Status: ongoing

Our Life, Our Girl


POV Dean:

"Stop pacing Dean," Cas called from the kitchen where he was working on stuff for the restaurant.
"I'm not pacing," I said as I walked from the living room to the kitchen ... again. He looked up at me. I sat down at the bar across from him and sighed. Sam coming always made me anxious. He was a big time lawyer and so was his wife and I didn't go to college and barely finished high school. I didn't own a house until a few years ago, I lived in my car traveling around, and Sammy just had it all. He had money and so much land and perfect children and I compared it. Cas told me time and time again, but I did. I couldn't stop comparing even though I was happy, more then happy. I had been happy to wake up every day even when we were living in my car staying at random motels or campgrounds while we traveled around. I'd wake up most days to find him drawing or painting and it always felt like a dream. Every day felt like a wonderful dream.
"I've got the air mattresses in Clea's room and put sheets on the bed in the guest room," he said without looking up. I nodded.
"I saw when I picked her up from school," I said. "How much longer?" I asked running my hands over my face.
"Should be any minute now," he said and got up to rub my shoulders. "Now stop. He has never thought less of you during any of it."
"I see their car!" Clea called excitedly from the living room. I kissed Cas before going and opening the front door. Sam waved from the car as he opened the door for his children. Jessica was four and Henry was two. He picked his kids up and helped Ruby out of the car. She was due in October.
"Hey Sam," I called as Cas snake his arm around my waist and Clea drove into the back of my legs.
"Move daddy I wanna see Jessica!" she told me.
"Alright, alright I'm moving!" I told her and stepped out offering my arm to Ruby who was waddling up the front walk. Jessica squealed with delight and practically ripped herself from Sam's arms when she saw Clea. To her Clea was the best person in the world, especially compared to her stinky baby brother. Jessica climbed up onto Clea's lap and held out her nails.
"Mama did them," she proclaimed as Clea took her inside. Henry, on the other hand, clung to Sam and buried his face in his shoulder sucking on his thumb.
Sam followed me into the kitchen while Cas showed Ruby the bedroom. Clea was already in her room with Jessica and Henry wasn't letting go of Sam anytime soon.
"I love your house. Every time we come here I love it more," Sam said and I handed him a beer. "Our house is so generic, but this," he gestured to the high ceiling in the kitchen. "I woulda loved to have say in how our house was built." Sam and Ruby lived in the farm housed she had grown up in. They inherited it when her parents moved into a retirement home and her sister Meg didn't want it because she lived in France. Our house had been mostly designed by Cas. I designed the bedrooms though, but everything else was his idea.
"How was driving up here?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Decent. They slept a little and I got to listen to the soundtrack for Wicked seven times but it wasn't that bad and it could have been worse," he said. "Jessica was excited and Henry was reluctant because we didn't give him a nap so he'd sleep in the car. That ended up being more like wishful thinking," he laughed and I smiled. "How have things been here? Clea started school right?"
"Yeah Tuesday and it went better then she had originally hoped which was good. Other then that it's just been the shop and the restaurant."
"Are you going to cook for us?" he asked smiling.
"Don't push your luck Sammy," I laughed as Cas and Ruby joined us in the kitchen. "So do you know what it is?" I asked pointing to her stomach.
"Boy," she said and Sam smiled.
"Jess might run away to come live with you two," Sam laughed.
"Good luck getting her to leave Sam," Cas said and I smiled.
"You can have her. I'm taking Cas home with me. He'll make me all the things I want to eat," Ruby said taking food Cas had made earlier for her after she called asking if he would.
"I make you food all the time," Sam whined and Henry giggled. "What are you giggling about Henry?"
"Sploded," he giggled and Ruby laughed.
"I came down the other day to Sam, Jessica, and the baby covered in cheese. It was on everything even the ceiling and Jess was laughing and laughing as Sam tries to calm Henry down and clean him and everything off. It was a disaster and he tried to blame it on the dogs, but Jessica told me the truth," she told us and I laughed.
"Nice going Sammy," I nudged him receiving a glare making me laugh harder.
"Sounds like when I was teaching Dean," Cas said.
"Yeah I was covered in food and you were covered in paint," I shoot at Cas who smiled.
"I'm surprised he isn't now," Ruby said.
"I showered," he said. I had been the one to drag him in there after I finally got him out of his studio. For three hours I had called him telling him to shower and I get home and he was in his studio covered in red and brown paint.

I handed Sam another beer. We were on the porch, every one tucked safely in bed, Cas wandered off to his studio, and Ruby inside because the night is hot and her feet hurt.
"We've been thinking about ... another," I finally said and Sam raised his eyebrows.
"We're talking about chil-"
"Yes Sam," I interrupted. The last thing I needed was for Clea to overhear. "Her therapist cleared her a year ago. She asks for siblings. We are comfortable. The time is looking right." Sam smiled.
"You should. You know like ... what?"
"Way to make it sound like an alien or something," I complained turning away.
"No, Dean it's a good idea. I just like I don't know."
"No, I get it ... Cas wants to do like donate ... yeah and I don't know. He'd want to do something crazy like have two surrogates and one with each of our ... yeah and I don't know. Three? I can't do that. I could barely well no that's a lie. I just I don't want to be ... overwhelmed," I was rambling. I always rambled when me and Cas talked about children. He thought it was cute, but I found myself obnoxious.
"Dean, Dean shut up I get it. Did you consider just like adoption?"
"Yeah no shit Sam. We discussed that a lot, but we figured bringing in someone like Clea wouldn't be good. She needed a lot of adjustment, and with her we don't want to trigger something or cause distress to another child." I was rambling again.
"So a baby," he said and I nodded. "Boy? Girl?"
"We haven't decided. Until we decide on how we probably won't know and even then. Clea can't make up her mind although she'd love a sister, but then Cas wants a boy. He also wants an army of children though so I don't really think he cares. I mean he's the best with them when they are little. I thought she'd be terrified because he's weird and all, but he's gentle you know?" I cut myself off and Sam nodded. He knew all about when Clea got here and how afraid and confused she was. Then when she went through the days not letting go of me, or the ones when she'd try to get up. We had a lot of hospital visits back then. He was better with the diapers and the throw up and the blood. I'd freak out at the blood. I just wanted to wrap her in bubble wrap. That's when Cas would take over and be all gentle and fatherly and she eventually warmed up to him too.
"You should Dean and I mean my two, three would love more cousins. Especially with the restaurant doing good and all that. You two deserve it," he said and I nodded. Cas deserved it really. I wanted to give him whatever he wanted. He worked so hard for everything.
"We're gonna go to Disney World first," I said. That was our other plan. Special trip for Clea before bringing in a new family member. Sam laughed.
"Please you have to get a picture of him on the water rides. Oh god remember that? Screamed louder then a baby," he laughed and I smiled.
"Yeah, yeah I remember."
"In my car," I said and he raised his eyebrows. "Don't you start too or I'll light that abomination in my driveway on fire."
"No touching my car Dean," Cas warned coming around the corner wiping his hands on a rag covered in paint. I gave him a ton of new ones and he always picked up the dirty ones. There was a hand print of paint on his face. Sam started laughing again.
"Alright I'm going to bed," he said. "Night guys." he disappeared into the house and Cas tucked the rag into his pocket before running paint covered fingers through his hair. I shook my head. "Inside." He gave me a questioning look until we got into the bathroom and I stood him in front of the mirror. He quirked a smile and I rolled my eyes. "That shits expensive and does no good covering you," I murmured turning on the shower. I took off my clothes and made sure he didn't get paint everywhere. Not that it wasn't already, but I was trying harder then he was. I pulled him into the shower and started washing paint off of him again.
"Remember during finals?" he asked and I nodded.
"We'd cram into your freezing tiny shower and you were exhausted and practically asleep in my arms as I cleaned you off," I smiled and he laughed.
"The feeling you brought me when you washed my hair was relaxing."
"Only because you were wound so tight you almost gave yourself ulcers," I shot. He frowned.
"It's still relaxing," he said and let his eyes drift shut.
"Don't fall asleep Cas or I'll leave you in here," I threatened and he smiled but kept his eyes shut.
"Shush you wouldn't," he laughed and I smiled. No, it had always been an empty threat.