You're A Witch, Baby!

Part Two

Soon, I was covered in soap as Gerard scrubbed me down. The feeling of his hands all over me was amazing; turning me on to the point where I almost couldn’t contain myself. I knew he felt the exact same way I did as he was pressed up against my back most of the time.
As I rinsed all the soap off of my body, I could feel Gerard’s eyes on me the whole time. I knew his thoughts were drifting to the same place mine were; wishing he would just take me there and then. Although, with him being as hungry as he was, it probably wasn’t such a good idea. I trusted him completely, even though Gerard didn’t trust himself.

At that moment, something slipped out of my mouth that I hadn’t expected to say. “Bite me.” I looked over my shoulder to see Gerard staring at me, dumbfounded. It was a few more moments before he spoke.

“What?” His voice was soft and full of worry.

“I mean it. You’re going to need your strength for when the vampires come back. Gee, please? For me...” All he could do was look at me. I think he was more shocked than anything. I know I would be if I was in this situation.

He tried protesting, but his argument soon turned into pleading with me to change my mind. I already knew what my decision was, whether he liked it or not.

He slowly moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he moved closer. His nervousness was obvious as he kissed his way from my shoulder to the nape of my neck.

“Are you sure?” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I turned slightly, placing my lips on his. We moved in sync for a moment before I pulled away from him. His eyes grew darker as his hunger deepened, and I could sense he was about to change into his true form.

I braced myself as I awaited the sharp pain that was imminent. Within a second, his sharp teeth were protruding the soft skin of my neck. I grabbed onto the wall with one hand, and the other was digging into Gerard’s arm. The pain was more intense than I imagined. He tried to compensate by pumping me with the hand that I was not holding on to.

Soon the pain turned into a weird kind of pleasure. I wasn’t expecting this, but I wasn’t freaked out by it either. That pleasure was continued when he pushed himself into me. Gerard removed his teeth from my neck and licked my wounds before he started moving. He grabbed onto my hips as I grabbed the handrail.

Every once in awhile, a little trickle of blood would make its way down, but Gerard was right there to lick it up. “You’re blood is so sweet...” he panted into my ear. I just smiled, assuming that it was a compliment.

I stepped out of the shower, my legs feeling very unstable. That was the most incredible experience of my life. There is no way to describe what I was feeling during that time that I was with Gerard in that shower.

Just as Gerard stepped out of the shower, there was a loud crash that came from downstairs. Without missing a beat, Gerard and I threw on our pants and rushed downstairs to see what was going on. Sure enough, more demons had shown up. Gerard threw himself off halfway down the stairs towards a demon that was about to throw a fireball at Freddy. In one swift motion, he took the demons head off with his bare hands. Freddy looked back and silently thanked Gerard.

“Behind you!” Freddy yelled at me. I turned around and froze a demon that was coming down the stairs. Mikey was soon ripping his head off. And just like that, they all disappeared again.

“Okay, seriously? What the fuck is going on here? This is getting ridiculous...” Freddy sat down on the couch, the rest of us following suit.

“Where’s Francis?” I asked after a few minutes of rest. We all looked at each other before getting up and looking for her. Gerard and I went downstairs, but there was no sign of her. Nor the kitchen, bathroom, dining room, or any of the upstairs rooms. I quickly became worried, looking outside for her as well before Gerard dragged me back inside.

“Did you call her cell?” I asked Freddy.

“Yes, there was no answer.” The room was silent for a moment. “You don’t think... They couldn’t have taken her, could they?”

“Boo!” From behind us, stood a lone demon. Gerard was about ready to pounce when the demon held up his hand. “I’m not here to fight. I’m here to deliver a message. Yes, we have your sister. You won’t get her back, alive, unless you hand over the book to Tiberus.” No sooner did he finish speaking, he was gone in a puff of smoke.

“Who the hell is Tiberus?” Freddy practically screamed.

“He’s our creator,” Gerard answered quietly. I looked to him, and noticed that he and Mikey had locked eyes.

“This isn’t good, is it?” I asked, putting my hand on Gerard’s arm. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes and shook his head. “Well, we have to come up with something. We’re not giving him the book, and we’re definitely not letting Frannie die.”

“I have an idea,” Mikey interjected.

Soon Freddy and I were in the car driving to the vampires lair. As I looked out the window, I could see Gee and Mikey running in and out of the trees on either side of the road. I’ve never seen them run like that before. I didn’t even know they could do that. I guess there was still a lot about Gerard that I didn’t know.

“Do you really think we’re going to get her back?” Freddy asked, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

“I’m not gonna lie when I say this, but I honestly don’t know. We don’t know what kind of power we’re up against here. Gerard and Mikey might not be enough...” The car was silent the rest of the way there. My hands clasped tightly around the bag of potions that we brought to try and fight of the vampires. Hopefully the vanquishing potion we brought for Tiberus was strong enough to kill him.
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Sorry for my hiatus. Hope this makes up for it! I love you!

Cyanide Urgency