You're A Witch, Baby!


I rolled over, pulling the blankets up over my shoulders. Looking at the clock, I knew it would be happening soon, just as it had happened to me, and my older sister, Francis. My baby sister, Freida, would be turning 21 as soon as the clock strikes midnight. As soon as that happened, she would receive a gift that has been passed down through generations. I come from a long line of powerful beings, the first boy to be born in more than a hundred years. My family has always been led by women, so I was different. I was the outcast.

When I was born, everybody was frightened. Nobody expected to have a male born into family. I never knew why I was treated differently, that is, up until I turned 21 myself. I learned of our legacy, and why my birth was such a big shock to everyone. I learned how to use my gift, my mother and grandmother helping me. That is, until they passed away. It’s been a year now. So, it’s up to me and my sister Francis to teach Freida to learn her gift, and our legacy.

I jumped out of bed when I heard a loud crash coming from upstairs. My sister Freida slept in the attic; she was just that kind of girl. She liked the spookiness of the attic, though our whole house was spooky. I jumped up and opened my door to see Frannie, that’s what we call Francis, smiling at me.

“It’s time!” she squealed excitedly. We went up the stairs, hand in hand. I knocked on the door, but there was no response, just another loud bang. Frannie and I had to force the door open, because there was a chair in front of it.

“Freddy?” I called out, looking around the large attic space. Freddy was her nickname that she had since she was a baby. We all had weird names. My name is Franklin, but I go by Frank.

“What the hell is going on?!” Freddy practically screamed. I saw her sitting in the far corner with her hands over her head. Frannie and I moved closer to her, before she yelled ‘stop’.

“Freddy, don’t be scared. You have received a wonderful gift, just as Frank and I have before you. It’s part of who you are.” Frannie soothed. Freddy just looked at the two of us like we were out of our minds. That’s exactly what I though when I first heard that speech.

“Wonderful? I just threw a chair, and my book bag across the room... Without touching them!” Freddy jumped up, looking straight at the floor. She moved slowly over to where her book bag was, and started picking up the scattered papers, books, and pencils.

“Freddy, we need to explain this to you. Please, come with us.” I held out my hand for her to take. She hesitated, but soon she was following Frannie and I down the stairs, through the hallway and down another set of stairs. We lived in an old mansion, which I believe to be haunted although, none of us has ever seen a ghost. Passing though the kitchen, Frannie unlocked the door, and led us down to the dungeon like basement.

“Okay, now will you please tell me what is going on?” Freddy said, sitting on the old Victorian style love seat.

“Do you believe in magic?” Frannie asked.

Freddy busted out laughing, “What? You’re joking right?” We didn’t answer. “You’re serious, aren’t you...?”

“Freddy, we come from a long line of powerful witches, dating all the way back to the first settlers in America. We are the longest surviving family of our kind, and the most powerful. We each have a gift, that has been passed down through generation after generation. You are telekinetic, meaning you can movie objects with a single thought, and Frank can freeze objects. I have the gift of invisibility, and since I have had my powers for so long, they have grown, and I now posses the gift of illusion. That means I can make people see things.” Frannie explained to our wide-eyed sister. She sat there for a few moments, taking it all in.

“This is nuts... Do you really expect me to believe that we are witches, let alone have powers?” Freddy jumped up off the couch and started heading towards the stairs.

“Freddy, wait,” Frannie stopped her. “Watch Frank.” Frannie grabbed a book off of the shelf, and threw it up in the air. With a wave of my hands, the book stopped mid-air, frozen in time. Frannie walked over to it, grabbed the book, and then disappeared.

“What the..?!” Freddy’s hands covered her mouth in pure shock. She stumbled backwards, sitting back down on the couch. Frannie put the book back on the shelf, and reappeared. She sat down next to our shaking sister, taking one of Freddy’s hands in hers.

“I know this is a lot to take in. Both Frank and I felt the exact same way. Before mom and Gam died, they told me and Frank about what would happen when all three of us had our powers. We won’t be safe for long. Beings, very bad beings, will be coming after us. We have to protect ourselves, along with the rest of the world. Fighting these evil creatures is our destiny. Which is why you need to learn how to use your powers so you can protect yourself.”

“How will we defeat these evil things from killing us?” Freddy questioned, looking from me to Frannie.

“Any way we can.” I stated, pulling out a trunk from under neath the staircase. I sat it down in front of my sisters, opening it up. “This will help.” I pulled out a smaller box from the chest, and opened it to reveal our secret weapon. “This is our spell book. Every evil creature our family has ever encountered is in here, along with how to get rid of them. Each generation adds to the book, which explains why it is so big.”

Freddy flipped it open to a few pages in. “Fairies are evil?”

“The book doesn’t only tell of evil beings, but good ones as well, like fairies.” I stood there, looking at my frightened sister. It took me back a few years when I was told the exact same thing by my mother and grandmother. I probably had the biggest freak-out of the three of us. I didn’t believe in this shit, and I didn’t want to believe in it either. It took mom, Gam, and Frannie to calm me down.

Freddy closed the book, looked up, and said, “Okay. So how do we do this?” I looked at Frannie and smiled.
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Let me know what you think!! <3

Cyanide Urgency