You're A Witch, Baby!


“What do you mean vampires are after us now?” Fran asked me as I tried to make a sammich. Gerard had told me not to say anything until he was sure, but I just had to open my big mouth to my big sister. I was useless in the secret keeping department.

“He’s not for sure. It’s just rumors right now, but he thinks it would be a good idea to be prepared.” I just need to put a spell on myself so I would be able to keep a secret.

“Forget rumors, it’s true.” Gerard came in through the kitchen door, his head hung. He sat down at the island next to Fran. I was glad my siblings were finally getting along with Gerard. After I told them he ‘proved’ himself to me, they weren’t as worried.

“So, we’re in the shit...” I mumbled. Gerard looked at me sympathetically. I knew that he thought that it was all his fault, the vampires coming after us, I mean.

“I’m sorry, guys. This is all my...” I cut Gerard off before he could finish the sentence by sticking a piece of bread in his mouth. “Yuck!” he said, spitting it out onto the counter in front of him.

“How many times do I have to tell you? None of this is your fault. They would have come after us anyway. We think that the demons that have been attacking us work for the vampires.”

Gerard shook his head. “Yeah, that would make sense. Vampires always get others to do their dirty work. Saves them from getting caught.”

I looked at Fran, and she shook her head. “Gerard, take me to your leader.”

“Why can’t I go?!” Freddy yelled at Fran and myself. It was about an hour after Gerard told us that the vampires were after us, so we were coming up with a plan.

“You still don’t have control over your powers, and we need someone here to watch over the house.” Frannie told her, trying to calm her down. Freddy never liked being the youngest, and being the one always left out. But she had to understand where we were coming from.

“Okay... But next time, I get to go!”

Soon we were in the car on our way to the outskirts of Jersey. Gerard told us they had an underground hideout where they could go and hide, and it’s also where Taivel lived. He was the leader of the Jersey vampires, and also Gerard’s creator. We believe that he is the one responsible for all the attacks.

“Are you sure about this?” Gerard asked me, looking from the road over to me in the passenger seat. I smiled at him.

“Yes, we’re sure.” I looked back at Frannie, who was nodding her head in agreement. “We need to figure out if we’re right or now. We don’t want to get the wrong guy.”

“Did you find all of the stuff I told you to get?” Gerard asked us. I reached behind my seat and grabbed the bag I brought.

“Yes. Wooden stakes, assorted silver jewelry, chains, throwing stars...” I didn’t have a chance to finish my sentence before Frannie spoke.

“So, all of this stuff about vampires is true? Silver, stakes, garlic...” Fran asked Gerard. He just laughed.

“Some of it, some of it isn’t. Garlic doesn’t do anything, that’s just an old wives tale. We don’t turn into bats. We can see our reflection, and we do have to be invited in.”

“Wait... I never invited you in.” I was very confused at this point.

“Yes you did. You said, ‘Get in here.’ That’s good enough for us.” I just laughed, a little weary. I’m thinking I should be more careful about who I invite into my house. I got lucky with Gerard, though.

“Okay, Eaw. I don’t even wanna know what I just stepped in...” Fran trailed behind me, and I followed Gerard. I had my fingers in his belt loops, trying to keep him with us. He was a really fast walker. I don’t know if that was a Gerard thing, or a vampire thing, or both. All I knew is that it was almost impossible to keep up with him unless I had a hold of him.

“How exactly are you going to find out if they’re doing it, Gerard?” Fran asked when we neared the cave.

“I have a friend on the inside. My brother, actually. His name’s Mikey. He’s been in as long as I have. Been trying to get out almost as long, too. He’s gonna meet us out here, somewhere...” As soon as Gerard finished talking, there was a loud creak coming from the tree above us. I looked up just in time to see a dark figure hop out of the tree.

“Boo!” the tall, skinny figure said. I’m assuming this is Mikey. He stuck out his hand for Fran and I to shake. “I’m Mikey. The younger, and much better looking brother to Gerard. It’s nice to finally meet you Frank.” I gave him a smile and thanked him before Fran introduced herself also.

Mikey proceeded to tell us that the vampires were planning an attack on us, which if they succeeded, would make them leaders of the entire magical community. Also, that it was happening in the next few days. This didn’t give us a lot of time to prepare.

“I have to get back, they’re suspicious of me enough already. I’ll let you know if anything changes, but in the meantime, prepare them,” Mikey said, obviously talking to Gerard. “When the time does come, I’ll try and take down as many as I can. The fewer the numbers, the better chance we have.”
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Sorry for the long wait! *gives Skittles and M&M's*

Cyanide Urgency