too. Hey, you know what would be totally awesome right now?” Darren asked


“Digiorno Supreme Pizza.”

“Oh my god I love that stuff I want it!!” I said

“I have it at my house! We could go and make it. Like right now, we could go make pizza right now!”

“Let’s go let’s go let’s go!” I said back.

Darren took my hand and we weaved out of the mass of people in the middle of Dianna’s living room. We got outside and while still holding my hand Darren took off running up the street.

“Come on come on come on my house is right there I can see it!!”

I laughed and ran along with him. We got to the front door and Darren fumbled with getting the key in the lock. After about a minute of struggling and me dying of laughter Darren successfully unlocked the door. We walked inside and I shut the door behind us. Darren kicked his neon blue sneakers off and I did the same.

“Pizza!!!” Darren yelled and ran down the hallway to the kitchen. I stayed behind, walking around his house looking at his pictures and furniture.

“Darren your house is sooo cool.” I said

“Yeah I know it’s cause I’m cool!” He called from the kitchen.

“Yeah okay.” I walked past a room with a big green and white striped bed in it. There must’ve been eight pillows on top of it. I ran and jumped on top of it landing on my back.

“Darren your bed is soooooooo comfy!” I yelled.

“Hey! That’s my bed!” I heard him coming down the hall so I quickly shut the door and then hid under his mountain of pillows.

I heard the door open and Darren started saying, “My bed is the best bed in the wo-hey! Where’d you go?”

I bit my lip so I wouldn’t start laughing. Darren walked around the room checked in his bathroom, in the closet, under the dresser and then stood in the middle of the room perplexed.

“Woah…maybe she’s a wizard or something she like totally disappeared.”

I popped out from under the pillows and said, “I can reappear too!!”

“AHHH!” Darren yelled and fell backwards on his ass which caused me to burst out laughing again.

“Hey that was so not cool you scared the begeezus out of me!” I just kept laughing at him.

“Oh am I funny? Do I make you laugh?” He asked getting up.

“Yes.” I giggled.

“Oh I’ll make you laugh!” Darren ran towards the bed. I yelped and moved from where I was. Darren grabbed my foot and dragged me back to where he was kneeling on the bed. He climbed on top of my stomach and started tickling my sides. Now I was really laughing. I’m freakishly ticklish to begin with, add in me being drunk and this is what you get.

“Hahahaha oh my hahahah god hahahaha Darren hahahah Darren stop hahaha that tickles hahahahaha”

“I told you I’d make you laugh!” he said

“I can’t ahahaha breathe hahahaha stop stop stop hahahahaha” I gasped. Darren pulled his hands away and crossed his arms over his chest triumphantly.

I was still giggling and trying to get my breathing back to normal. I looked up at him and said,

“I am so ticklish.”

“I know I totally saw”

“Hehe” I giggle back at him. Darren uncrossed his arms and looked down at me.

“What?” I asked


“What are you staring attttt?” I persisted.


“How come?”

Darren started leaning down closer to me. He lifted himself off from where he was sitting on my stomach and was on his knees now his hands on either side of my head.

“Because…” he trailed off. The gap between us was slowly decreasing. I looked up at him staring into those big hazel eyes. Darren stared right back and then his eyes shifted to my lips. I leaned forward a little and closed the gap between us even more, our foreheads now touching. The two of us were just staring into each other’s eyes. Darren’s eyes moved again to my lips and he licked his. He closed the gap completely and his lips crashed onto mine.

At first he was hesitant and a little sloppy, partially because of the alcohol in his system and because he was waiting for my reaction. I kissed back eagerly and he traced his tongue along my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and allowed him to deepen the kiss. There was no hesitation now. Darren kissed me hungrily and passionately. He worked one of his hands through my hair and I traced a finger down his spine pushing against his back with my nail just a little. Darren’s whole upper body contracted and he moaned a little into the kiss. I smirked and Darren pulled back a little and said,

“You wanna play that game? Let’s play.”

He went back to kissing me; his hands were making their way down to the button of my jeans. He undid them and stopped. He looked at me for confirmation to if he was allowed to continue. I started kissing him again and whispered in his ear,

“It’s okay”

With my permission Darren pulled my jeans off and I lifted his shirt over his head exposing his perfectly toned chest and stomach. He moved from my lips to my collarbone and he started sucking and nibbling on it gently. I moaned and Darren moved his hand to my inner thigh. His lips made their way from my collarbone to my ear and he said,

“Told you I’d play.”

I undid the button on his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles. Darren kicked them off and lifted my top over my head. So there we were, the two us practically naked in Darren’s bed. For the next ten minutes or so Darren started torturing me with his hands and I was getting to the point of not being able to take it anymore. I squeezed his arm and said,

“Darren…Darren stop.”

He stopped kissing my neck and looked down at me, “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t,” I struggled to form words, “I can’t take it anymore.”

“Do you want-“ he started

“Yes” I cut him off. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and started kissing me passionately again. We broke apart and I said,

“Do you have-“

“Yeah” he said reaching into the drawer of his nightstand.





I woke up the next morning with the worst headache imaginable. God what happened last night? Ugh so much sugar and alcohol oh my god I’ve never had a hangover like this. Wait a minute…this isn’t my room. Where the fuck am I?

I tried to sit up but something tightened around my waist. I looked down and saw that I was wearing a big t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Oh my god oh my god, where am ,I what did I do last night? The last thing I remember was talking to Darren at Dianna’s. Wait whose arm is this? There was toned arm wrapped around my waist.

The comforter was covering the person’s face so I couldn’t tell whose bed I was in. Oh my God I’ve never blacked out before this could be so bad. I used my feet to pull down the comforter from the bottom of the bed. I moved it enough to see a little hair. Okay curly black hair alright that doesn’t help much. The body next to me stirred and I froze. The person went to move a little and I got full view of who it was. Oh thank God it’s Darren. Wait shit why am I in Darren’s bed? I wriggled out of his grasp and tip toed to the bathroom.

I washed my face and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I borrowed some of Darren’s mouth wash and sat down on the toilet seat. What on Earth happened last night? Okay let’s think I remember talking to Darren about food um….pizza! We talked about pizza. Darren lives up the street from Dianna so we must have come here at some point. I bent over with my head in my hands trying to remember what happened. The pounding in my head was not helping. Alright a good cure for a hangover some coffee, water, and an advil.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked around the room. It’s big. Alright there are Darren’s jeans, and my clothes. Okay I mean we couldn’t sleep in jeans, that doesn’t mean anything. Then again why did I sleep here in the first place? I scanned the room for any other clues. That’s when I saw it, on the floor next to the trashcan…a condom wrapper. Holy shit, I slept with Darren. Now I definitely need coffee.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself as I walked to the kitchen. I found a bag of Dunkin Dounuts coffee next to the coffee pot. I filled it with water and was measuring out the coffee when I heard the front door open.

“Darren?” a voice called. Oh shit.

I started backing into the living room looking for a place to hide but I ended up running into the trashcan and knocking it over. Its contents didn’t spill but it made plenty of noise.


“Darren, you in there?” I could hear footsteps coming up the hallway. I looked around for something to hide behind but it was too late, because around the corner came Joey Richter.

“Hey Dar I let myself in- woah. You’re not Darren.” Joey said.

“Um yes that’s true.”

“But you’re in Darren’s house…”

“Also true.”

“Does Darren know you’re in his house?” Joey said with a cheshire cat grin on his face.

The coffee pot beeped signaling it was done brewing my coffee. Joey went to the cabinet over the sink and took out two mugs still smirking. He handed me a mug and looked at me waiting for an answer.


Joey poured himself some coffee then took my mug from me and said,

“Maybe? How is it maybe?”

“Well he’s still asleep.”

“No I’m not.” I turned around and saw a groggy Darren wearing a pair of tan sweatpants and his glasses standing in the doorway.

“Well hey Dar!” Darren and I winced at Joey’s loud greeting. Joey laughed.

“I knew it, you’re both hung over. What the hell did you guys do last night? Well wait Darren who is this?” He said pointing to me.


“Autumn? As in starbucks Autumn?”

“Is that really how you describe me to people?” I said crossing my arms

“If it’s any consolation he said you were pretty too.” Joey added.

“Autumn is a dancer on Glee now. We went to a party at Dianna’s last night.”

“How did you end up here?”

Darren looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

“I’m a little foggy honestly.” I said, “The last thing I remember is talking about pizza.”

“Yes! We came here to make pizza. And um then you said my bed was soft and you scared me…”

I was starting to remember. I had hid under a mountain of pillows and jumped out at Darren. Then he started tickling me.

“You started tickling me.”

“I did? Wait I did! I remember and then we…oh fuck.” Darren said looking at me. At this point Joey had sat down at the island and was sipping his coffee looking between the both of us an amused expression on his face.

“Well, you kids and your alcohol. Who knows what happens next? I have a good guess.” He chuckled.

“Joey, do me a favor.” Darren said


“Just shut up.”