You're A Witch, Baby!

Being normal is overrated. Being a witch is way more fun. [Ferard]
  1. One
    Freddy closed the book, looked up, and said, “Okay. So how do we do this?” I looked at Frannie and smiled.
  2. Two
    There was absolutely nothing in my room with me, but my vaguely disturbed and paranoid mind.
  3. Three
    I was trying to have fun, but my mind kept going to other things; scary things.
  4. Four
    We were a few blocks away from the house, when we tuned. I soon found myself in an alley, being pushed up against a wall.
  5. Five
    I couldn’t help but let my mind wander over the though of Gerard coming over right now, and what would happen.
  6. Six
    "I'm not human."
  7. Seven
    “Okay, I believe you. Just answer me this: What is he?”
  8. Eight
    “When will I see you again?” I asked, worried. The last time, it had been two weeks. I really didn’t want it to be that long.
  9. Nine
    Viewer discretion is advised.
  10. Ten
    “Wait... I never invited you in.” I was very confused at this point.
  11. Eleven pt. One
    “I can’t believe I let that happen...” Gerard said, plopping himself down on my bed.
  12. Part Two
    At that moment, something slipped out of my mouth that I hadn’t expected to say. “Bite me.”
  13. Twelve
    “*tsk-tsk-tsk* I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to kill you now,” came a voice from behind us.
  14. Vampires Will Never Hurt You
    “What happens is fifty years when you’re old and grey, and I still look 25?” Gerard said, never looking up from our clasped hands.