You're A Witch, Baby!

Eleven pt. One

“I want you to freeze me,” Gerard said, walking into the living room. A few days had passed since we met up with Mikey, and Gerard had been training all three of us.

“Why?” I asked, very confused.

“I now know how your sister’s powers work on vampires, and I want to know how well you’re freezing power works on us. Now, freeze me.” I just shrugged and stood up. There was no use trying to argue with him; he had a valid point. I had never frozen a vampire before, and it would be nice to know if my powers are a good defense.

As soon as I stood up, Gerard lunged himself at me. I reacted rather quickly and froze him in midair. He looked kind of funny, just hanging there, but at least I know that I can freeze a vampire.

“Cool!” Freddy said, walking in from the kitchen.

“You know what would be even cooler? If you could unfreeze his head,” Fran interjected. I thought about it for a second before trying. Soon, he started blinking and looking around.

“What the… Hey! What did you do?” Gerard moved his head, and I guess he was trying to move the rest of his body too.

“You told me to freeze you, so I did. And I discovered I can unfreeze different parts at the same time.” I smiled. I could feel my ego growing with this new found ability I had.

“I’m happy for you baby, but please unfreeze me. This isn’t very comfortable,” Gerard pleaded with me. I felt sorry for him, so I unfroze him without thinking. He fell to the floor with a thud, and I helped him up.

“I’m so sorry, Gee. I didn’t think that through.” He just laughed and adjusted himself. We started walking to the kitchen before Gerard froze and not by me this time. “What’s wrong?”

“Something’s wrong…” As soon as he spoke, there was a loud knock on the door. Gerard rushed to the door, opening it to reveal Mikey.

“It’s time!” Mikey practically shouted.

“They can’t get in if we don’t invite them, right?” Freddy worried, as she and Fran came in to see what was going on.

“No, but they can.” Mikey pointed behind us. We all turned around in time to see 5 demons pop up. Gerard quickly launched himself at one of them, along with my sisters. I invited Mikey inside, so he could help us.

I watched as Gerard and Mikey ripped heads off. When I was about to go help, one jumped me from behind, causing me to tumble backwards. I hit the wall, and he fell off of me. I froze him before he could get his hands on me again. Not having anything to kill him with, I just went onto the next demon that was currently chasing around the book. I don’t think they’ll ever learn that they can’t touch it.

There was a dagger sticking out of the wall, so I grabbed it and killed the book demon, along with the one I had frozen. “Frank!” I heard Freddy yell. I turned around and saw Gerard lying on the floor with something sticking out of his chest.

I ran over to him, putting his head in my lap. “Take it out,” he mumbled. Before I could object, he spoke again. “Baby, we’ve been through this before, just take it out. I’ll be fine.”
As soon as I took it out, all the fighting around us stopped. The demons stopped popping up, and the remaining disappeared.

“What the hell?” Fran yelled. “It was just getting fun kicking their asses.”

I took off my over shirt, and pressed it to Gerard’s wound. I knew it wouldn’t take long to heal, but he was still bleeding. “Did they give up?” I pondered.

“I don’t know. But I don’t like it…” Mikey said. We all agreed with him. It was very odd for them to just run away out of the blue. They must be planning something.

“I can’t believe I let that happen...” Gerard said, plopping himself down on my bed. He held his chest where he had been run through like it was still hurting him.

“How did it happen?” I asked, sitting down next to him.

He just shook his head. “I was getting cocky. I tend to do that, and I shouldn’t. You’d think after enough time of getting hurt I would learn...” He rubbed his temples, and I knew the effects of being hurt were taking a toll on him. I knew Gerard was hungry, I could see it in his face.

“Do you mind if I take a shower?” He asked me after a few moments of silence. I don’t know why he still asks for stuff. I’ve told him that if he wanted something or needed something, he can just get it or do it.

“Of course, Gee.” He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, and I watched as he left my room. I was getting ready to go back downstairs when something stopped me dead in my tracks. It was that eerie feeling, washing over me once again. I jumped when I heard that all too familiar voice call my name.

Practically running, I made my way to the bathroom. I went inside, bracing myself against the door. Just as quickly as it began, it was gone just like that.

“Frankie?” Gerard opened the door and looked out to see me, scared out of my mind. “What’s wrong?”

“Ever since Freddy gained her powers, I’ve felt this presence. I feel like someone is watching me, and I can hear my name being called. It’s left me alone for these last few months, but now it’s back. What do you think it could be?” Gerard had this weird look on his face, making me nervous.

“Me...” he said softly.

“Me what?”

“That’s me you feel. It’s a power that I have. I’m able to... keep tabs on you; so to speak. I haven’t done it in a while, because I didn’t need to. I don’t know why I did it tonight, it just happened. I’m sorry, Frankie. Especially if I caused you any harm.”

“So... That was you this whole time? You were just checking up on me?” Gerard shook his head, giving me a sorrowful look. “Wow. Now that I know it’s you... I don’t feel as scared.”

“I’m just glad you’re not mad at me.” I just smiled at him. I couldn’t be mad at Gerard. It was impossible. “Why don’t you get in here with me?”
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:D Thank you for your lovely comments!

Cyanide Urgency